We have compiled the Mridang Class 1 Solutions Chapter 2 Greetings textbook exercises and questions comprehensively to help students practice and prepare for exams effectively.
Mridang Class 1 English Chapter 2 Greetings Question Answer
Greetings Question Answer Class 1
Greetings Questions and Answers
Let us match
A. Match the pictures with the sentences.
Let us write
A. Write these letters
Sing the A B C song again.
Let us speak
A. Say aloud each letter. Then encircle the picture which begins with the same letter sound.
Let US sing
Hope little,
Hop a little,
jump a little.
one two three.
Stamp a little,
skip a little,
tap one knee.
Dance a little,
twist a little,
shake your hand.
Yawn a little,
sleep a little,
in your bed.
Sing yourself.
Picture Talk
Question 1.
How many children are there in the picture?
There are 28 children in the picture.
Question 2.
What games are they playing?
They are playing different games like, hide and seek, swinging on a swing, seven stones, hopscotch, floating paper boats in the pond, skipping rope and catapulting.
Question 3.
Which is your favourite game?
Write down the name of your favourite game.
Question 4.
Some children in the picture are not playing games. What are they doing?
The children who are not playing games are reading a book, playing musical instrument, dancing, looking out from the park’s gate and eating.
Match the actions with the pictures
Let us play
When you were playing one round
1. Did you jump?
Answer: Yes.
2. Did you hop?
Answer: Yes.
3. Did you have fun?
Answer: Yes.
4. Did you count the numbers while playing?
Answer: Yes.
Let us write
A. Look at the picture and fill in the words from the boxes
B. Write the missing letter to complete each word.
Let us speak
Letter sounds
Recite the letter sounds yourself.
A. Notice the initial sounds of the words in each row.
Find the odd one out.
Play time
1. Can you do this?
Without using your hands turn the pages of your book one by one.
Sit with your partner. Look at each other’s eyes and see who blinks first.
Do it with your partner.
Let us write
A. Write these letters sing the ABC song again.
Let us speak
Letter Sound
A. Say the words aloud. Circle the picture with different starting sound. The first one is done for you.
Play time
B. Hold this page in front of a mirror. Do they look the same in the mirror?
No, all letters don’t look same in the mirror.
Question 1.
Who are there in this family?
This is a joint family. There are grandfather—grandmother, mother—father, uncle—aunt, eleven children a cow and a pet dog in the family.
Question 2.
What are they doing?
A man is making a rangoli, a girl is helping him and a child is watching them. Grandfather is coming towards them. A boy and a girl are playing with a spinning top each and another boy is watching them.
A woman is combing a girl’s hair. Grandmother is bathing a child. A girl is standing on a ladder and tying a vandanvar on the window and a boy is holding the ladder. A lady and a child are feeding the cow. A man and a girl child are washing a scooter.
Question 3.
How do you help your family?
I help my family by doing household chores such as
Question 4.
What did you like the most in this picture?
I liked the love and affection of the family.
Let us speak
Question 1.
Who are there in your family?
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
How do you help each other?
Do it yourself.
Question 3.
What are names of your grandparents (both paternal and maternal)?
Do it yourself.
Question 4.
Which bird do you sec around your house?
Around my house I see sparrows, pigeons and crows.
Question 5.
If you were the baby sparrow, where would you go flying?
Up in the sky.
Question 6.
What do you think the baby sparrows saw from the sky?
Beautiful world down below,
What do you call the following members in your mother tongue?
Note: We have provided the summary in Hindi, you may write in your mother language.
Let us draw
A. Draw a picture of your family in the box given.
You may include any interesting thing about your family like pets, your plants, trees in your garden, or any other thing.
Do it yourself.
Let us do
The word ‘father’ begins with ‘f sound. Read the following words that begin with ‘f sound.
‘The word ‘mother’ begins with ‘m’ sound. Read the following words that begin with ‘m’ sound.
Students read yourself.
A. Read the words in the box.
- Tick the words that begin with f.
- Circle the words that begin with m.
B. Write the words.
Picture talk
Look at the picture of a bathroom. Label the things in it.
Question 1.
What things do you see in the picture?
In the picture, I can see shower, towel, mirror, tap, toothbrush and toothpaste, wash basin, wiper, bucket, soap, mug, tub, stool and slippers.
Question 2.
Do you remember to close the tap when you are not using it?
Yes, I remember to close the tap when I am not using it.
Question 3.
Why should we do so?
We should do so because water is very precious and we should save it.
Letter Sound
Do it yourself as given below.
Notice the initial sounds of the names of pictures in each row. Find the odd one out.
Colour the pictures and the letters
Colour the pictures yourself.
Let us think
A. You all know the alphabet song. Let us sing it while reading the letters.
Do it yourself.
B. Sing it, loudly for the capital letters and softly for the small letters.
Do it yourself.
Let us do
Let us make puppets.
Follow the instructions given by your teacher.
a. Let us make 6 thick paper strips. These strips may be of any colour.
b. With the help of your teacher, draw faces of each family member on paper.
c. Stick each picture on one end of the strip. The picture may help you.
d. You may now use these as puppets and play with your friends.
Mridang Class 1 English Chapter 2 Greetings Summary
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 2 Greetings Summary in English
The speaker greets people with “Namaste” whenever they meet.
Depending on the time of day, they also use greetings like “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”. Before going to sleep, they say “Good night”.
My family:
This poem is a loving and playful interaction between family members. The child in the poem is asking different family members (mother, father, siblings, grandmother and grandfather) to engage in various activities with them like playing, eating, dancing, singing and reading. Each family member positively responds, affirming their willingness to participate. The poem emphasises the unity and close bond of the family.
The sparrow family:
In the story, a pair of sparrows, Mama and Papa, make a nest in a safe place. The nest was soft and warm. Mama sparrow lays three small eggs which hatch one day, revealing three little chicks.
Papa sparrow brings food for them. Their extended family of grandparents, aunt and uncle, cousins and friends all come to meet the baby sparrows. As time passes, the baby sparrows grow bigger.
Eventually, they leave the nest and fly high into the big blue sky.
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 2 Greetings Summary in Hindi
जब भी वक्ता किसी से मिलता है, वह “नमस्ते” कहता है। दिन के समय के आधार पर, वे “सुप्रभात”, “शुभ अपराहन”, और ” शुभ संध्या” भी कहते हैं। सोने से पहले, वे “’शुभ रात्रि”’ कहते हैं।
My family:
यह कविता परिवार के सदस्यों के बीच प्यार और खेल की अन्तर क्रिया है। कविता में बच्चे ने परिवार के विभिन्न सदस्यों (माँ, पिता, भाई-बहन, दादी और दादा) से खेलने, खाने, नाचने, गाने और पढ़ने जैसी विभिन्न गतिविधियों में शामिल होने के लिए पूछा है। प्रत्येक परिवार के सदस्य अपनी सहभागिता की पुष्टि करते हुए ने सकारात्मक तरीके से जवाब दिया है, कविता में परिवार की एकता और निकटता पर ज़ोर दिया गया है।
The sparrow family:
कहानी में, माँ और पापा चिड़िया (गौरेया), एक सुरक्षित स्थान पर एक नर्म और गर्म घोंसला बनाते हैं। मम्मी चिड़िया तीन छोटे अंडे देती हैं जो एक दिन टूट जाते हैं और उसमें से तीन छोटी चिड़ियों का सिर निकलता है।
पापा चिड़िया उनके लिए खाना लाते हैं। उनके दादा-दादी, चाचा-चाची, चचेरे भाई-बहन और दोस्त सभी बच्चे चिड़ियों से मिलने आते हैं। समय के साथ-साथ बच्चे चिड़ियों का आकार बड़ा होता जाता है। अंत में, वे घॉंसले से बाहर आते हैं और बड़े नीले आसमान में उड़ने लगते हैं।
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 2 Greetings Word Meanings
Words |
Meanings in English
Pages 15 |
Meanings in Hindi |
Greetings | to say something friendly when you meet someone | शुभकानाएँ |
Morning | the early part of the day | सुबह |
Afternoon | part of the day between noon and sunset | दोपहर |
Evening | the past part of the day | शाम |
Night | the time after sunset | रात |
The Family
Words |
Meanings in English
Page – 36 |
Meanings in Hindi |
Play | to have fun | खेलना |
Eat | to have a meal | खाना |
Dance | moving in rhythm | नृत्य करना |
Sing | to utter words in tune | गाना |
Read | to look at words & understand their meaning | पढ़ना |
The sparrow family:
Words |
Meanings in English
Pages 37-38 |
Meanings in
Hindi |
Nest | a structure built by birds to lay eggs | घोंसला |
Sparrow | Brighty coloured birds with grey heads | गौरेया |
Grandmother | the mother of one’s father or mother | दादी या नानी |
Grandfather | the father of one’s father or mother | दादा या नाना |
Hatch | to come out of an egg | अंडे से निकलना |
Mridang Class 1 Chapter 2 Greetings Hindi Translation
When I meet someone,
I say ‘Namaste’.
When I meet someone in the
morning, I say ‘Good morning’.
When I meet someone in the
afternoon, I say ‘Good afternoon’.
When I meet someone in the
evening, I say ‘Good evening’.
When I go to bed, I say ‘Good night’.
जब मैं किसी से मिलता हूँ,
मैं ‘नमस्ते’ कहता हूँ।
जब मैं सुबह में किसी से मिलता
हूँ, तो मैं ‘सुप्रभात’ कहता हूँ।
जब मैं दोपहर को किसी से मिलता हूँ, तो मैं ‘शुभ अपराहन’ कहता हूँ।
जब मैं शाम को किसी से मिलता हूँ, तो मैं ‘शुभ संध्या’ कहता हूँ।
जब मैं सोने जाता हूँ, तो मैं
‘शुभ रात्रि’ कहता हूँ।
The Family
Mother, mother
Will you play with me?
Yes, I shall, yes, I shall
We are a family!
Father, father
Will you eat with me?
Yes, I shall, yes, I shall
We are a family!
Brother, sister
Will you dance with me?
Yes, I shall, yes, I shall
We are a family!
Grandmother, grandmother,
Will you sing with me?
Yes, I shall, yes, I shall
We are a family!
Grandfather, grandfather,
Will you read with me?
Yes, I shall, yes, I shall
We are a family!
मम्मी, मम्मी
क्या आप मेरे साथ खेलोगी?
हाँ, मैं खेलूँगी, हाँ, मैं खेलूँगी
हम एक परिवार हैं।
पापा, पापा
क्या आप मेरे साथ खाना खाओगे?
हाँ, मैं खाऊँगा, हाँ, मै खाऊँगा
हम एक परिवार हैं!
भाई, बहन
क्या तुम मेरे साथ नृत्य करेंगे?
हाँ, हम करेंगे, हाँ हम करेंगे
हम एक परिवार हैं!
दादाजी, दादीजी,
क्या आप मेरे साथ गाओगी?
हाँ, मैं गाऊँगी, हाँ, मैं गाऊँगी
हम एक परिवार हैं।
दादाजी, दादाजी,
क्या आप मेरे साथ पढ़ोगे?
हाँ, मैं पढूँगा, हाँ, मैं पढूँगा
हम एक परिवार हैं!
The sparrow family:
Mama and Papa sparrow were making a nest. They found a safe place. The little nest was soon ready. It was soft and warm. Mama sparrow laid three small eggs. One day, the eggs broke open. Three little heads popped out. Papa sparrow brought food for them.
Grandmother and Grandfather sparrow, Aunt and Uncle sparrow, cousins and friends all came to meet the baby sparrows. The baby sparrows grew bigger and bigger. One day, the baby sparrows hopped out of the nest. They flew up into the big blue sky.
कहानी में, माँ और पापा चिड़िया (गौरेया), एक सुरक्षित स्थान पर एक नर्म और गर्म घोंसला बनाते हैं। मम्मी चिड़िया तीन छोटे अंडे देती हैं जो एक दिन टूट जाते हैं और उसमें से तीन छोटी चिड़ियों का सिर निकलता है।
पापा चिडिया उनके लिए खाना लाते हैं। उनके दादा-दादी, चाचा-चाची, चचेरे भाई-बहन और दोस्त सभी बच्चे चिड़ियों से मिलने आते हैं। समय के साथ-साथ बच्चे चिड़ियों का आकार बड़ा होता जाता है। अंत में, वे घंसले से बाहर आते हैं और बड़े नीले आसमान में उड़ने लगते हैं।