Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 8 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Term 2 Set 8 for Practice
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
- The Question Paper contains THREE sections—READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE.
- Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
Section – A:
READING [10 marks]
Question 1.
Read the passage given below.
“Women need more sleep than men, if not the same. The consequences of a bad sleep cycle also tend to be graver in women compared to men,” said an expert. Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining mental, physical, and emotional health. But with lockdowns imposed and offices shut yet again, people continue to work from home, a model that not only blurs the lines between office and home,
15. others in the family. Sleep works best when it is uninterrupted.
“Additionally, women are more likely to take a nap during the day, suggesting that their total sleep time may be misleading. Napping during the day adds to the sleep time (number of hours spent sleeping) and makes night-time sleep less restful,” he continued.
25. Hormonal imbalances: Women undergo multiple hormonal changes throughout their lives. The changes create disturbances in their circadian rhythm, requiring extra sleep.
Mental health: “Women are twice more likely to suffer from depression than men. In India, women tend to face adverse mental health issues due to their professional commitments and added responsibilities of household chores. A good sleep cycle is needed for them to
30. keep their mental health in check,” said an expert.
Personal lifestyle and fitness: A good night’s sleep aids a women’s metabolism. It gives more energy to exercise, concentrate, and perform other critical daily tasks. According to researchers at the Loughborough University, UK, women need more sleep than men due to multitasking. Women need more sleep than men, if not the same. The consequences of a bad sleep cycle also tend to be much graver in women compared to men. Several studies have extensively shown that sleep-deprived women are at an increased risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart strokes, stress, and mental health issues than sleep-deprived men. Not only that, sleep deprivation can also aggravate pre-existing mood disturbances, such as anger, depression, and anxiety. It can lead to confusion, fatigue, and lack of vigour, ultimately impacting productivity. Women may also face more challenges in concentration than men.
(B) Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with a word that means the same from lines 1-10.
There was so much of fog that it caused a reduction in the clarity of my vision. (1)
Question 2.
Read the following excerpt from a case study titled ‘Cyber Bullying’.
Cyberbullying is a serious issue affecting a large number of children and adolescents who have experienced it. Here are some stories:
10. watch. She’s called me Ugly Rag Doll! Who says these kinds of things? Only someone that is heartless and that has never been bullied before. They don’t know how it feels !
35. like I can’t say anything with someone on Twitter bullying me. I try to make it look like I don’t care and all, but it never seems to work. I’ve reported and blocked them”- 21 year-old girl from USA
“A guy I know (he is a good friend of mine now) used to be pretty cruel to me in front of my friends, mocking me. But I just want to say to every victim out there, don’t stop believing it will all get better.
Image source: Researchgate
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions out of the six given below. (1 × 5)
(A) What does the writer mean by saying “cyber-bullying affects adolescents”? (1)
Section – B:
Question 3.
Attempt any one from (A) and (B) (5)
(A) Study the given data on ‘Cash Rlues Everything Around Christmas’ that shows things that are popluuar in giving and receiving gifts during Christmas. (3)
(B) You are David/Devi, purchase manager of a publishing house, you come cross the following adve
Write a letter to Som Safety Works in about 120 words, placing an order for some fire extinguishers that you need for your office. (5)
Question 4.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has been done for you. (1 × 3)
Chess is called the game off kings.
It has being around for a long time.
People have been played it for over 500 years.
Chess was based on an even older game from India.
The chess we play today is from Europe.
Question 5.
Read the conversation and complete the passage that follows.
Teacher: Today let me share the importance of education for every person in society. If you are not properly educated you will not get any job easily.
Student: Yes sir, this is true. I have seen many people suffering due to lack of education.
The teacher told the students to let him share the importance of education for every person in society and told them
that if (a) ……………. Student replied that that was true and added that (b) ………………………. due to lack of education. (1 + 1)
Section – C:
Literature (20 Marks)
Question 6.
Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each, (2 × 6)
(A) What was the significance of Baking as indeed a profitable profession in the old days? (2)
Question 7.
Answer ANY TWO of the following in about
120 words each. 4×2
(A) Critically examine and highlight the impact of sufferings seen by Siddhartha on his mind. (4)