Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 2 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
- The Question Paper contains THREE sections—READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE.
- Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
Reading [10 marks]
Question 1.
Read the passage given below.
Call it a blessing or a curse of Mother Nature, we have to breathe in over 10,000 litres of air in a day (more than four million litres in a year) to remain alive. By making it essential for life, God wanted us to keep the air we breathe clean. Everyone can see the food that is not clean and perhaps refrain from eating it, but one cannot stop breathing even if one can feel the air to be polluted.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below. (1 × 5)
(A) What does the writer mean by using the quote “Your smoking is injurious to my health”? (1)
The given phrase is a witty version of ‘Smoking is injurious to health’. By this, the writer means that smoking is risky for the ‘non-smokers’ who inhale the fumes passed on by the ‘smokers’.
(B) Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with a word that means the same from lines 15-20.
Shalini, without a doubt, is a Manchester City fan. She even got the stadium tickets to go watch the live series. (1)
Shalini, unequivocally, is a Manchester City fan. She even got the stadium tickets to go watch the live series.
(C) State a reason for air being contaminated with noxious substances. (1)
The chemical industries emitting noxious substances into the air make it contaminated.
(D) Why are the children of smoking parents more prone to ‘hospital admissions’? (1)
The children of smoking parents are exposed to ETS which leads to several respiratory disorders. This is why they are more prone to ‘hospital admissions’.
(E) List one reason as to why we should give ‘due consideration to ventilation’? (1)
We should give ‘due consideration to ventilation’ because on an average, we spend most of our time indoors, inhaling the trapped contaminated air.
(F) How does the writer justify emphasising ventilation over eliminating the source of pollutant? (1)
The writer justifies the given argument by saying that eliminating the sources of pollutants is not feasible as we cannot control the toxic air outside, but can release that trapped air through ventilation from our houses.
Question 2
Read the following excerpt from a case study titled “what is a healthy diet?”
“What is a healthy diet?” Many clinicians find themselves at a loss to answer this common question from patients. The difficulty of offering a simple answer is understandable. The overwhelming volume of data generated by food and nutrition researchers coupled with sometimes contradictory findings, the seeming flip-flops in
Table-1: Awareness level among respondents
25. A companion study, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, showed that similar healthy choices were beneficial in men, even among those who were taking medications to lower blood pressure or cholesterol. Although much solid information on optimal diets has emerged, the full picture of the relationships between diet and health will take years of further research to fill in. Yet several fundamentals have been established and are unlikely to change significantly.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below. (1 × 5)
(A) Why do the food researchers get data coupled with ‘contradictory findings’? (1)
The food researchers get data coupled with ‘contradictory findings’ because the data is overwhelmingly wide and may contradict in results from person to person.
(B) Comment on the approaches to prevent illness in line 20-21. (1)
The four approaches to prevent illness are dieting, limiting caloric intake, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking.
(C) Why do researchers feel that several fundamentals have been established and are unlikely to change significantly? (1)
The researchers feel so because there are many fundamentals of diet which have been studied upon for years and have been proven clinically as well.
(D) Justify the researchers’ suggestions of healthy dietary patterns leading to low risk of chronic diseases. (1)
Researchers have done several studies over the years which provided them with a large body of evidence that healthy dietary patterns lead to decreased chronic diseases in people.
(E) Healthy diet helps to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases. How does evidence from Table 1 support this statement? (1)
In Table 1, we can see that the number of healthy eaters is more than the people who don’t eat healthy diet on a daily basis. This leads to 80% of people saying ‘no’ to ever being diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases.
(F) What purpose does the ‘Can’t Say’ column serve in Q1 of the questionnaire (Table 1)? (1)
The ‘Can’t Say’ column is for the people who are unsure of the parameters of the diet being healthy.
Writing and Grammar (10 marks)
Question 3.
Attempt ANY ONE from (A) and (B).
(A) Study the concept chart from the sports magazine section of a monthly publication.
Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed situations due to the global pandemic. (5)
In recent times, people had become more conscious about their health and started • to change their lifestyle. Doing yoga, going to a gym, seeking alternative therapies are some of the activities that people of all age groups indulge in to keep themselves fit and healthy. Moreover, after a stressful day, it is considered a good idea to unwind by going to theatre with friends or family. Flowever, COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we live today.
(B) You are Somya/Sahil, a resident of Modern Colony, Kanpur. You come across the following information on a local library’s notice board.
As you want to be a choreographer, write a letter to the Director, National School of Dance, Kanpur, in about 120 words, seeking information about their courses, duration, admission procedure, eligibility criteria and other details. (5)
B-23, Modern Colony
August, 20XX
The Director
National School of Dance
Subject: Inquiry regarding a choreography course
Dear Sir/Madam
I came across your advertisement regarding the courses in choreography offered by your institute and want to state that I have passed my higher secondary exams. I am very much interested in dancing and want to learn the classical dance. I have heard much about your institution and the classes.
- Timings
- Fees
- Admission procedure
- Eligibility criteria
Hope to get the information soon.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Question 4.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has been done for you. (1 × 3)
The students that were fighting for The flowers or fruits that they plucked all both the things were in plenty, the Teacher called the student and asked him to
Error | Correction |
(a) or | and |
(b) all | as |
(c) the | a |
(a) The students plucked both the flowers and the fruits, not any one of them. Hence, this is the right answer.
(b) ‘As’ both the things were in plenty, the students were fighting to get them. All makes no sense here. Hence, this is the right answer.
(c) The teacher didn’t call any specific student. It could be any random person. Hence, this is the right answer.
Question 5.
Read the conversation between a teacher and student and complete the passage that follows.
John was annoyed as he couldn’t enjoy the Cars monthly issue digitally.
So, his mom (a) ………………… She knew that
John was (b) ………………… so she went to the store and got that book for him. John got happy and thanked his mother. (1 + 1)
(a) surprised him with a physical book
(b) annoyed with the e-book
Literature (20 marks)
Question 6.
Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. (2)
(A) What were Valli’s emotions when the elderly man expressed concern that she was standing on the bus seat? (2)
Valli was fairly displeased when the elderly man expressed concern that she was standing on the bus seat. She was annoyed by the way she was treated like a little child in the bus.
(B) Custard’s reaction was different from that of others, on seeing the pirate. Using evidence from the poem, explain how this difference is represented in ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’. (2)
Belinda’s other pets always teased Custard and called him a coward, but Custard was the only one who stood up to fight the pirate when he broke in. The others ran away to save themselves.
(C) Justify the poet’s allusion to Rapunzel in the poem ‘Amanda’. (2)
The poet in the poem ’Amanda’, uses allusion to depict that Amanda knows that as Rapunzel let her hair down, she was freed from the confines of the castle. However, Amanda wishes to live alone without any disturbance so unlike Rapunzel, she doesn’t want to escape.
(D) What does the poet Walt Whitman suggest by saying that ‘they do not sweat and whine about their condition’ in the poem ‘Animals’? (2)
In the poem, the poet Walt Whitman said this phrase with reference to the animals. By this, he suggests that animals are satisfied and content with whatever they have in their lives. They do not cry about the situation they deal with.
(E) When the writer says, ‘Baking was indeed a profitable profession in the old days’, what did he mean? (2)
Through the given statement, the writer wants us to know that the eaters of the Portuguese bread have reduced in numbers today. This indicates that baking as a profession is now no longer that profitable which it used to be in the olden days.
(F) Comment on the tone of Mme Frostier when said to Matilda, “Choose, my dear”. (2)
The tone of Mme Frostier was benevolent. When Frostier heard the story of Matildas distress, she felt the desire to help and thus, offered her jewels box to choose from.
(G) Mr Weiherer was pleased that Richard Ebright not only put in the nightly research hours towards butterflies, but also his other interests. Comment. (2)
Mr Weiherer was pleased that Richard was able to balance his academics along with his hobbies. He was impressed with both Richard’s commitment to work and his hobbies. He wanted Richard to grow as a well-rounded personality.
Question 7.
Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each. (4 × 2 = 8)
(A) Natalya and Ivan argued about the ownership of Oxen Meadows and the superiority of their respective dogs in the play, The Proposal. Based on your understanding of the personality traits reflected through the given points of arguments of Natalya and Ivan, develop a conversation, showcasing another argument between them.
You may begin like this:
Natalya: Hello, Ivan. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.
Ivan: Hello, I am equally surprised to see you here.
Natalya: Why are you surprised? …………………. (4)
- Natalya: Hello, Ivan. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.
- Ivan: Hello, I am equally surprised to see you here.
- Natalya: Why are you surprised? I come here often, rather I thought this wasn’t something a person like you would like. Ivan: Well, if you come here often then you should have known that I am a member of the book club here. How much you do Like to lie! What else can one expect from someone who likes to stake claim to things belonging to others.
- Natalya: Are you sure you are not talking about yourself? After all, you lay false claim to own Oxen Meadows which have been in our family for generations. And I don’t believe you come here often, as they have a policy against allowing drunks in here.
- Ivan: That’s it. I am going to take this matter to court now.
- Natalya: Yes and then the truth will come out!
(B) Bholi’s evolution from a ‘dumb cow’ to saying ‘no’ to marry Bishamber was a great journey. Examine her journey highlighting her stand for herself. (4)
The journey of Bholi’s evolution from a ‘dumb cow’ to a ‘masterpiece’ clearly showcases the idea of being an individual who is not being exploited by people or circumstances. Initially, Bholi was considered a simpleton and people compared her to a dumb cow. Bholi could not speak till she was five, and when at last she learnt to speak, she stammered. Children made fun of her which had an adverse effect on her self-confidence. Bholi’s teacher understood her need for love and gently guided her. Under her teacher’s gentle guidance, Bholi blossomed into a confident young girl who believed in her own self-worth. Eventually, she was able to stand up for herself and raise her voice against the social evil of dowry. Hence, she at once said no to the proposal of the greedy Bishambhar who asked money to marry her.
(C) It is a bitter truth that death is immortal and would come to all. Evaluate the chapter ‘Sermon at Benaras’ with reference to the given statement. (4)
In the chapter, ‘Sermon at Benaras’, Kisa Gotami was completely beset with grief after the loss of her only son. All the people made her learn that her grief and lament could not bring his son back to life. She has to bear the loss to live in peace. Yet, Kisa failed to learn the lesson. Then, to get his son back, Kisa went to Buddha, who told her to get mustard seed from a house that had never lost any one to death and once she would get that, he would bring her son back to life.