NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 8 Rain are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English . Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 8 Rain.
Board | CBSE |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 2 |
Subject | English |
Chapter | Chapter 8 |
Chapter Name | Rain |
Number of Questions | 19 |
Category | NCERT Solutions |
NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 8 Rain
Summary In English
This poem is all about a rainy day. The rain is falling everywhere. It is falling on fields and trees. It is falling on the umbrellas and also falling on the ships sailing in the sea.
Summary In Hindi
यह कविता बारिश के एक दिन के बारे में है। सभी जगहों पर बारिश हो रही है। बारिश खेतों तथा पेड़-पौधों पर हो रही है। बारिश छतरियों पर भी हो रही है। बारिश समुद्री जहाज़ों पर भी हो रही है।
Hindi Translation Of The Poem
The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrellas here
And on the ships at sea.
बारिश चारों तरफ हो रही है,
बारिश खेतों और पेड़ों पर हो रही है।
इधर बारिश छतरी पर हो रही है।
उधर समुद्री जहाज़ों पर बारिश हो रही है।
Word-Meanings : All around ( ऑल अराउंड ) -everywhere, हर तरफ। Field ( फ़ील्ड ) -a piece of land used for farming खेत। Umbrella ( अंब्रेला ) -a portable circular canopy to protect from rain छतरी। Ship ( शिप ) -a large sized boat जहाज़।
NCERT Textbook Questions
Reading is Fun
Question 1.
Where does the rain fall?
बारिश कहाँ हो रही है?
The rain falls everywhere. It falls on trees, fields, umbrellas and ships.
Question 2.
What do people use when it rains?
जब बारिश होती है तो लोग क्या प्रयोग करते
People use umbrellas when it rains.
Let’s Talk
Question 1.
What do you do on a rainy day?
बारिश के दिन में तुम क्या करते हो?
I enjoy playing in rain. I make a paper boat and sail it into the water.
Question 2.
How do you keep yourself dry in the rain?
बारिश में स्वयं को सूखा रखने के लिए तुम क्या करते हो?
I use umbrella to keep myself dry in the rain.
Question 3.
Do you like to play in water?
क्या तुम्हें पानी में खेलना पसंद है?
Yes, I like to play in water.
Question 4.
Say what things live in water.
पानी में रहने वाले जीव-जतुओं के नाम बताओ।
Fishes, frogs, ducks, etc. live in the water.
Let’s Listen
Question 1.
Have you heard the sound of rainfall?
क्या तुमने वर्षा की आवाज सुनी है?
Yes, I have heard the sound of rainfall.
Question 2.
What sound does the rain make on umbrellas?
छतरी पर गिरती बारिश कौन-सी आवाज़ करती है?
The rain makes a sound of tip-tip; tip-tip on umbrellas.
Question 3.
What sound does the rain make on the leaves of the trees?
पेड़ों की पत्तियों पर गिरती बारिश कौन-सी आवाज़ करती है?
The rain makes a sound of tip-tip; tup-tup on the leaves.
Question 4.
What sound does the rain make on your window? Make these sounds yourself.
तुम्हारे घर की खिड़की पर पड़ती बारिश कौन-सी आवाज़ उत्पन्न करती हैं? इन आवाजों को स्वयं उत्पन्न करो।
The sound that rain produces on the window is ‘thup-thup’.
Counting Clouds
Question 1.
Complete the story:
कहानी को पूरा करो:
As one little white cloud floated in the sky one day
Another little cloud called out, “Come, let us play!”
As Two little clouds danced in the sky so blue,
Another little cloud asked, ‘Can I join you?
As Three little clouds held hands in the sky,
The wind blew another little cloud very close by.
As Four little clouds decided what to do
Another little cloud joined them very quietly tool!
[Santhini Govindan]
Question 2.
Now write what the Fifth and the Sixth clouds did?
अब लिखो कि पाँचवे एवं छठे बादलों ने क्या किया?
As Five little clouds come together closely.
Another little cloud came rapidly.
As Six little clouds floated jointly.
Are they all started raining heavily.
Word Fun
Question 1.
Fill in the letters to complete the crossword puzzle. Use the pictures as clues.
नीचे दी गई वर्ग पहेली को अक्षरों से पूरा करो। संकेत के तौर पर चित्रों का सहारा लो।
Let’s Share
Question 1.
What would you call these pictures in your language?
तुम अपनी भाषा में इन चित्रों को क्या पुकारोगे?
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
Now label the pictures in English.
अब इन चित्रों के नाम अंग्रेजी में लिखो।
Riddle Time
Question 1.
What am I ?
I go up and down a lot,
Whether it is cold or hot.
Sometimes I am on the ground,
Other times I am in the clouds.
My name rhymes with daughter,
I am your friend named
Fish Tank
Question 1.
Look at this fish tank. Write three sentences on what you see. Draw some more creatures in this tank.
मछलियों के टैंक को देखो। जो तुमने देखा, उस पर तीन वाक्य लिखो। टैंक में कुछ और जीवों को दर्शाओ।
I see some fishes moving in the water.
I see some small pebbles at the bottom.
I see some plans at the bottom.
Let’s Sing
Question 1.
Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree
And rain on the
But not upon me.
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
The words away, day, play are rhyming words. Now colour the words that rhyme with
Do it yourself.
Colour the words like-pin, spin, tin fin in red. Colour the words like-brown, frown, clown, crown, gown and drown-in yellow. Colour the words like-dot, spot, pot, hot, cot-in blue.]
Let’s Write
Question 1.
Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks from the words in the box.
नीचे दिए गए चित्रों को देखो तथा बॉक्स में दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों को भरो।
river pond sea lake
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