NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 17 The Tiger and the Mosquito are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English . Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 17 The Tiger and the Mosquito.
Board | CBSE |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 1 |
Subject | English |
Chapter | Chapter 17 |
Chapter Name | The Tiger and the Mosquito |
Number of Questions | 11 |
Category | NCERT Solutions |
NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 17 The Tiger and the Mosquito
Summary In English
This is a story of a tiger and a mosquito. Once the tiger was relaxing. A mosquito came buzzing near to him. The tiger became frustrated and said mosquito to go away. But mosquito kept buzzing around him and disturbed the tiger. Tiger attacked the mosquito with his paw. But paw strucked its own cheek. The same thing happened again. The tiger was helplessly walked away. Mosquito gave a lesson to the tiger that never to be proud because everyone has its own qualities.
Summary In Hindi
यह कहानी एक बाघ तथा एक मच्छर की है। एक बार जब एक बाघ आराम कर रहा था तो एक मच्छर भिनभिनाते हुए उसके पास आया। बाघ खीझ उठा और उसने मच्छर को वहाँ से चले जाने को कहा। किंतु मच्छर बाघ के निकट मँडराता रहा और उसे परेशान करता रहा। बाघ ने अपने पंजे से मच्छर पर प्रहार किया। किंतु पंजे की मार उसके अपने ही गाल पर पड़ गई। वही घटना दुबारा भी हुई। बाघ असहाय होकर वहाँ से चला गया। मच्छर ने बाघ को यह सीख दी कि किसी को भी घमंड नहीं करना चाहिए क्योंकि हर किसी में विशिष्ट गुण होते हैं।
Hindi Translation Of The Story
Word-Meanings: Dozing (डोजिंग) – sleeping lightly for short time, ऊँघ रहा। Mosquito (मस्कीटो)-an insect, मच्छर। Buzzing (बजिंग)-sound of flying insect, भिन भिनाते हुए Angry (ऐंग्रि)-irritated, गुस्सा होना। Paw (पॉ ) – a padded foot of an animal with long curved nails, पंजा।
2. The mosquito flew off. The paw struck his own cheek. The blow scraped his cheek. It began to bleed. The mosquito buzzed away. The tiger struck with his other paw. The mosquito flew off. This time, too, he hit himself.
The tiger was helpless. The mosquito continued to buzz.
The tiger got up and quietly walked away. The mosquito called out after him, “Don’t be so proud, my friend. Everyone is great on his own way!”
मच्छर उड़ गया। बाघ का पंजा उसके अपने ही गाल पर पड़ा। इससे उसका गाल छिल गया तथा उससे खून निकलने लगा। मच्छर भिनभिनाता हुआ उड़ गया। बाघ ने अपने दूसरे पंजे का प्रयोग किया। मच्छर उड़ गया। इस बार भी उसे स्वयं को ही तमाचा मारा।
बाघ असहाय-सा हो गया। मच्छर ने अपनी भिनभिनाहट जारी रखी।
बाघ उठा और धीरे-धीरे वहाँ से चला गया। मच्छरने जाते हुए बाघ के पीछे से कहा-”न्यादा घमंड मत करो दोस्त। हर व्यक्ति अपने विशिष्ट गु के कारण बड़ा होता है।”
Word-Meanings: Flew (फ़्लू) – moved through the air, उड़ गया। Blow (ब्लो )-an attack, प्रहार। Scraped (स्क्रेप्ड)-removed skin with nails, छिल गया। Struck (स्ट्रक) – hit, मारा। Helpless (हेल्पलेस) – a stage where one can do nothing, असहाय। Quietly ( क्वाइटलि)without making any noise, धीरे से। Walked (वाक्ड) – went away, चला गया। Proud (प्राउड)feeling of pride, घमंड। Great (ग्रेट)-having good qualities, महान।
NCERT Textbook Questions
Let’s Read
I must not hit anyone.
I am proud to be an Indian.
Reading is Fun
Question 1
What was the tiger doing when the mosquito came buzzing by?
जब मच्छर भिनभिनाता हुआ आया तो बाघ क्या कर रहा था?
The tiger was relaxing when the mosquito came buzzing by.
Question 2
Why did the tiger’s cheek start to bleed?
बाघ के गाल से खून क्यों निकलने लगा?
His cheek started to bleed because he got hit by his own paw while trying to attack on the mosquito.
Question 3
Why did the tiger walk away?
बाघ क्यों चला गया?
The tiger walked away because he felt helpless at last.
Say aloud
Do it yourself.
Let’s Talk
Question 1
Why did the mosquito say, “I am not afraid of you!”?
मच्छर ने यह क्यों कहा कि ”मैं तुमसे नहीं डरता हूँ?
The mosquito said it because the tiger was showing his anger and he believed that everyone should get afraid of him.
Let’s Share
Question 1
What do we learn from this story?
इस कहानी से हमें क्या शिक्षा मिलती है?
We learn that everyone has its own quality. We should never underestimate others.
Question 2
Describe the lion and the tiger. How are they different from each other?
शेर और बाघ का वर्णन करो। वे एक दूसरे से किस प्रकार से भिन्न हैं?
The following are few of the differences between the lion and the tiger:
- The lion is a large brown coloured cat whereas the tiger is a large yellow coloured cat.
- Often the lion has long and thick hair. On the other hand, the tiger has black stripes on its yellow body.
- The lion is a very lazy animal whereas the tiger is a very active one.
- The lion cannot climb a tree but the tiger can easily climb on the tree.
Let’s Write
Fill in the blanks by tracing the dotted words:
बिंदुओं को मिलाते हुए खाली जगह को भरोः
Let’s read and write
Let’s Do
Look at the pictures below
नीचे दिए गए चित्रों को देखो।
Question 1
What are the cat and mouse saying?
बिल्ली और चूहा क्या कह रहे हैं?
OK, so why are you trying to escape? Now nobody can save you. I will eat you now.
Oh, my God! What can I do now. I should jump on the table.
Oh great, I can use this magnifying glass to make her fool.
Oh, my God! What is this Creature? Let’s run and save my life.
Question 2
First say this in your own language.
पहले इसे अपने शब्दों में कहा।
Do it yourself.
Question 3
Now act out the story and say the words and sentences in English.
अब इस कहानी का अभिनय करते हुए इसके शब्दों तथा वाक्यों को अंग्रेजी में बोलो।
Do it yourself.