Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 4 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
- This Question paper is divided into five sections-Section A, B, C, D and E.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Section-A: Question no. 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions of 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
- Section-B: Question no. 6 to 8 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
- Section-C: Question no. 9 and 10 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
- Section-D: Question no. 11 and 12 are Case Based questions.
- Section-E: Question no. 13 is map based, carrying 3 marks with two parts, 13.1 from History (1 mark) and 13.2 from Geography (2 marks).
- There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.
- In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
SECTION-A [2 × 5 = 10]
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Question 1.
Differentiate between modern and ancient forms of currency based on their intrinsic values. (2)
The modern form of currency doesn’t hove an intrinsic value while the ancient forms of currency do have an intrinsic value. Ancient currency was made of gold, silver or grains- which would still be valuable even when not authorised by the government. It could still be used for consumption or any other purpose if not as a medium of exchange. Modern currency is only paper and can’t be used for anything but as a medium of exchange.
Related Theory:
Modern currency does not have an intrinsic value of its own. It is just a paper that is authorised by the government to act as a medium of exchange. Ancient currency was valuable on its own without any authorisation from the government or the king.
Question 2.
What is meant by nationalisation? (2)
Nationalisation is the complete transfer of a major branch of an industry or the whole group of industries or commerce from private businessmen to state/government ownership or control. Air transport in India was nationalised in 1953.
Related Theory:
Nationalisation of different industries and sectors take place to allow greater control to the state or the government.
If the definition of a term is asked in a question, it is essential to mention the examples or at least mention the context in which the term is asked.
Question 3.
Over-regulation of political parties can be counterproductive. Do you agree? (2)
Yes, over-regulation of political parties can make political parties feel suppressed. They will not be able to freely keep their point forward. This will defeat the point of creating them in the first place.
Related Theory:
Over regulation of political parties can deter the passion of the leaders to bring a change in the society of the country. This can prove counterproductive to their spirits.
Question 4.
Name one feature of the flag designed during the Swadeshi movement in Bengal. (2)
It was a tricolour flag (red, green and yellow) and had eight lotuses representing eight provinces of British India, and a crescent moon, representing Hindus and Muslims.
Related Theory:
It is important for the students to distinctly understand and remember the features of the two different flags mentioned in the chapter.
Question 5.
Read the given data and answer the following questions.
In 2019 with 111 million tonnes of crude steel production, India ranked 2nd among the world crude steel producers. It is the largest producer of sponge iron. In 2019 per capita consumption of finished steel in the country was only around 74.3 kg per annum against the world average of 229.3 kg.
(A) Which country was the largest producer of Crude Steel in 2019? (1)
(B) In 2019 per capita consumption of finished steel in the country was only around 74.3 kg per annum against the world average of 229.3 kg. Comment upon the growth of the manufacturing sector of India based on the given data. (1)
The insufficient consumption of steel in the country shows that the manufacturing sector in the country has a stagnated growth. Production has not increased in recent years and manufacturing industries across the world are constructing and producing more goods than Indian industries.
Section-B [3 × 3 = 9]
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Question 6.
Why should credit be available at reasonable rates from the banks and cooperatives?
How do people. participate in a market? Support your answer with three points. (3)
Credit at reasonable interest rates should be available for all so that this loan may increase their incomes.
- High interest rates do not add to their incomes.
- They force the borrowers to spend all the profits earned by the loan in paying back interests.
- Credit at reasonable interest rates reduce the dependence of poor people on informal sources of credit.
We participate in the market both as producers and consumers:
- As producers of goods and services, people are involved in sectors like agriculture, industry or services.
- As distributors of goods and services, we sell and distribute these final goods and services to people.
- As consumers we participate in the market when we purchase goods and services that we need and consume them.
Question 7.
Why was the Simon Commission instituted? Why were Indians against it? (3)
The Simon Commission was instituted to review the working of the constitutional system set in place by the Government of India Act 1919 and suggest changes to bring efficiency. Indians were against the Simon commission because it had no Indian members even though it was about to review the working of the Indian constitutional system.
Question 8.
Identify the reasons for the formation of multiple political parties in India. (3)
There are multiple reasons for the formation of political parties:
- People are free to form political parties in a democracy like India.
- In a diverse country like India, there are multiple interests and no one political party has been able to address them all Hence new parties are formed to address interests of some community or the other.
- India has a large population. More and more people need representation everyday and hence political parties are formed for the same.
Section-C [5 × 2 = 10]
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Question 9.
Analyse how the Chauri Chaura incident affected the Non-Cooperation movement. Support your stand by giving a few points.
Trace the evolution of the cotton textile industry in India. (5)
Chauri Chaura incident occurred in 1922 in Gorakhpur, United Provinces (presently, Uttar Pradesh). A peaceful demonstration in a bazaar turned into a violent clash with the police where the protestors put the police station on fire thereby killing more than 10-15 policemen.
- The incident turned the movement extremely violent and hence Mahatma Gandhi called off the movement.
- Gandhi felt that the satyagrahis needed to be trained properly before launching any mass struggles.
- The Non-Cooperation movement suffered a huge setback because of this incident It lost support and disappointed the participants.
The evolution of cotton textile industry in India can be traced as:
- In ancient India, cotton textiles were produced through charkhas, hand spinning and handloom weaving techniques. The handspun khadi provided employment to weavers in their homes as an indigenous cottage industry.
- Later, after the 18th century, power-looms came into use.
- During the colonial period, cotton based Indian products could not compete with the mill-made cloth from England and hence suffered a colossal setback.
- Today, the cotton textiles industry is very successful in our country and machines and advanced equipment support it
- We export yarn and cotton based products to Japan, U.S.A., U.IC, Russia, France, East European countries, Nepal Singapore, Sri Lanka and African countries.
Question 10 .
There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world. Support the statement.
Deposits with the banks are beneficial to the nation. Elaborate. (5 )
There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world. This is true because of the following reasons:
- A democratic government is people’s own government. It is chosen by them and removed by them. Its fate depends on the people.
- It promotes equality among citizens. It encourages them to fight for their liberty and be aware of various political issues and processes.
- It gives the people some room to improve mistakes. They can easily remove the government if they do not concur with their decisions.
- Democracy has the ability to generate its own support
- It gives people a fair chance to participate and influence the decision making processes.
Deposits are extremely beneficial to the nation because:
- Deposits in the bank are a source of income for the government indirectly.
- They are a source of income for bank employees.
- The money deposited by the people in the banks are used to invest in huge infrastructural projects Like the construction of highways, railway stations, airports etc.
- Banks also use these deposits to lend money to farmers which in turn increase the production and economic activities of the farmers. This eradicates poverty.
- Banks also provide the depositors with interest thereby adding to their income and economic activities as well.
Related Theory:
The facility of cheques against demand deposits makes it possible to directly settle payments without the use of cash. Since demand deposits are accepted widely as a means of payment, along with currency, they constitute money in the modern economy.
Section – D [4 × 2 = 8]
(Case Based Questions)
Question 11.
Read the following sources and answer the questions that follow:
How could non-cooperation become a movement? Gandhiji proposed that the movement should unfold in stages, it should begin with the surrender of titles that the government awarded, and a boycott of civil services, army, police, courts and legislative councils, schools, and foreign goods. Then, in case the government used repression, a full Civil Disobedience campaign would be launched. Through the summer of 1920 Mahatma Gandhi and Shaukat Ali toured extensively, mobilising popular support for the movement. Many within the Congress were, however, concerned about the proposals. They were reluctant to boycott the council elections scheduled for November 1920, and they feared that the movement might lead to popular violence. In the months between September and December there was an intense tussle within the Congress. For a while there seemed no meeting point between the supporters and the opponents of the movement. Finally, at the Congress session at Nagpur in December 1920, a compromise was worked out and the NonCooperation programme was adopted.
(A) How did Gandhi suggest that the Non-Cooperation movement unfold? (1)
Gandhi suggested that the movement should unfold in stages with the first stage being about surrendering of the titles, latter stages can be about boycott of foreign goods and reliance on Indian alternatives.
(B) Which institutions were boycotted during the Non-Cooperation movement? (1)
British institutions like civil services, army, police, courts and legislative councils, schools were boycotted.
(C) How was the Non-Cooperation move¬ment received in the cities? (2)
The movement started with middle-class participation in the cities and was received pretty well Students and citizens boycott all British led institutions. The movement fizzled out later during the beginning of 1922.
Question 12.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
In India, roadways have preceded railways. They still have an edge over railways in view of the ease with which they can be built and maintained. The growing importance of road transport vis-a-vis rail transport is rooted in the following reasons; construction cost of roads is much lower than that of railway lines, roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating topography, roads can negotiate higher gradients of slopes and as such can traverse mountains such as the Himalayas, Road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and relatively smaller amount of goods over short distances, it also provides door-to-door service, thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lower, road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transport such as they provide a link between railway stations, air and sea ports.ln India, roads are classified in the following six classes according to their capacity.
(A) Identify the mode of transport that can traverse high dissected terrain of mountainous regions like the Himalayas? (1)
Explanation: Roadways can be easily built and maintained and can help in connecting the most dissected and undulating regions of the country to other parts of it They require less construction than railway tracks and pipelines.
Related Theory:
Pipelines are generally built in areas with plains and levelled lands
(B) Which features of Roadways make it the most popular form of transportation? (2)
Roads are profitable for journey over shorter distances. Roads can traverse undulating topography.
Explanation: Roads negotiate higher gradients of slopes. Road transport is economical for transportation of few persons. Road transport is a feeder to other modes of transport.
(C) Mention two reforms which are required according to you to overcome the shortcomings of the roads found in India? (1)
Some reforms required are:
- Potholes are formed because of substandard material used by the contractors. There should be stricter regulation of raw materials before using them.
- Unmetalled roads should be converted to metalled roads as fast as possible so as to make transportation easy for people coming from underdeveloped areas.
To answer such questions, students need to recall the shortcomings of the road infrastructure found in India and then try to address them point by point.
Section-E [1 × 3 = 3]
(Map Skill Based Questions)
Question 13.
(A) On the given outline Political Map of India, identify the place marked as A with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked near it.
(a) Identify the place which is associated with calling off the Non-Cooperation Movement. (1)
(B) On the same given map of India, locate the following:
(a) New Mangalore Port
Ramagundam Thermal Power Plant (1)
(b) Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant (1)
(A) Chauri Chaura.
(B) (a) New Mangalore Port
Ramagundam Thermal Power Plant
(b) Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant