Click here to access the best NCERT Solutions Class 3 English Santoor Unit 4 The Sky Chapter 12 Chandrayaan textbook exercise questions and answers.
Chandrayaan NCERT Class 3rd English Santoor Chapter 12 Questions and Answers
Chandrayaan Class 3 Question Answer
Let us think (Page 122)
A. Answer the following.
Question 1.
Rani was very curious. How do you know?
Rani was frequently asking many questions because she was curious.
Question 2.
What did Pratik say in excitement?
Pratik said that India has landed on the Moon.
Question 3.
Who was Nandini Aunty?
Nandini Aunty was a scientist and mother of Pratik’s friend Vivaan.
Question 4.
What do the words Chandra and Yaan mean?
Chandra means the moon and yaan means vehicle.
Question 5.
Complete the sentence:
Chandrayaan-3 landed on the Moon on ____________
Chandrayaan-3 landed on the Moon on
14 July 2023.
B. Think and say.
Imagine you are invited by the scientists to spend 10 days on the moon. Make a list of items that you would like to take with you.
- Binoculars
- Camera
- Water
- Food
- Medicine
- Spacesuit
- Joystick
- Drawing book
- Ball
- Umbrella
Let us speak (Page 123)
Question 1.
Chandrayaan travelled the distance between the Earth and the Moon. You may ask elders at home about their experiences of travelling to places that are far from home.
Discuss with the teacher and give answers.
Question 2.
Have you ever travelled to far-off places yourselves? If yes, share your experience with others.
Discuss with the teacher and give answers.
Let us learn (Page 123)
Read the following lines.
There was
girl named Rani who lived in a village.
hanky for
Notice that we used
before girl, village, and hanky, and
before an elephant.
We use
before singular nouns that begin with consonants.
is used before singular nouns that begin with vowel sounds
(a, e, i, o, u)
A. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’.
Question 1.
_________ dog is barking at the postman.
dog is barking at the postman.
Question 2.
My mother gives chapattis to _________ cow every day.
My mother gives chapattis to
cow every day.
Question 3.
In summer, _________ sparrow builds its nest on the mango tree near our house.
In summer,
sparrow builds its nest on the mango tree near our house.
B. Fill in the blanks using ‘an’.
Question 1.
I saw _________ eagle yesterday.
I saw
eagle yesterday.
Question 2.
Maya bought _________ umbrella for the monsoon.
Maya bought
umbrella for the monsoon.
Question 3.
_________ ice-cream man brings his cart in the evenings.
ice cream man brings his cart in the evenings.
C. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’ or ‘an’.
Question 1.
_________ brown hen laid _________ egg.
brown hen laid
Question 2.
_________ eagle sat on _________ building.
eagle sat on
Question 3.
Mary ate _________ apricot, _________ chikoo, and _________ orange.
Mary ate
chikoo, and
Let us write (Page 125)
A. Fill in the blanks by forming words using ‘sk’, ‘sw’, ‘sp’, and ‘st’.
Question 1.
There are swings in the park.
There are swings in the park.
Question 2.
The children throw _______ones in the river.
The children throw
in the river.
Question 3.
I need a _______oon and a bowl for soup.
I need a
and a bowl of soup.
Question 4.
Have you heard the _______ory of the boy who cried wolf?
Have you heard the
of the boy who cried wolf?
Question 5.
The blue _______irt matched with the pink shirt.
The blue
matched with the pink shirt.
B. Describing the Moon.
Draw a picture of the Moon. With the help of your teacher, write a few lines about the Moon.
The Moon is Earth’s closest buddy in space, and it goes around our planet. It looks like a big, round rock and has lots of craters. At night, it can be bright and change shape.
Fun with Words (Page 126)
A. Read these sentences aloud with your teacher.
There are seven days in a week.
Sunday is the
day of the week.
Monday is the
day of the week.
Tuesday is the
day of the week.
Wednesday is the
day of the week.
Thursday is the
day of the week.
Friday is the
day of the week.
Saturday is the
day of the week.
Do yourself.
B. Look at the words given below. Read them aloud. Find their position in a week using the text given above. One has been done for you.
- Sunday – first
- Monday – second
- Tuesday – third
- Wednesday – fourth
- Thursday – fifth
- Friday – sixth
- Saturday – seventh
Let us do (Page 127)
A. Divide yourselves into small groups. Each group shall collect newspaper or magazine clippings related to the Chandrayaan-3 mission. Paste it on a chart paper and display it in your class.
Do it in the class with the help of a teacher.
Let us explore (Page 127)
A. Do you know a song or a story about the moon in your mother tongue? If not, ask your family members and share it in the class.
Moon up high, so round and bright,
You’re my lantern in the night.
We play peek-a-boo with the clouds, softly whispering, never loud.
Self Assessment
Question 1.
I can recite the poems
in a group.
in pairs.
by repeating after my teacher.
by myself.
I can recite the poems
in a group.
in pairs.
by repeating after my teacher.
by myself.
Question 2.
I can read the stories
by myself.
with my classmates.
with the help of my teacher.
I can read the stories
by myself.
with my classmates.
with the help of my teacher.
Question 3.
I can write
by copying from the book or the board.
as my teacher speaks.
with the help of my classmates.
by myself.
I can write
by copying from the book or the board.
as my teacher speaks.
with the help of my classmates.
by myself.
Question 4.
I can tell the stories that I have read or listened
to by myself (without any help).
with the help of the teacher.
by using the book.
I can tell the stories that I have read or listened
to by myself (without any help).
with the help of the teacher.
by using the book.
Question 5.
I was able to do
all the exercise questions.
most of the exercise questions.
a few exercise questions.
I was able to do
all the exercise questions.
most of the exercise questions.
a few exercise questions.
Chandrayaan Class 3 Summary in English and Hindi
Chandrayaan Class 3 Summary in English
Rani was a curious girl from a village, who constantly asked questions about the world. around her. One evening, she asked her mother how far the Moon was after hearing a lullaby. The next morning, her brother Pratik excitedly told her that India had landed on the Moon, which he had seen on TV. Curious about the Moon. Landing Rani and Pratik visited their friend Vivaan’s house, where his mother, Aunt Nandini, a scientist explained the Chandrayaan mission. She told them that a rocket was used to reach the Moon and that “Chandrayaan” means “Moon Vehicle”. Rani expressed her dream of going to the Moon one day, to which Aunt Nandini replied that it might be possible.
Chandrayaan Class 3 Summary in Hindi
एक गाँव की लड़की रानी जो बहुत जिज्ञासु थी यह जानने के लिए कि उसके आस-पास जो हो रहा है कैसे और क्यों हो रहा है। एक शाम उसकी माँ एक लोरी सुना रही थी तब रानी ने पूछा “माँ ये चंदा हमसे कितनी दूर है।” अगली सुबह उसके भाई प्रतीक ने उसको बताया जो तुम टेलीविज़न पर चंद्रयान की तस्वीरें देख रही थी। हमारा यान चंद्रमा पर पहुँच गया है। जिज्ञासा में रानी और उसका भाई प्रतीक अपने दोस्त विवान के घर पहुँचे। विवान की माताजी एक वैज्ञानिक हैं वो उनको बताती हैं कि चंद्रयान मिशन क्या होता है। वह उन बच्चों को बताती हैं कि एक रॉकेट जिसको चाँद पर जाने वाला यान कहा जाता है उसको चंद्रयान कहते हैं। रानी अपने विचार व्यक्त करती है। कि मुझे भी चंद्रमा पर जाना है। तभी नंदिनी कहती है एक दिन तुम जरूर जाओगी।
Chandrayaan Class 3 Word Meanings
Pages 109 – 111
- Curious – wanting to know – जिज्ञासु
- Excitement – a feeling full of joy – उत्तेजना
- Machines – a piece of equipment with moving parts – यंत्र
- Confused – not able to think clearly – परेशान / व्याकुल
- Scientist – a person who studies science – वैज्ञानिक
- Rocket – space vehicle – प्रक्षेपास्त्र
Chandrayaan Class 3 Hindi Translation
1. There was a girl named Rani who lived in a village. She was very curious and used to ask many questions to her family, teachers, and friends.
“Why is the sky blue?”
“Where does the Sun go at night?”
अनुवाद – एक गाँव में रानी नाम की एक लड़की रहती थी। वह बहुत जिज्ञासु थी और अपने परिवार, शिक्षकों और दोस्तों से कई प्रश्न पूछती थी।
“आकाश नीला क्यों है?”
“सूरज रात में कहाँ जाता है?”
2. One evening, Rani heard her mother singing, “Chanda mama door ke …..” Hearing this, Rani asked her mother, “ Amma, how far is the Moon?” Amma said, “ Rani, the Moon is very far in the sky”.
Rani kept on thinking about the moon and fell asleep.
अनुवाद – एक शाम, रानी ने अपनी माँ को गाते हुए सुना, “चंदा मामा दूर के…” यह सुनकर रानी ने अपनी माँ से पूछा, “अम्मा, चाँद कितनी दूर है?” अम्मा ने कहा, “रानी, चाँद बहुत दूर आसमान में है।”
रानी चाँद के बारे में सोचती है और सो जाती है।
3. The next morning Rani woke up hearing the loud voice of her elder brother, Pratik. He was pointing to the TV and shouting in excitement, “Look Rani, India is on the Moon!”
अनुवाद – अगली सुबह रानी अपने बड़े भाई प्रतीक की तेज़ आवाज़ सुनकर उठी। वह टी.वी. की ओर इशारा करके उत्साह से चिल्ला रहा था, “देखो रानी, भारत चंद्रमा पर है”।
4. Rani looked at the TV. She could see photos of some machines on the Moon. She heard a few people talking about the landing on the Moon. She was confused and asked Pratik, “How did Chandrayaan reach the Moon?”
अनुवाद – रानी ने टी.वी. की तरफ देखा। वह चंद्रमा पर कुछ मशीनों की तस्वीरें देख रही थी। उसने कुछ लोगों को चंद्रमा पर उतरने के बारे में बात करते हुए सुना। वह भ्रमित हो गई और उसने प्रतीक से पूछा, “चंद्रयान चंद्रमा तक कैसे पहुँचा?”
5. Pratik replied that his friend Vivaan’s mother, Aunt Nandini, is a scientist. “Shall we go and talk to her?” asked Pratik. Rani happily agreed. Both Rani and Pratik decided to visit Vivaan’s house.
अनुवाद – प्रतीक ने उत्तर दिया कि उसके दोस्त विवान की माँ, आंटी नंदिनी, एक वैज्ञानिक हैं। “क्या हम जाकर उससे बात करें?” प्रतीक ने पूछा। रानी खुशी से सहमत हो गई। रानी और प्रतीक दोनों ने विवान के घर जाने का फैसला किया।
6. Vivaan and his mother welcomed them. Rani could see many models and photographs of rockets in their house.
Nandini Aunty offered sharbat to the children and said, “Rani, what do you want to know?”
Rani replied, “People say India is on the Moon. Can you please tell us more about this?”
अनुवाद – विवान और उसकी माँ ने उनका स्वागत किया। रानी को उनके घर में रॉकेट के कई मॉडल और तस्वीरें देखने को मिली।
नंदिनी आंटी ने बच्चों को शरबत पिलाया और बोली, “रानी, तुम क्या जानना चाहती हो?”
रानी ने जवाब दिया, “लोग कहते हैं कि भारत चंद्रमा पर है। क्या आप कृपया हमें इसके बारे में कुछ और बता सकते हैं?”
7. Aunty said, “Yes, of course. Do you know which vehicle is used to go to the Moon?”
Pratik immediately said, “I know Aunty, it is a rocket. I had seen it on the TV”.
Rani pointed to the models and photos of rockets in the room.
Nandini said, “Very good. Yes, a rocket is used to reach the Moon.” Rani asked, “What does Chandrayaan mean?”
अनुवाद – आंटी ने कहा, “हाँ बिलकुल। क्या तुम जानते हो चंद्रमा पर जाने के लिए कौन-से वाहन का इस्तेमाल किया गया?”
प्रतीक ने तुरंत कहा, “मुझे पता है आंटी, यह एक रॉकेट है। मैंने टी.वी. पर देखा था।”
रानी ने कमरे में रॉकेट के मॉडलों और तस्वीरों की ओर इशारा किया।
नंदिनी ने कहा, “बहुत अच्छा। हाँ, चंद्रमा तक पहुँचने के लिए रॉकेट का उपयोग किया जाता है।” रानी ने पूछा, “चंद्रयान का क्या मतलब है?”
8. Nandini replied, “Chandra means Moon and Yaan means vehicle. On 14 July, 2023 India became the first country to land on the far side of the Moon.”
Rani jumped with excitement and said, “Can I go to the Moon, too?”
Nandini smiled, “Maybe, one day.”
अनुवाद – नंदिनी ने उत्तर दिया, “चंद्र का अर्थ है चंद्रमा और यान का अर्थ है वाहन। 14 जुलाई 2023 को भारत के सुदूर हिस्से पर उतरने वाला पहला देश बन गया।”
रानी उत्साह से उछल पड़ी और बोली, “क्या मैं भी चाँद पर जा सकती हूँ?”
नंदिनी मुस्कुराई, “शायद, एक दिन।”