To Measure Thickness of a Given Sheet Using Screw Gauge
Physics Lab Manual
NCERT Solutions
Class 11 Physics Sample Papers
To measure thickness of a given sheet using screw gauge.
Screw gauge, sheet (it must be rigid) or a notebook and magnifying lens.
Same as in Experiment 2A.
Steps 1 to 6 are same as in Experiment 2A.
7. Repeat steps 4,5,6 for 5 different positions spread equally though out the surface of the sheet. Record observation in tabular form.
8. Find total reading and apply zero correction in each case.
9. Take mean of different values of thickness.
1. Determination of least count of the screw gauge.
Same as in Experiment 2A.
2. Zero Error.
Same as in Experiment 2A.
3. Table for the thickness (t)
1. Find value of t for each observation and write the observed value t0 in column (4a).
2. Write corrected value of t in column (4b).
3. Find mean of values of t recorded in column (4b).
The thickness of the given sheet is…….. mm.
Same as in Experiment 2A.
Sources of error
Same as in Experiment 2A.