Click here to access the best NCERT Solutions Class 3 English Santoor Unit 4 The Sky Chapter 11 Chanda Mama Counts the Stars textbook exercise questions and answers.
Chanda Mama Counts the Stars NCERT Class 3rd English Santoor Chapter 11 Questions and Answers
Chanda Mama Counts the Stars Class 3 Question Answer
Let us think (Page 112)
A. Answer the following.
Question 1.
Does the Moon look the same every night?
No, we see the varying sizes of the moon every night.
Question 2.
What did Chanda Mama try to count?
The Chanda Mama tried to count the number of stars.
Question 3.
Why did Chanda Mama fall asleep?
Counting the number of stars in the sky. Chanda Mama got tired and started yawning and fell asleep.
Question 4.
Who helped Chanda Mama?
The Sun helped Chanda Mama.
Question 5.
Complete the sentence:
The number of stars in the sky is the same as __________
The number of stars in the sky is the same as
the number of lovely children.
B. Think and say.
Question 1.
I call the Moon, Chanda Mama. What do you call him in your language?
I call the moon Chandrama.
Question 2.
Chanda Mama was not able to count the stars. What things can you not count?
I cannot count the trees and plants, the birds, the animals, the people, the shops, the vehicles, the ants, and many more.
Question 3.
The Moon is visible during the night. What can you see in the night sky?
Along with the moon, we can see the stars in the night sky.
Let us learn (Page 114)
Here and There!
Look at the following sentences.
We are
on the Earth. The Moon is there in the sky.
I have a sharpener
in my pencil box.
The crayons are
in the big box.
The underlined words in both sentences tell us about the location of the ‘sharpener’ and ‘crayons’. The distance of the objects from the speaker helps us in choosing between the words ‘here’ and ‘there’.
We use
to tell the location of things that are near us. Similarly,
is used to tell the location of things that are far from us.
Fill in the blanks with ‘here’ or ‘there’.
One has been done for you.
Question 1.
The students are playing kabaddi there.
The students are playing kabaddi
Question 2.
_______________ is your shirt.
is your shirt.
Question 3.
_______________ is my bicycle.
is my bicycle.
Question 4.
I went to Chandigarh last year. My brother lives _______________.
I went to Chandigarh last year. My brother lives
Question 5.
This is my bench. I sit _______________ with my friends.
This is my bench. I sit
with my friends.
Let us listen (Page 115)
A. In the story, we read that the stars were too many to be counted.
Now, your teacher will read out a list of items for you. Put the items in the correct column in the given table.
1. Children in the classroom.
2. Flowers in a garden.
3. Books in the library.
4. Pencils in your pencil box.
5. Fingers on your right hand.
6. Children in your city or town.
7. Pages in your English notebook.
8. The hairs on your head.
Can be counted easily | Too many to be counted |
Children in the classroom. | Children in your city or town. |
Flowers in a garden. | The hairs on your head. |
Books in the library. | |
Pencils in your pencil box. | |
Fingers on your right hand. | |
Pages in your English notebook. |
Let us write (Page 116)
A. It was a full moon night. Children had come out to see the Moon. Complete the conversation they had by picking the words from the help box.
Govind: Wow, look!
Safura: The moon looks so big and bright.
Sukanya: Isn’t it?
Dhruv: My grandfather _______________________________.
Ramani: Let us take a picture.
Safura: My mother has ________________________________.
Dhruv: Come. Stand here and ____________________________.
Govind: The moon is __________________________________.
Help Box
Govind: Wow, look!
Safura: The moon looks so big and bright.
Sukanya: Isn’t it?
Dhruv: My grandfather
says the full moon looks very beautiful.
Ramani: Let us take a picture.
Safura: My mother has
a camera for the pictures.
Dhruv: Come. Stand here and
let’s take a picture.
Govind: The moon is
so bright and big.
Chanda Mama Counts the Stars Class 3 Summary in English and Hindi
Chanda Mama Counts the Stars Class 3 Summary in English
Chanda Mama, the Moon tries to count the stars in the sky. He starts counting but falls asleep before finishing. When he wakes up, he forgets where he left off. This happens night after night, and Chanda Mama becomes upset. However, the Sun reassures him, saying that the number of stars in the sky is the same as the number of lovely children. Chanda Mama feels happy and starts smiling again. Now every night he looks at the stars looks at the children and smiles happily.
Chanda Mama Counts the Stars Class 3 Summary in Hindi
चंदा मामा आसमान में तारे गिनने की कोशिश करता है वो गिनना शुरू करता है और गिनते-गिनते उनको नींद आ गई। जब वह उठता है तब भूल जाता है कि गिनती कहाँ तक की थी। यह रोज़ होने लगा और चंदा मामा नाराज़ हो गए। तभी सूरज चंदा मामा को कहते हैं कि तारों की गिनती उन प्यारे बच्चों जितनी है जो धरती पर हैं। चंदा मामा खुश हो जाते हैं और फिर हँसना शुरू कर देते हैं।
Chanda Mama Counts the Stars Class 3 Word Meanings
Pages 109 – 111
- Round – having the shape of circle – गोल
- Yawn – to open your mouth wide – जंभाई
- Peeped – to look something secretly – झाँका
- Count – to say numbers one after another – गिनना
- Tears – a drop of water that comes from your eye – आँसू
Chanda Mama Counts the Stars Class 3 Hindi Translation
1. Chanda Mama! At times round as a circle and at times different. Once, he started counting the stars.
1. 2. 3 … 10 … 21 … 45 …..99… 100 … 311 … 516… 890… yawn 999 …
Chanda Mama fell asleep!
अनुवाद – चंदा मामा का आकार कभी गोल होता है कभी आकार कुछ और होता है। एक बार वह तारे गिनना शुरू करता है।
1. 2. 3 … 10 … 21 … 45 …..99… 100 … 311 … 516… 890… 999 …
फिर चंदा मामा को उबासी आ जाती है और वह सो जाता है।
2. The Sun peeped out from behind the clouds. It was morning. Chanda Mama woke up in the evening. He began to count again. But he had forgotten where he had stopped!
अनुवाद – सूरज बादलों के पीछे से झाँकता है। सुबह का वक्त है। चंदा मामा शाम को जागते हैं और फिर तारे गिनने शुरू कर देते हैं परंतु वह भूल जाते हैं कि गिनती कहाँ खत्म की थी।
3. By the time he remembered, the night was over. However, he continued to count the stars night after night. Often, he would forget the count.
अनुवाद – समय के साथ चंदा मामा को याद आता है कि रात का वक्त तो खत्म हो गया। वह तारों को गिनना ऐसे ही रोज़ रात को शुरू करते हैं परंतु वह गिनती रोज़ भूल जाते हैं।
4. One night, he was very upset. He began to cry. “ Ooohh … Ooohh… What is this? I am never able to complete my counting.”
अनुवाद – एक रात चंदा मामा बहुत उदास होते हैं वह रोने लगते हैं कि मैं रोज गिनती भूल जाता हूँ।
5. On seeing his tears, the Sun smiled, “Don’t worry! Why do you cry? I can tell you how many stars there are in the sky.”
“Really? How many?” Chanda Mama was surprised.
The Sun replied joyfully, “The number of lovely children is the same as the number of stars in the sky.”
अनुवाद – चंदा मामा को रोता देख सूरज बोला “चिंता मत करो” तुम रो क्यों रहे हो? मैं तुम्हें बता सकता हूँ कि कितने तारे हैं आसमान में चंदा मामा सुनकर आश्चर्य चकित होते हैं और पूछते हैं “सच में”।
सूरज कहता है जितने हमारी धरती पर प्यारे बच्चे हैं उतने ही आकाश में तारे हैं।
6. Chanda Mama was happy! Now, the Moon came out every night. He would look at the stars. He would look at the children and he would smile happily.
अनुवाद – चंदा मामा खुश हो जाते हैं। अब चंदा मामा रोज़ रात को निकलते हैं। वह तारों को देखते हैं और उनमें बच्चों को देखते हैं और मुस्कुराते हैं।