Mizoram Scholarship 2024: Mizoram Scholarship is open to students residing in Mizoram which is located in southernmost Indian state having a population of 10 Lakh and also an educated agrarian economy. The Samaj Kalyan Vibhag, also mentioned as the Department of Social Welfare under the Mizoram Government performs a key role in presenting this scholarship to all scholars who are pursuing an education at secondary, higher secondary or higher level of education. The scholarships are divided into three parts viz. pre-matric, post-matric and merit cum means. The learners can find a notice about a Tribal Scholarship Mizoram through Mizoram Scholarship Board Notice Mizoram (MSB Mizoram) website, National Scholarship Portal , Mizoram University website, Mizoram Scholarship Board Official Website, etc.
List of Mizoram Scholarship Schemes
Scholarship Name | When to Apply? |
Post-Matric Scholarship Mizoram for Scheduled Tribes Students | July – September |
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribes studying in Classes IX & X | July – September |
Merit-cum-Means Based Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community | July – September |
Post Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community | July – September |
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community | July – September |
Post Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to Scheduled Caste Community | July – September |
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to Scheduled Caste Community | July – September |
North Eastern Council (NEC) Merit Scholarship | July – September |
Scholarship Scheme for Colleges and University Students Scoring 80% | July – September |
National Merit cum Means Scholarship | July – September |
National Scheme of Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education | July – September |
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students whose Parents engaged in cleaning and prone to health hazards | July – September |
Post Matric Merit Scholarship | July – September |
Scholarship for Cadets of Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun | – |
Scholarship for Cadets of Sainik School Imphal | – |
Scholarship for Cadets of Sainik School Chhingchhip | – |
Mizoram Research Fellowship | – |
Name Of The Scholarship | Last Date To Apply |
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities | 30.11.2023 |
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities | 30.11.2023 |
Scholarships for Top-Class Education for Students with Disabilities | 31.12.2023 |
National Means Cum Merit Scholarship | 30.11.2023 |
Central Sector Scheme of Scholarships for College and University Students | 31.12.2023 |
Financial Support to the Students of NER for Higher Professional Courses (NEC Merit Scholarship) | 31.12.2023 |
Pragati Scholarship Scheme for Girl Students (Technical Degree) | 31.12.2023 |
Pragati Scholarship Scheme for Girl Students (Technical Diploma) | 31.12.2023 |
Saksham Scholarship Scheme for Specially Abled Student (Technical Degree) | 31.12.2023 |
Saksham Scholarship Scheme for Specially Abled Student (Technical Diploma) | 31.12.2023 |
Swanath Scholarship Scheme (Technical Diploma) | 31.12.2023 |
Swanath Scholarship Scheme (Technical Degree) | 31.12.2023 |
Post-Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Tribes Students
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs. Two lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum.
- Candidates must belong to Scheduled Tribes.
- Permanently settled in Mizoram State. d) Studying Class XI up to Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribes studying in Classes IX & X
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rs. Two lakh only) per annum.
- Candidates must belong to Scheduled Tribes.
- Permanently settled in Mizoram State. d) Studying Class IX and X.
Merit-cum-Means Based Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs. Two lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum.
- Candidates must belong to Muslim/Christian/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain or Parsi community.
- Must Secure 50% in the last examination
Post Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rs. Two lakh only) per annum.
- Candidates must belong to Muslim/Christian/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain or Parsi community.
- Must Secure 50% in the last examination
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. One lakh only) per annum.
- Candidates must belong to Muslim/Christian/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain or Parsi community.
- Must Secure 50% in the last examination.
Post Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to Scheduled Caste Community
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs. Two lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum.
- Candidates must belong to Scheduled Caste.
- Permanently settled in Mizoram State. d) Studying Class XI up to Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to Scheduled Caste Community
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs. Two lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum.
- Candidates must belong to Scheduled Caste.
- Permanently settled in Mizoram State.
- Studying Class XI up to Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
North Eastern Council (NEC) Merit Scholarship
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 4,50,000/- (Rs. Four lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum.
- Permanently settled in Mizoram State.
- Studying technical and professional courses up to Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- The pass percentage for ST/SC in the last examination should not be less than 60% and 70% for General students.
Scholarship Scheme for Colleges and University Students Scoring 80%
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 8,00,000/- (Rs. Eight lakh only) per annum.
- Permanently settled in Mizoram State.
- Students scoring above 80th percentile in Board examination of Class XII pursuing regular courses.
National Merit cum Means Scholarship
- Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rs.One lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum.
- The students shall have a minimum of 55 % marks or equivalent grade in Class VII examination for appearing in the selection test for award of scholarship (relax-able by 5% for SC/ST students). The students should be studying as regular students in a Government, Government-aided and local body schools.
- Mental Ability Test may consist of 90 multiple-choice questions testing verbal and non-verbal meta-cognitive abilities like reasoning and critical thinking. The questions in the test may be on analogy, classification, numerical series, pattern perception, hidden figure, etc.
- Scholastic Aptitude Test may consist of 90 multiple-choice questions covering subjects namely, science, social studies, and mathematics as taught in classes VII and VIII.
National Scheme of Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education
- The applicant must be an Indian Citizen.
- The applicant must be female.
- Applicant must belong to ST/SC category or must have passed class VIII examination
- Applicant must enroll in class IX in State Government, Government-aided or Local Body schools.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students whose Parents engaged in cleaning and prone to health hazards
- The scholarship will be admissible to the children/wards of Indian Nationals who, irrespective of their religion belongs to one of the following categories
- Persons who are Manual Scavengers
- Tanners & Flayers
- Persons engaged in hazardous cleaning
- Eligible candidates will submit a certificate from District Social Welfare officer, identified officer of Local body, Civic Agency or any such authority as designated by State Government.
Post Matric Merit Scholarship
- The scholarship will be admissible to the children/wards of Indian Nationals.
- Persons who are Manual Scavengers
- Tanners & Flayers
- Persons engaged in hazardous cleaning
- Eligible candidates will submit a certificate from District Social Welfare officer, identified officer of Local body, Civic Agency or any such authority as designated by State Government.
Scholarship for Cadets of Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun
- The scholarship will be admissible to Mizo students permanently residing in the state of Mizoram studying at RIMC, Dehradun.
- The student should not be covered under any other Scholarship scheme.
- Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year and renewable as per Rules/Condition.
- If after the award of scholarship the cadet is found medically unfit in any way which according to the appropriate medical authority, renders him unfit for his entry into the NDA, the scholarship awarded shall be discontinued from the date the cadet is declared unfit.
Scholarship for Cadets of Sainik School Imphal
- The scholarship will be admissible to Mizo students permanently residing in the state of Mizoram studying at Sainik School, Imphal.
- The student should not be covered under any other Scholarship scheme.
- Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year and renewable as per Rules/Condition.
- If after the award of scholarship the cadet is found medically unfit in any way which according to the appropriate medical authority, renders him unfit for his entry into the NDA, the scholarship awarded shall be discontinued from the date the cadet is declared unfit
Scholarship for Cadets of Sainik School Chhingchhip
- The student should belong to Mizoram State only.
- The student should not be covered under any other Scholarship scheme.
- Not more than one child of the same parents’/guardians will be eligible for the said scheme.
- The income of the parent/guardian should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- (One lakh) per month for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) for General Category. Income certificates/salary certificates will be submitted at the time of admission for grant of scholarship.
- Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year and renewable as per Rules/Condition. If a student has to repeat a class, he would not get a scholarship for that class for the second (and subsequent) year.
- If after the award of scholarship the cadet is found medically unfit in any way which according to the appropriate medical authority, renders him unfit for his entry into the NDA, the scholarship awarded shall be discontinued from the date the cadet is declared unfit.
Mizoram Research Fellowship
- Only the children or works of bonafide permanent residents of Mizoram shall be eligible for the award of fellowship which application will be made in the form as in the Annexure to these Regulations.
- No student prosecuting higher studies or research any University or institution which is not recognized or established by law shall be eligible for the award of the fellowship.
- No student found guilty of misconduct or breach of discipline or participating in strikes, demonstrations, picketing and the like for unfair demands from any high-level authority shall eligible for the award of fellowship under these Regulations.
- No student who fails to secure at least 50% on an average in the last University Examination shall be eligible for the award unless otherwise relaxed by the awarding authority.
- A student /research fellow in receipt of any scholar or stipend except merit scholarship, from any sources, shall not eligible for an award under these regulations.
Scholarship Name | Apply through | Required Documents |
Post-Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Tribes Students | Apply online through Mizoram Scholarship Board Portal https://scholarships.mizoram.gov.in/ |
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Account (self-account). Income certificate issued by the competent authority (up to date). Previous year mark sheet. Permanent Residential Certificate (up to date). Tribal Certificate. |
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribes studying in Classes IX & X | ||
Merit-cum-Means Based Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community | Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal in https://scholarships.gov.in/ |
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Account (self-account). Income certificate (self-declaration by students) Previous year mark sheet. Self-declaration of the community by the student. Residential Certificate |
Post Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community | ||
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to minority Community | ||
Post Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to Scheduled Caste Community |
Apply offline where the application form is available in Mizoram Board Scholarship 2024 during Office working hours.
90:10 |
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Account (self-account). Income certificate issued by the competent authority (up to date). Previous year mark sheet. Permanent Residential Certificate (up to date). Scheduled Caste Certificate. |
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to Scheduled Caste Community | ||
North Eastern Council (NEC) Merit Scholarship |
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Account (self-account). Income certificate issued by the competent authority (up to date). HSLC mark sheet or equivalent. Previous year examination mark sheet. Permanent Residential Certificate (up to date). Caste Certificate (ST/SC/OBC/General) issued by the competent authority. Family Ration Card. |
Scholarship Scheme for Colleges and University Students Scoring 80% | Apply through National Scholarship Portal Mizoram in https://scholarships.gov.in/ |
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Account (self-account). Income certificate issued by the competent authority (up to date). HSLC mark sheet or equivalent. Previous year examination mark sheet. Permanent Residential Certificate (up to date). |
National Merit cum Means Scholarship |
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Account (self-account). Income certificate issued by the competent authority (up to date). Income certificate issued by the competent authority (up to date) Previous year examination mark sheet. Permanent Residential Certificate (up to date). |
National Scheme of Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education |
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Account (self-account). Previous year examination mark sheet. Permanent Residential Certificate (up to date). |
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students whose Parents engaged in cleaning and prone to health hazards |
Apply offline where the application form is available in Mizoram Scholarship Board during Office working hours.
funding |
Post Matric Merit Scholarship | ||
Scholarship for Cadets of Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun | Application Form duly filled-in along with necessary documents must be submitted to Mizoram Scholarship Board for verification and sanction | – |
Scholarship for Cadets of Sainik School Imphal | – | |
Scholarship for Cadets of Sainik School Chhingchhip | After the finalization of the admission, the concerned Institution shall forward a list of cadets to the Nodal Department. The awarding authority shall disburse the State’s share of scholarship to the Institution reimbursing all the approved compulsory fees payable to the Institution. | – |
Mizoram Research Fellowship | Application Form duly filled-in along with necessary documents must be submitted to Mizoram Scholarship Board for verification and sanction. | – |
- For students studying inside Mizoram: Printout of online application along with documents mentioned above must be submitted to the School/Colleges/Institution for verification online.
- For students studying outside Mizoram: a Hard copy of application along with documents must be submitted to Mizoram Scholarship Board for online and offline verification.
Students can also find more Scholarship Articles for 12th passed, 10th passed Students and many more.