Students can use Joyful Mathematics Class 2 Solutions Chapter 5 Playing with Lines Question Answer (Orientations of a Line) to explore alternative methods of solving problems.
Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 Playing with Lines Solutions
Playing with Lines Class 2 Maths Solutions Question Answer
Let us Do (Page 44) :
A. Circle
the aasanas with standing or vertical lines.
B. Tick
the aasanas with both vertical and slanting lines.
C. Cross
the aasanas which have curved lines.
D. Put a star
along the aasanas that have sleeping or horizontal lines.
E. Try some of these aasanas. Discuss the lines that you notice while doing the aasanas.
What is Straight?
Let us Play with Dots (Page 46) :
A. Make new shapes with straight lines (vertical, horizontal and slanting).
B. Draw different figures with the help of curved lines, like clouds, rainbow, etc.
Let us Do (Page 48) :
A. Make your own drawing using different types of lines in the space given. Draw a design with any two types of lines.
B. Draw a design with any three types of lines.
Students try yourself.
C. Draw a design using all types of lines.
Project Work :
Fun with Folding:
If we fold a paper in half, it makes a crease in the center. Now if we keep folding the paper further we get a number of creases. Let us see the different lines we get after folding the paper. Trace the straight lines with red crayon and slanting lines with blue crayon.
A. Fold a paper with your friend and check who gets the maximum number of creases.
B. Try to make curved lines by paper folding.