CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 Physical Education 2018 Outside Delhi
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks: 70
General Instructions:
- The question paper contains 26 questions.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Question no. 1 to 11 carry 1 mark each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 10-20 words each.
- Questions no. 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 30-50 words each.
- Questions no. 20 to 26 carry 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 75-100 words each.
** Answer is not given due to change in the present syllabus
Question 1.
What do you mean by ‘Seeding’ ? [1]
Seeding is a method in which strong teams/players are selected to keep them at appropriate places in the fixture so that they may not meet in the earlier rounds. For the selection of strong teams, the organisers must be well aware regarding the previous performance of the teams.
Question 2.
What do you mean by food intolerance ? [1]
Food intolerance is the inability of a person to digest certain food properly. Its symptoms include nausea,vomiting, acidity, stomach upset, etc.
Question 3.
What is the main physiological cause of Asthma? [1]
The physiological cause of asthma is airway narrowing and a subsequent interference with airflow.
Question 4.
What is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ? [1]
It is a brain disorder that includes inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. It is a medical condition that affects how well can someone sit still, focus and pay attention.
Question 5.
What do you mean by Congenital Deformity? [1]
The deformity in children that is present at birth is known as congenital deformity.
Question 6.
What is Bulimia ? [1]
Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person eats excessive amount of food. People with bulimia make up for the excess energy intake using a variety of techniques including vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise etc. to control body weight.
Question 7.
Explain the meaning of cardiac output. [1]
The amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute is known as cardiac output. It is a product of stroke volume and heart and is measured in litres/min.
Question 8.
What type of sports injury can be termed as ‘Laceration’in sports ? [1]
Laceration is an irregular cut on the skin with a sharp object or sharp edged sports equipment.
Question 9.
Which field of study in sports is called ‘Biomechanics’? [1]
Biomechanics is the study of internal and external forces and their effects on living system or athlete
Question 10.
What do you mean by the term ‘Aggression’ in sports ? [1]
In sports, aggresion means an intention to harm or injure player outside the rules of game so as to gain a competitive advantage or late tackling to stop an opponent from scoring.
Question 11.
What is coordinative ability ? [1]
Coordinative ability is the ability of the body to bring together different elements of a complex activity into an efficient relationship.
Question 12.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of food supplements for adolescents ? Write briefly. ** [3]
Question 13.
Sushant was a good athlete. He used to practise regularly to achieve a position at the State level. But he could not get success. He got frustrated with his poor performance and started misbehaving with his teachers and friends in school. Due to depression and anxiety, he started taking drugs. The Principal counselled Sushant and called his parents.
They took him to a rehabilitation centre for treatment. After a few months, he recovered and came back home.
On the basis of above passage answer the following questions:
(a) Do you think that consuming drugs is a solution to emotion-focused problems ?
(b) What values are shown by the Principal ?
(c) What should be the attitude of the teachers and the parents after his recovery ? [3]
(a) No, consuming drug is not a solution to emotion focussed problems or failure or poor performance.
(c) Teachers and parents should motivate Sushant for achieving his goal. They should try to make him understand that success comes after failure. So, he has to works hard and prove himself in front of everyone.
Question 14.
What are the types of disability ? Explain briefly. [3]
Types of disability are :
(i) Cognitive disability : Cognitive disability generally refers to anyone with lower than average intellectual functioning. A person who has a cognitive disability has trouble in performing mental tasks that the average person would be able to do.
(ii) Intellectual disability: Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning (such as learning, problem solving, judgement) and in adaptive behaviour (activities of daily life such as communication). This disability originates before the age of 18.
(iii) Physical.disability : A physical disability is a long term loss or impairment of part of body’s physical function. It can involve difficulties in walking and mobility, sitting and standing, use of hands and arms, sight, hearing, speech, muscle control etc.
Question 15.
What are the major muscles involved in run-ning, jumping and throwing ? Explain. [3]
Gluteeus, quads, calves and hamstring are the major muscles involved while running. Glutes muscles stabilize the hips and legs. Quads propel you forward and help straighten out the leg in front so that it can make a good contact with the surface of ground. Calves muscles provide spring action in the steps and also act as shock absorber. While moving forward, hamstring help in pulling the leg back behind.
The leg, feet and gluteus muscle groups are used in jumping. Specific muscles which are involved in jumping are gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps and soleus.
In throwing, major muscles are pectorials major, lattissimus dorsi, anterior deltoid and teres major are involved. These muscles are comparatively responsible for velocity during the throw.
Question 16.
Keeping in view the Indian ideology, critically analyse the sociological aspect of participation by women athletes in sports. ** [3]
Question 17.
What do you understand by ‘First Aid’ ? Discuss briefly about the aims and objectives of First Aid. [3]
First Aid : It is the immediate care given to an injured or ill person. It does not take the place of proper medical treatment. It is a temporary assistance before actual medical care is obtained.
Aims & Objectives : The most obvious objective of first aid is to save one’s life before the victim gets actual medical help. The objective can be simplified into the five Ps :
- Preserve life.
- Protect the unconscious.
- Prevent injury or illness becoming worse.
- Promote recovery.
- Procure medical aid.
If a life-threatening situation does exist, the first aider should have knowledge of procedures to keep the casualty alive. A casuality should be isolated from all further dangers and placed in a position where their injury or illness will not become worse. The casualty’s injuries or illness should be attended to in order to prevent complications arising from his or her injury or illness.
Question 18.
Mention briefly about the common sports injuries and their prevention. [3]
Common sport injuries are broadly divided in three categories :
(i) Soft Tissues Injuries
(ii) Bone Injuries
(iii) Joint Injuries
Prevention of sports injuries :
- Use properly fitted sports equipment and gear.
- Hydrate adequately to maintain health and minimize cramps.
- Perform proper warm-up and cool-down routines.
- Have a pre-season health and wellness evaluation.
- Body conditioning.
- Proper use of techniques.
- Balanced diet and adequate rest.
Question 19.
Explain the “Eight Foot Up and Go” test for measuring agility and dynamic balance. [3]
The ‘eight foot up and go’ test is a coordination and agility test for the elderly. The purpose of this test is to measure speed, agility and balance while moving. The procedure of this test is :
- Place the chair next to a wall and mark 8 feet in front of the chair.
- The subject starts by fully seated, hand resting on knees and feet flat on ground.
- On the command “GO”, timing started and the subject stands and walks as quickly as possible (no running) around the cone, returning to initial position and sit on the chair.
- As the person sits down, the timer is stopped.
- Perform two trials.
The score is better time of the two trials to the nearest 1/10
of a second.
Regular exercise increases agility and dynamic balance.
Question 20.
Define Combination Tournament. Draw a fixture of 16 teams using Knock-out cum League Method. [5]
Combination Tournament are those tournaments in which initial round of tournament is played on particular basis (knock-out or league) and rest of the tournament played on another particular basis (knock-out/league).
- Knock out cum knock out
- League cum League
- Knock out cum League
- League cum Knock out
Fixture of Knock out cum League Tournament:
Divide number of team into four groups, then they are made to compete with each other on the basis of knock out tournament, the winners from four groups are made compete on the basis of league Tournament. This will declare one team as a winner.
Henceforth winners from each group WA, WB, WC & WD move to League Tournament. And each team in League Tournament plays once with other team. Team winning most matches with maximum points is declared as winner of tournament.
Four Teams
WA(1) WA Vs WB — Winner WA — 2 Points
WB (2) WC Vs WD — Winner WC — 2 Points
WC (3) WA Vs WC — Winner WA — 2 Points
WD(4) WB Vs WD — Winner WD — 2 Points
(5) WA Vs WD — Winner WA — 2 Points
(6) WB Vs WC — Winner WC — 2 Points
Final Points Tally
WA ⇒ 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 Points
WB ⇒ 0 =0 Points
WC ⇒ 2 + 2 = 4 Points
WD ⇒ 2 = 2 Points
Here WA winning 3 matches with 6 points is winner.
Question 21.
What are the causes of back pain ? Explain the procedures, benefits and contra-indications of two asanas recommended to cure back pain. [5]
Causes of Back Pain : The human back is composed of a complex structure of muscles, ligaments, tendons, disks and bones. Problem with any of these components can lead to back pain. The most common causes of back pain are strained muscles, strained ligaments and a muscle spasm which arises due to :
- Incorrect body posture
- Lifting something that is too heavy
Back pain can be reduced by regular excercise, correcting the posture and doing proper asanas like Tadasana and Bhujangasana.
(a) Tadasana
Tadasana is an asana in which the posture appears like standing in the form or shape of a mountain.
1. Procedure : Stand erect and place your thighs, slightly apart, with your hands hanging alongside your body. Strengthen the inner arches of inner ankles as you lift them. Look slightly upward. Now breathe in and stretch your shoulders, arms and chest upwards. Raise your heels, making sure that your body is on your toes. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Then exhale and release.
2. Benefits:
- It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance,
- It improves body posture.
3. Contraindication: It is best to avoid this pose if someone is having problems like severe migraine, insomnia or low blood pressure.
(b) Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana is a basic Hatha pose that Strengthens the entire shoulder and upper back.
1. Procedure: Lie flat on your stomach. Place your hands on the side and ensure that toes touch each other. Then move your hands to the front, placing your body’s weight on your palms. Inhale and raise your head and trunk. Press your hips, thighs and feet to the floor. Hold the asana for 15 to 30 seconds then release the pose by slowly bringing your hands back to the sides.
2. Benefits:
- It makes spine stronger and more flexible.
- It gives lungs, shoulder, chest and abdomen a good stretch.
3. Contraindication : People should avoid this asana if they suffer from problems like hernia and back injuries. Pregnant women should not perform this pose in any case.
Question 22.
Describe exercise guidelines at different stages of growth in children. Give suitable examples for every stage. [5]
Excerise guidelines at different stages of growth: Development is a never ending process whereas growth refers to an increase caused by physiological change in which the child becomes bigger in size and heavier in weight. As every individual is unique in himself, individual differences and specificity of activity should be considered.
(i) Infant activity (0 to 2 yrs.) : In this stage, the growth pattern involves control over big muscles. Clean, safe and hygienic environment is the need in this stage. In this tender age, the activities have to be done under the observation of parents and guardians. Main exercises for this tender age are practice of balancing, walking and hearing from different directions.
(ii) Early childhood activity (3 to 8 yrs) : During this stage of growth, the pattern involves control over small muscles and bone development. The environment needed at this stage should be clean and safe, moreover proper checks by parents and teachers are required. Suggested sports- Running, throwing etc. Parents should keep a check that he or she does not fall on ground to avoid injuries.
(iii) Later childhood activities (8 to 12 yrs): During this stage, flexibility and co-ordinated activity of growth occurs. During this stage of growth, good quality apparatus and safety measures should be considered. Wrong hab-its should be checked. Suggested exercise and sports—100 metres races, hanging from horizontal bars, Cricket, Football, Tennis, Judo, Karate etc.
Question 23.
Write in detail about the various tests items and their administration of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (AAHPER) Test. ** [5]
Question 24.
What are the long term effects of regular exercise on the cardio-vascular system ? Explain. [5]
Effect of exercise on the cardio-vascular system:
- Cardiac output increases : The cardiac output tends to increase as a result of regular exercise.
- Resting heart rate decreases : The resting heart rate decreases due to regular exercise. After a duration of 10 week training programme, the resting rate may reduce upto 10 beats/min from the normal 72 beats/min.
- Stroke volume increases at resting condition : The stroke volume at rest remains up to 50-70 ml/beat in untrained individuals, but in trained individuals it ranges from 70-90 ml/beat.
- Blood volume increases : The blood volume increases due to regular exercises. Actually, as the blood volume increases, there is an increase in plasma volume. Also, the body produces a greater number of red blood cells.
- Blood flow increases : The body increases its number of capillaries to the requirement of supplying more oxygen during exercise to the muscles. The existing capillaries open wider as well.
Question 25.
What is aerodynamics ? Describe the various forces of aerodynamics. ** [5]
Question 26.
What is circuit training ? Draw a diagram of 10 stations to improve general fitness. How can load be increased in circuit training ? [5]
Circuit training is a formal type of training in which an athlete goes through a series of selected exercises that are arranged in a circuit with 5 to 10 stations. In circuit training, several exercises are done one after the another. Completion of one set of each exercise in rotation is called one round. It was designed by GT Anderson and RE Morgan in 1953. It is very effective method for strength, speed and endurance development.
In circuit training, the load can be increased in the following two ways :
- By increasing the duration
- By enhancing the intensity of sportsperson.