Learning how to convert a percentage to decimals is a quick skill that you might need to make your estimations easy. You can get the entire procedure on expressing Percentages as Decimal in the later sections. Get to know the Step by Step Procedure for converting percentages to decimals along with solved examples. Make your calculations quite easy by knowing about Percentage to Decimal Conversion and how they are related.
How to Convert a Percent to Decimal?
Below are the simple and easy guidelines for converting percentages to decimal. They are in the following fashion
- Firstly, obtain the percent that needs to be converted to decimal.
- Remove the percentage sign and simply divide with 100.
- Express the fraction in decimal value and that is the required decimal value.
Another shortcut way to convert percent to decimal is just that you need to move the decimal two places to the left.
Solved Examples on Percent to Decimal Conversion
1. Express 25% as a decimal?
Given Percentage is 25%
Remove the % sign and divide with 100 i.e. 25/100
Express the fraction in terms of a decimal i.e. 25/100 = 0.25
Therefore, 25% converted to a decimal is 0.25
2. Convert 7.5% to decimal?
Given Percentage Value = 7.5%
Remove the % sign and divide with 100.
Express the resultant fraction in terms of a decimal value i.e. 0.075
Therefore, 7.5% in decimal value is 0.075.
3. Convert 230% to Decimal?
Short cut way to change the percentage to decimal is to move the decimal two places left
230. → 23.0 → 2.30
Therefore, 230% expressed in decimal value is 2.30
4. Convert 84% to decimal?
Given Percentage = 84%
Short cut way to change the percentage to decimal is to move the decimal two places left
84.0 → 8.40 → 0.84
Therefore, 84% in decimal is 0.84