We have compiled the Mridang Class 1 Solutions Chapter 3 Picture Time textbook exercises and questions comprehensively to help students practice and prepare for exams effectively.
Mridang Class 1 English Chapter 3 Picture Time Question Answer
Picture Time Question Answer Class 1
Picture Time Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What do you see in this picture?
There are many animals in the picture.
Question 2.
Can you name these animals?
Yes, I can name them. There is a lion, two snakes, a monkey, a leopard, a hen, two deer, a squirrel an owl and two donkeys.
Question 3.
Do you know the names of each animal in English?
Yes, I know the names of each animal in English.
Question 4.
Where have you seen them?
I have seen snakes, monkeys, hens, squirrels and donkeys around my house. I have seen lions, leopards and deer in the zoo.
Question 5.
Are there any birds in the picture?
Yes, there are birds in the picture.
Question 6.
Can you name them?
Yes, they are hen and owl.
Question 7.
Can you see the snakes? How many are there?
Yes, I can see the snakes. There are two of them.
Question 8.
What is the monkey doing?
The monkey is hanging on the tree.
Let us speak
Have you seen a fish?
Yes, I have seen a fish.
Where did you see it?
I saw it in a pond.
What was its colour
It was golden in colour.
Let us draw
Join the letters in the correct alphabetical order to complete the picture and then colour it.
Join the letters and colour the picture yourself.
Let us do
Question 1.
Circle the word “little” in the poem wherever you find it.
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
Notice the rhyming words— five-alive, tree-knee in the two songs you have read.
Make rhyming words for Ten by using letters from the help box.
Question 3.
Do you know any other number rhyme?
Ask your parents or elders at home.
It could be in any language. Share it in class.
Yes, I know another number rhyme. It is:
One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Knock at the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight:
Nine, ten
A big fat hen.
Question 4.
Match the animals with their names.
Mridang Class 1 English Chapter 3 Picture Time Summary
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 3 Picture Summary in English
Fun with numbers:
A child counts from one to ten. While counting, she mentions catching a live fish but eventually letting it go.
Five little monkeys:
A group of five monkeys jump on a tree. One by one, they fall and hurt their knees. Even when only one monkey is left. it falls and injures its knee. In the end, none of the monkeys are jumping because all are nursing their hurt knees.
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 3 Picture Summary in Hindi
Fun with numbers:
एक बच्ची एक से दस तक गिनती है। गिनते समय, उसने बताया कि वह एक जीवित मछली पकड़ती है, लेकिन अंत में उसे छोड़ देती है।
Five little monkeys:
पाँच बंदर पेड़ पर कूद रहे थे। एक-एक करके, वे गिरते हैं और अपने घुटनों को चोट पहुँचाते हैं। जब केवल एक बंदर बचा, वह भी गिर गया और उसके घुटने में भी चोट आई। अंत में, कोई भी बंदर कूद नहीं रहा था क्योंकि सभी अपने घुटनों की चोट का ध्यान रख रहे थे।
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 3 Picture Word Meanings
Words |
Meanings in English
Pages 50-51 |
Meanings in Hindi |
Knee | the place where your leg bends in the middle | घुटना |
Bumped | by accident when you are moving. | टकराना (चोट लगना) |
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 3 Picture Hindi Translation
Fun with numbers:
One, two,
three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six. seven,
eight. nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
एक, दो,
तीन, चार, पाँच,
एक बार मैने एक मछली पकड़ी जो
जीवित थी।
छह, सात,
आठ, नौ, दस,
फिर मैंने उसे छोड़ दिया।
Five little monkeys:
Five little monkeys
jumping on a tree,
One fell down
and bumped his knee.
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Four little monkeys
jumping on a tree,
One fell down
and bumped his knee.
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Three little monkeys
jumping on a tree,
One fell down
and bumped his knee.
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Two little monkeys
jumping on a tree,
One fell down
and bumped his knee.
Ah! Ah! Ah!
One little monkey
jumping on a tree,
One fell down
and bumped his knee.
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Now, no more monkey
jumping on a tree,
Each of them
is holding his knee!
पाँच छोटे बंदर
एक पेड़ पर कूद्र रहे थे,
एक नीचे गिर गया
और उसके घुटने पर चोट आई।
अह! अह! अह!
चार छोटे बंदर
एक पेड़ पर कूद रहे थे,
एक नीचे गिर गया
और उसके घुटने पर चोट आई।
अह! अह! अह!
तीन छोटे बंदर
एक पेड़ पर कूद रहे थे,
एक नीचे गिर गया और
उसके घुटने पर चोट आई।
अह! अह! अह!
दो छोटे बंदर
एक पेड़ पर कूद रहे थे,
एक नीचे गिर गया
और उसके घुटने पर चोट आई।
अह! अह! अह!
एक छोटा बंदर
एक पेड़ पर कूद रहा था,
वह नीचे गिर गया और
उसके घुटने पर चोट आई।
अह! अह! अह!
अब, कोई भी बंदर
पेड़ पर कूद नहीं रहा,
उनमें से प्रत्येक
अपना घुटना पकड़ रहा है!