Rational Expressions Division is the same as the division of Fractions. While dividing a Fraction you will just flip and multiply. Simply change the dividing by a fraction to multiplying by that fraction’s reciprocal. Get to know the Rational Expressions Involving Division Step by Step Procedure. We even jotted a few examples on Rational Numbers Division explaining everything in detail.
Procedure for Dividing Rational Expressions
The Rational Expressions Division is similar to Fractions Division. The step by step procedure is listed as under
- You just need to flip and multiply just like Fractions during the division operation.
- Later to simplify the multiplication factor the numerators and denominators.
- Later check for any duplicate factors and cancel out them.
Solved Examples on Dividing Rational Expressions
1. Divide 3/7 by 9/45?
= 3/7 ÷ 9/45
= 3/7*45/9
= 3*45/7*9
= 135/63
2. Simplify 3x 4 /4÷9x/2?
= 3x 4 /4÷9x/2
= (3x 4 /4)*(2/9x)
= (3.x.x 3 /4)*(2/9x)
Canceling out the common term x we get the Rational Expression as follows
= (3x 3 /4)*(2/9)
= (3x
= 6x
= x
3. Divide and Simplify the Result (x+4)/(x 2 -16)÷(x-1)/(x 2 -4x+3)?
Given Rational Expression = (x+4)/(x 2 -16)÷(x-1)/(x 2 -4x+3)
((x+4)/(x 2 -16))*((x 2 -4x+3)/(x-1))
Factoring out the numerators and denominators we have
= (x+4)/(x+4)(x-4)*(x-3)(x-1)/(x-1)
Canceling out the duplicate factors we get
= 1/(x-4)*(x-3)/1
= 1*(x-3)/(x-4)*1
= (x-3)/(x-4)