Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 2 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
- This Question paper is divided into five sections-Section A, B, C, D and E.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Section-A: Question no. 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions of 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
- Section-B: Question no. 6 to 8 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
- Section-C: Question no. 9 and 10 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
- Section-D: Question no. 11 and 12 are Case Based questions.
- Section-E: Question no. 13 is map based, carrying 3 marks with two parts, 13.1 from History (1 mark) and 13.2 from Geography (2 marks).
- There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.
- In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
SECTION – A [2 × 5 = 10]
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Question 1.
How did the first world war lead to a rise in defence expenditure in India? (2)
Due to the first world war, war loans, funds required to meet the needs of soldiers for food, uniforms, weapons and ammunition rose exponentially. The British Government was under a lot of debt and tried to offset it by levying taxes on Indian citizens to earn greater revenue. Thus, the defence expenditure of India grew exponentially.
Related Theory:
Income tax was introduced to balance the sudden rise in expenditure due to the first world war.
Question 2.
Agriculture and industry are not exclusive to each other. What does the given statement mean? (2)
Agriculture and industry cannot develop or exist individually. Their development is integrated and development of each sector augments the development of the other. In other words, each of them are dependent upon the other for its existence and development.
Related Theory:
Agricultural products are primary sector goods. They are processed and turned into finished goods by the manufacturing sector. The sectors are both interconnected and cannot develop individually because the products of one sector become the raw material for another sector. Hence, they always go hand in hand.
Question 3.
The Supreme Court passed an order to reduce the influence of money and criminals in politics and political parties. Mention the measure taken by the Supreme Court in this regard. (2)
The Supreme Court has made it mandatory for every candidate contesting the elections to file an affidavit giving details of the immovable and movable assets possessed by him and the criminal cases pending against him.
Related Theory:
An affidavit is a signed document submitted to an officer, where a person makes a sworn statement regarding her personal information. It has to be signed by a notarised officer.
Question 4.
Enlist two consequences of greater foreign investment and greater foreign trade. (2)
Two consequences of greater foreign trade are:
Greater foreign investment and foreign trade leads to greater integration of production and markets across
countries. - It also leads to greater economic development and regional growth across the country.
Related Theory:
Foreign trade helps native producers reach a wider customer and consumer base. International markets pay better for goods than native markets.
Question 5.
Read the data about people’s opinions expressed in forms of numbers about their support for democracy and answer the questions that follow:
Democracy is preferable Sometimes dictatorship is better ! Doesn’t matter to me
(A) According to the table, do you think Democracy is a popular form of government in these countries? (1)
(B) Which country do you think has the highest probability of having an autocratic government according to the given table? (1)
(A) Yes, Democracy is a popular form of government in most of these countries according to the given data. Most votes are in favour of having a democratic form of government in their countries.
(A) According to the given table, Pakistan . has the highest probability of having an autocratic government. It has the highest number of citizens who do not care or would not want to have an democratic government.
Data Based Questions involve application of the concepts learnt and understood in the classes. Here, in such questions, students should try to follow the question word by word. Keywords mentioned in the question direct the students to analyse the data accordingly.
Section-B [3 × 3 = 9]
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Question 6.
Why was the Lahore Congress session so consequential for the Indian national movement?
Mahatma Gandhi once again decided to call off the Civil Disobedience movement and entered into a pact with Irwin on 5 March 1931. Support the statement by enlisting incidents which led up to the Gandhi-lrwin pact. (3)
The Lahore Congress session is so important for the Indian national movement because of the following reasons:
- In December 1929, the Lahore Congress formalised the demand of ‘Purna Swaraj’ or complete independence for India for the first time. This was organised under the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru.
- This session also declared that January 26th, 1930 would be celebrated as Independence Day.
- It was when people decided to take a pledge to struggle for complete independence. Resolution to fight for complete independence was declared for the first time in this session.
Following circumstances led up to the Gandhi
Irwin pact:
1. Gandhi’s letter comprising 11 demands from the British Government was rejected by Irwin in 1930-31. Gandhi had launched the Civil disobedience movement and refused to participate in the first round table conference as a consequence.
Question 7.
What is a Barter system? Why does it no longer function today? (3)
A system where the goods are directly exchanged without the use of money as an exchange medium is called the barter system. Double coincidence of wants is an essential feature of the barter system. In this system, sellers agree to sell and buy each other’s commodities.
Question 8.
What does an ideal democratic government promise? Mention few points. (3)
An ideal democratic government promises a lot of things. Few of these promises can be enlisted as:
- It promise to conduct regular free and fair elections, open public debate on major policies and legislation.
- It ensures transparency and citizens’ right to information about the government and its functions.
- An ideal democratic government promises to follow procedures and is accountable to the people.
Section – C [5 × 2 = 10]
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Question 9.
The quality of democracy depends on the degree of public participation. Elaborate.
“Mohammad Iqbal’s thoughts on communalism and separate electorates were radical and completely different from Gandhi’s.” Throw some light on Iqbal’s thoughts on communalism keeping the given statement in mind. (5)
The quality of democracy depends on the degree of public participation. This can be argued as follows:
- To solve the problem of bad politics, ordinary people have to strive and influence leaders to perform better politics.
- It is difficult to reform politics if citizens simply criticise it from the outside. They have to participate and produce better alternatives.
- Public participation makes them aware and the leaders more responsible and accountable towards these enlightened people.
- If political parties felt that they were losing public support by not making reforms, they would become more serious about good governance.
- Political parties could be reformed only if people who wanted to bring reforms join them and lead them towards change.
Mohammad Iqbal reiterated the importance of separate electorates for the muslims as a safeguard for political interests of the minority while Gandhi believed it obstructed the process of national integration.
1. Iqbal also believed that Communalism was indispensable to the formation of a harmonious whole in a country like India.
Question 10.
Underline the significance of mass communication.
Starting around 1991, some far-reaching changes in the economic policy were made in India. Elaborate upon these policies. (5)
The significance of mass communications can be underlined in the following points:
- Mass communication provides mass entertainment.
- Creates awareness among people about programmes and policies through radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books and films without any prejudice based on caste, colour, gender or region.
- Information is spread through mass communication mediums like the All India Radio (Akashwani) through a variety of programmes in national, regional and local languages.
- Doordarshan and other channels broadcast a variety of programmes from entertainment, educational to sports, etc. for people of different age groups.
- Thus Mass communication is a source of information about the world and infotainment.
The government decided in 1991 that Indian producers and companies were ready to compete with producers around the globe. It thus changed the economic policy of India:
- The government felt that this competition from opening the economy to the world would improve the performance of the producers within the country.
- The barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment were also removed.
- This was done to invite investments from all over the world. This boosted our economic growth.
- The policies also involved invitations to prosperous foreign companies.
- The government invited foreign produers to set up factories and offices here which would lead to new employment and growth.
Section -D [4 × 2 = 8]
(Case Based Questions)
Question 11.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
Rama is working in a neighbouring field. She works as an agricultural labourer. There are several months in the year when Rama has no work, and needs credit to meet the daily expenses. Expenses on sudden illnesses or functions in the family are also met through loans. Rama has to depend on her employer, a medium landowner in Sonpur, for credit. The landowner charges an interest rate of 5 per cent per month. Rama repays the money by working for the landowner. Most of the time, Rama has to take a fresh loan, before the previous loan has been repaid. At present, she owes the landowner Rs 5,000. Though the landowner doesn’t treat her well, she continues to work for him since she can get loans from him when in need. Rama tells us that the only source of credit for the landless people in Sonpur are the landowner-employers.
(A) In the given case, why does Rama borrow money only from her landowner? (1)
The only source of credit for the landless people in remotest parts of the country are the landowners and employers. There is no formal source of credit in such areas. It might also be possible that Rama borrows from the landowner because she has no collateral to pledge to the bank as a security.
(B) What is a suitable remedy for Rama to come out of this situation? (1)
Rama should borrow from a formal sector credit source like a bank or a cooperative society instead.
Explanation: If Rama begins to borrow money from a bank, she might get it at a lesser rate of interest and would be able to settle her transaction with the Landowner once and for all. She would be out of the debt trap finally.
(C) What would be the outstanding amount
for Rama to repay to the landowner if she borrowed 6000 rupees from the landowner according to the terms of credit mentioned in the source for 5 months? (2)
Principal (P) = ₹ 6000
Time = 5 months
Rate of Interest = 5% per month
Interest = ?
Amount = ?
Amount = P\(\left(1+\frac{r}{100}\right)^{\mathrm{t}}\)
Amount = 6000\(\left(1+\frac{5}{100}\right)^{5}\) = ₹ 7,657.7
Always solve such questions by presenting each step clearly for step marking.
Question 12.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing. Do you know that paper is manufactured from wood, sugar from sugarcane, iron and steel from iron ore and aluminium from bauxite? Do you also know that some types of clothes are manufactured from yarn which itself is an industrial product? People employed in the secondary activities manufacture the primary materials into finished goods. The workers employed in steel factories, cars, breweries, textile industries, bakeries etc. fall into this category. Some people are employed in providing services. In this chapter, we are mainly concerned with manufacturing industries which fall in the secondary sector. The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing industries.
(A) What are the two types of manufacturing industries classified according to the capital investment? (1)
According to the criterion of capital investment, they are classified into Small scale and Large Scale industries.
Small scale industries require less capital investment and the production is on a smaller scale, confined to two or more industry units.
Large scale industries require large capital investment and the production is on a huge scale, almost covering multiple states or even countries.
Related Theory:
An industry, when classified according to capital investment, is defined with reference to the maximum investment allowed on the assets of a unit. This limit has changed over a period of time. At present the maximum investment allowed is One crore rupees for small scale industries.
(B) What would happen to the economic prosperity of a country if there were no manufacturing industries located in it? (2)
If a country had no manufacturing industries, it would be extremely difficult to sustain it because manufacturing industries produce goods and services which are both exported and consumed by the citizens of the country. Exports bring foreign currency in the country. Since, manufacturing industries are directly linked to the economic prosperity of a country, it will be difficult for such a country to progress economically.
Related Theory
It would have to rely on imports for the minutest requirements of food and sustenance. It will also have very few jobs Hence the country would be very poor.
(C) What would you do if you were the head of such a country? (1)
If I were the head of such a country, I’d insist and invest in setting up some basic industries at the least to help sustain the citizens.
- I would encourage the citizens to research and develop new technologies, advanced methods and establish Iron and Steel, Textiles, Food industry in the first phase followed by other industries in the upcoming phases.
- This would help the country to develop and create more jobs.
- This would also increase their living standards and bring urbanisation.
These are questions which provide a hypothetical scenario for the students to think, analyse and answer. To answer such questions, it is important that the students understand the holistic implications of a particular topic.
Section-E [1 × 3 = 3]
(Map Skill Based Questions)
Question 13.
(A) On the given outline Political Map of India, identify the place marked as A with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked near it.
(a) It is the place in Punjab where the Jallianwala Bagh Incident took place. (1)
(B) On the same given map of India, locate the following:
(a) Narora Nuclear Power Plant
Gandhinagar Software Technology Park (1)
(b) Tuticorin Port (1 )
(A) Amritsar
(B) (a) Narora Nuclear Power Plant
Gandhinagar Software Technology Park
(b) Tuticorin Port