Unseen Passage for Class 7
Unseen Passage for Class 7 | Reading Comprehension PDF Class 7
(d) building materials.
Q2: Garbage can create havoc to the mankind by
(a) spreading foul smell
(b) slowing our vehicles on the road
(c) spreading several diseases
(d) all the above.
Q3: What happens to the disposed material at the recycling centre?
(a) It is thrown away
(b) It is recycled for reuse
(c) It is sold to the rag pickers
(d) It is dumped into the ground.
Q4: Fallen leaves from trees are useful because they
(a) solve the problem of fuel wood in village households
(b) enrich water quality
(c) enrich soil fertility
(d) beautify landscape.
Q5: Which of these is correct with reference to a composite pit?
(a) The refuge is placed with layers of soil with an occasional sprinkling of water
(b) It contributes to the manufacture of useful fertilizer
(c) It prevents pollution
(d) All the above.
1. —a 2. —c 3. —b 4. —c 5. —d
Unseen Passage for Class 7 | Passage – 3
Patriotism is an old concept, as old perhaps as the earliest of humans civilizations. But all through the history of mankind, it has been narrowly understood. Today people have begun to realise that patriotism is an essential part of human instinct.
Patriotism has its negative sides particularly when it exceeds its proper bounds. People who think their own country to be the best and are blind to its weaknesses are not patriots at all.
We are the members of a large human family and so cannot neglect our duties and responsibilities towards it. Our love for the country should be conditioned by respect for the whole community. Narrow prejudice can do nothing except to bring misfortune. In trying to overlook others’ interest in the modern world, we harm our own.
Patriotism should be tempered with reason so that it may not be an evil.
Unseen Passage with questions and answers class 7 passage 3:
Q1: Today what is the belief of people regarding patriotism?
(a) It is narrowly understood (b) It is not needed
(c) It is a part of human instinct (d) None of the above.
Q2: Which type of the people can be categorised as patriots?
(a) Those who think others’ country greater than their own
(b) Those who think their own country to be the best inspite of its weaknesses
(c) Those who keep a neutral attitude towards their country
(d) Those whose love for the country is conditioned by respect for the entire community.
Q3: Narrow prejudices always bring
(a) misfortune (b) good opportunity
(c) good luck (d) huge amount of money.
Q4: Patriotism is an evil when it is
(a) tempered with reason (b) not tempered with reason
(c) beyond narrow feelings (d) None of the above.
Q5: The word in the passage means opposite to positive
(a) Proper (b) Narrow (c) Negative (d) Reason.
1.— c 2. —d 3. —a 4. —b
Unseen Passage for Class 7 | Passage – 4
What causes the monsoon? The monsoon, which is essentially the seasonal reversal in wind direction, causes most of the rainfall received in India and some other parts of the world. The primary cause of monsoons is the difference between annual temperature trends over land and sea. The apparent position of the Sun with reference to the Earth oscillates from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. Thus the low pressure region created by solar heating also changes latitude. The northeast and southeast trade winds converge in this low pressure zone, which is also known as the Inter tropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ. This low pressure region sees continuous rise of moist wind from the sea surface to the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the cooling means the air can no longer hold so much moisture resulting in precipitation. The rainy seasons of East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and the southern part of North America coincide with the shift of ITCZ towards these regions.
Unseen Passage with questions and answers class 7 passage 4:
Q1: Monsoon is
(a) A type of sea wave
(b) a seasonal reversal in wind direction
(c) very hot wind
(d) very cold wind
Q2: What is the full form of ITCZ?
(a) Intertrance Convergence Zone
(b) Intertropical Convergence Zone
(c) Intertropical Capricorn Zone
(d) Intertropical Conveyance Zone
Q3: The major cause of monsoon is the
(a) difference between annual temperature trends over land and sea
(b) difference between day and night temperature
(c) moisture in the atmosphere
(d) None of these.
Q4: Low Pressure region is created by
(a) solar heating (b) lunar cooling (c) moist wind (d) dry wind.
Q5: It rains when
(a) moist wind goes down
(b) dry wind meets moist wind
(c) the air can no longer hold moisture resulting in precipitation
(d) annual temperature goes down.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 | Passage – 5
Dry fruits are useful in various diseases of the brain, muscles and tissues. Particularly almond has got unique properties to remove brain weakness and strengthen it.
Almond preserves the vitality of the brain, strengthens the muscles, destroys diseases originating from nervous and bilious disorders.
Walnut is another dry fruit that possesses wonderful qualities of curing brain weakness. According to Dr. Johnson, almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples* and oranges are rich-in phosphoric element and should normally be used by brain workers. Phosphorus nourishes the vital tissues of the body. It keeps the mind full of enthusiasm for more work.
Unseen Passage with questions and answers class 7 passage 5:
Q1: Dry fruits are useful because they
(a) strengthen our heart
(b) cure various diseases of the brain, muscles and tissues
(c) give confidence to us
(d) empower us to do challenging tasks.
Q2: Which one is not a property of almond?
(a) It preserves the vitality of the brain
(b) It strengthens the muscles
(c) It destroys diseases originating from nervous and bilious disorders
(d) It strengthens our digestive system.
Q3: Phosphoric element is profusely found in
(a) almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples and oranges
(b) almonds, figs, papayas, guavas and pineapples
(c) all the green vegetables
(d) seasonal fruits.
Q4: Brain workers should take fruits rich in phosphoric elements because
(a) they remove brain weakness
(b) they nourish the vital tissues of the body
(c) they keep the mind full of enthusiasm
(d) all the above.
Q5: The word unique means the same as
(a) ordinary (b) highly qualified (c) unusual (d) enlightened.