Popular Struggles and Movement CBSE Class 10 Democratic Policies Extra Questions
According to new CBSE Exam Pattern, MCQ Questions For Class 10 Social Science with Answers Carries 20 Marks.
What led to the Movement for Democracy in Nepal in the year 200
In Nepal the real power was exercised by the popularly elected representatives and the King was only the head of the state. King Birendra, accepted this transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy, but in 2001, he was killed in a mysterious massacre of the royal family.
The new king of Nepal, King Gyanendra, who was not prepared to accept democratic rule, took advantage of the weakness and unpopularity of the democratically elected government and in February 2005, he dismissed the then Prime Minister and dissolved the popularly elected Parliament.
Nepal, witnessed a popular movement in April 2006. The aim of the movement of April 2006 was the regaining of popular control over the government from the King.
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What are Sectional Interest Groups and Public Interest Groups?
Interests of a particular section or group of society are promoted by the sectional interest groups . They are trade unions, business associations and professional bodies like lawyers, doctors and teachers. Since they represent a section of society, they are sectional. The betterment and well being of their members is their principle concern and they do not aim at the betterment of the society in general.
Promotional groups or public interest groups aim to help groups other than their own members. Members of a public interest group undertake activities that benefit them as well as others. Since its principle concern is with social justice and social equality for the entire society, it addresses the problems of its members who suffer discrimination.
Write a brief note on Movement Groups and give an example.
The groups involved with movements include a very wide variety. Most of the movements of such groups are issue- specific movements that seek to achieve a single objective within a limited time frame. Others are more general or generic movements that seek to achieve a broad goal in the very long term.
Narmada Bachao Andolan in India is a good example of this kind of movement. The specific issue of this movement was the displacement of the people by the creation of Sardar Sarovar dam on the Narmada River. Its objective was to stop the dam from being constructed. It gradually became a wider movement that Questioned all such big dams and the model of development that required such dams. Though these movements tend to have a clear leadership and some organization, their active life is usually short.
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