Hindi Grammar (हिन्दी व्याकरण): NCERT Hindi Grammar Book PDF Free Download, Notes, Lessons, Exercises, worksheets, Basic and General Hindi, quiz, mock test are prepared based on BEST NCERT Hindi Grammar Book PDF for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.
We all know Language is a medium to express our thoughts, feelings, and understand the thoughts of others. It is very important when it comes to Writing and Speaking of Hindi Language. You need to speak grammatically correct and we in this article will give you a glimpse of Hindi Grammar and its importance in sentences.
It is necessary that you are aware of the topics in Hindi Grammar before beginning your preparation. Students of Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 can make use of the Hindi Vyakaran available here. These can be quite handy and you can learn the topic wise as per your requirements.
Hindi Grammar हिन्दी व्याकरण (Hindi Vyakaran)
Hindi Vyakaran lays a set of rules to be followed while speaking and writing the Hindi Language in its pure form. It plays a key role in the Hindi Language and we included various topics that come under the Language. Have a glance at the topics like Kaal, Sandhi, Vaakya Sansleshan, Visheshan, Avyay, Muhavare, Samvad Lekhan, Patra Lekhan, etc.
- Hindi Grammar for Class 6
- Hindi Grammar for Class 7
- Hindi Grammar for Class 8
- Hindi Grammar for Class 9
- Hindi Grammar for Class 10
- Hindi Grammar for Class 11
- Hindi Grammar for Class 12
Hindi Grammar for Class 10
CBSE Class 10 Hindi A Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 10 Hindi A Grammar व्याकरण
CBSE Class 10 Hindi A Writing Skills लेखन कौशल
CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Grammar व्याकरण
CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Writing Skills लेखन कौशल
Hindi Grammar for Class 9
CBSE Class 9 Hindi A Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 9 Hindi A Grammar व्याकरण
CBSE Class 9 Hindi A Writing Skills लेखन कौशल
CBSE Class 9 Hindi B Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 9 Hindi B Grammar व्याकरण
CBSE Class 9 Hindi B Writing Skills लेखन कौशल
Hindi Grammar for Class 8
CBSE Class 8 Hindi Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 8 Hindi Grammar व्याकरण
- भाषा, बोली, लिपि और व्याकरण
- वर्ण विचार
- शब्द विचार
- संज्ञा
- लिंग
- वचन
- कारक
- सर्वनाम
- विशेषण
- क्रिया
- काल
- अविकारी शब्द-अव्यय
- संधि
- समास
- पद परिचय
- वाक्य
- वाक्य संबंधी अशुधियाँ
- अलंकार
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
- शब्द-भंडार
CBSE Class 8 Hindi Letter Writing लेखन कौशल
Hindi Grammar for Class 7
CBSE Class 7 Hindi Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 7 Hindi Grammar व्याकरण
- भाषा और व्याकरण
- वर्ण विचार
- शब्द विचार
- वर्तनी
- संज्ञा
- लिंग (संज्ञा के विकार)
- वचन
- कारक
- सर्वनाम
- विशेषण
- क्रिया
- काल
- वाच्य
- अव्यय
- संधि
- समास
- उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय
- वाक्य
- वाक्य अशुद्धियाँ एवं संशोधन
- विराम-चिह्न
- मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
- शब्द-भंडार
CBSE Class 7 Hindi लेखन कौशल
Hindi Grammar for Class 6
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Grammar व्याकरण
- भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण
- वर्ण-विचार
- शब्द-विचार
- संज्ञा
- संज्ञा के विकार
- वचन
- कारक
- सर्वनाम
- विशेषण
- क्रिया
- काल
- वाच्य
- अव्यय या अविकारी शब्द
- संधि
- समास
- उपसर्ग
- प्रत्यय
- वाक्य-विचार
- विराम-चिह्न
- अशुद्ध वाक्यों का संशोधन
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
- शब्द-भंडार
CBSE Class 6 Hindi लेखन कौशल
Hindi Grammar for Class 12
CBSE Class 12 Hindi Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 12 Hindi कार्यालयी हिंदी और रचनात्मक लेखन
- अनुच्छेद लेखन
- कार्यालयी पत्र
- जनसंचार माध्यम प्रिंट माध्यम
- संपादकीय लेखन
- रिपोर्ट लेखन
- आलेख लेखन
- पुस्तक समीक्षा
- फ़ीचर लेखन
CBSE Class 12 Hindi श्रवण एवं वाचन, परियोजना
Hindi Grammar for Class 11
CBSE Class 11 Hindi Unseen Passages अपठित बोध
CBSE Class 11 Hindi कार्यालयी हिंदी और रचनात्मक लेखन
- निबंध-लेखन
- कार्यालयी पत्र
- जनसंचार माध्यम
- पत्रकारिता के विविध आयाम
- डायरी लिखने की कला
- कथा-पटकथा
- फ़ीचर लेखन
- रिपोर्ट लेखन
- आलेख लेखन
CBSE Class 11 Hindi श्रवण एवं वाचन, परियोजना
Download Hindi Grammar Notes PDF
A Language is a “set of rules” or “a set of words” and we call it Grammar. Usually, Grammar tells us the rules in which the words are to be framed to form meaningful and correct sentences. However, Hindi Grammar is slightly different from English Grammar and you will get to know the basic blocks of Hindi Grammar in the coming modules.
Free Hindi Grammar Study Material for Various Competitive Exams
Hindi Grammar Study Material & Notes can help you score a good grip on the subject as well as to score well in the exams. Aspirants can make use of the quick links available on our page to view or download the concepts whenever you feel like preparing. Get to know various topics like Ras, Karak, Alankar, Sandhi, Samas, Paryayvachi Shabd. Topics are listed as per Classes and learn them accordingly as per your need.
Get the easy way to improve your Hindi Grammar with the quick preparation resources available.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some best ways to learn Hindi Grammar?
You can find plenty of resources available on our page like Study Material, Notes for Hindi Grammar, and practice whenever you want. Preparation becomes effective with the handy resources available. Practice more and more and it is the only way to excel when it comes to Grammar.
2. How can I Download the Classwise Hindi Grammar Study Material?
You can access the Quick links available on our page to view or download the Hindi Grammar Study Material & Notes. However, there are plenty of resources available online too if you wish to avail the Hindi Vyakaran Notes.
3. How to improve my Hindi Grammar?
Listen to Hindi More and More. We all learn language by listening and at the same time reading can be the best way to improve your Hindi Grammar.
4. Which are the best Hindi Grammar Books for Competetive Exams?
There are plenty of resources out there in the market and it is difficult to figure out which book is best for learning Hindi Grammar. To make it simple for you we have compiled some of the best books for Hindi Grammar suggested by subject experts. Pick the book from the following based on your level of understanding and prepare accordingly.
- General Hindi By Hardev Bahri
- Samanya Hindi By Raghav Prakesh
- RBD Hindi Grammar Language (Hindi Vyakran Bhasya) by Dr. Indira Ashok
- Hindi Vyakaran by Kamta Prasad Guru
- Samanya Hindi- Arihant Publication
5. Where can I get Hindi Grammar PDFs for free?
You can get the Hindi Grammar PDFs Topicwise for different Classes from our site Learncbse. Use them during your preparation and develop a deep understanding of the basics.