CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 Physical Education 2015 Delhi
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks: 70
General Instructions:
- The question paper contains 26 questions.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Question no. 1 to 11 carry 1 mark each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 10-20 words each.
- Questions no. 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 30-50 words each.
- Questions no. 20 to 26 carry 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 75-100 words each.
** Answer is not given due to change in the present syllabus
Question 1.
Suggest any four ways through which women participation in sport across age group can be enhanced. [1/4 × 4 = 1]
- Modification in Legislation.
- Better coverage of women sports.
- Improvement in fitness and wellness movements.
- Educating Women.
Question 2.
Trekking is a long adventurous journey under taken on foot in areas where common means of transport are generally not available. Name any four important materials required that should be carried along. [1/4 × 4 = 1]
- First Aid Box
- Sleeping Bags
- Pair of Shoes and Socks
- Rope
Question 3.
Enlist two objectives of Intramurals.
- Develops moral and ethical values of the students
- Provide opportunity to the maximum number of students to participate in sports.
Question 4.
Enlist two sources for calcium and iron separately. [1/4 × 4 = 1]
Calcium sources : Cheese, Milk, Orange Juice, Eggs, Yogurt.
Iron sources : Liver, Meat, Orange Juice, Egg.
Question 5.
Explain correct sitting posture.** [1]
Question 6.
Calculate the physical fitness index using short formula for a 12 year old boy having completed Harvard Step Test for a duration of 3 minutes and a pulse rate of 54 beats for 1 to 1.5 minute. [1]
The athlete’s fitness index score is calculated with the help of following formula. Fitness index score = (100 × test duration in seconds) divided by (2 × sum of heart beats in recovery period).
(100 × 180 Sec)/ 2 × 54 = 500/3 = 166.66
Question 7.
Your grandmother feels she has reduced her upper body flexibility and therefore she wants to test herself. Which test would you suggest her ? [1]
Back scratch test for upper body flexibility.
Question 8.
Explain the term Hypertrophy of muscles. [1]
Increase in size of the muscle fiber due to regular exercises or Hypertrophy is enlargement of heart due to regular exercises which is called “Athletic heart”.
Question 9.
What do you understand by linear movement? [1]
Linear movement refers to any movement along a straight line in one direction.
Question 10.
Explain the term “realistic” in goal setting principles. [1]
Realistic goals are achievable goals.
Question 11.
Suggest any two isometric exercises for shoulder region. [1/2 + 1/2 = 1]
- Pushing against the wall.
- Holding push up position.
Question 12.
What safety measures children should be taught while participating in trekking? [3]
- Avoid trekking during bad weather conditions.
- To prevent insect bite do wear full sleeves shirts and full pants.
- Wear proper footwear so that you don’t slip while trekking.
- Don’t eat local leaves, flowers etc. while trekking, they may be poisonous.
Question 13.
Briefly explain the functions and resources of three fat soluble vitamins. [1 × 3 = 3]
Fat Soluble vitamins are A, D, E, K. Functions :
(i) Vitamin ‘D’: The main function of vitamin D is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in our bones and aid in cell-to-cell communication throughout the body.
(ii) Vitamin ‘E’ : Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a powerful, fat-soluble antioxidant that helps to protect cell membranes against the damage caused by free radicals, prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and is also important in the formation of red blood cells (RBC), thus essential for blood coagulation.
(iii) Vitamin ‘K’ : Vitamin K occurs in two forms-Vitamin K
and Vitamin K
Vitamin K is known as the clotting vitamin, because without it, blood would not clot. It also helps in prevention of haemorrhage.
- Sources of Vitamin A : Ghee, milk, curd, egg yolk, fish, tomato, papaya, spinach, carrot, pumpkin etc.
- Sources of Vitamin D : Egg yolk, fish, sunlight. Vegetables, cod liver oil, milk, cream, butter, tomato, carrot etc.
- Sources of Vitamin E : Green vegetables, kid¬ney, liver, heart cotton seed, sprouts seeds, coconut oil.
- Sources of Vitamin K : Cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, wheat, egg and meat etc.
Question 14.
Neeti along with her father was regular at district park in early morning. She realized that most of the children are obese. She along with her few classmates wanted to help those children. She discussed with her physical education teacher and the principal of the school. School decided to organize awareness rally for the neighbourhood.
(i) How obesity can be prevented? Give two ways.
(ii) Give any two disadvantages of obesity.
(iii) What values are shown by Neeti and her classmates ?** [1 × 3 = 3]
(i) Obesity can be prevented by :
- Avoid fast food, fatty food and over eating
- Regular exercise/ physical activity
(ii) Disadvantages of obesity :
- More chances of injury
- More disease/ physical health problems
Question 15.
Briefly explain the six physical benefits of exercise to children. [1/2 × 6 = 3]
(i) Exercise helps in healthy growth and development : Encouraging healthy life-styles in children and adolescents is important when they grow older. Participating in organized sports and games is not only of great fun but is very essential for healthy growth and development.
(ii) Exercise improves self-esteem : Self-esteem can play a great role in how children feel about themselves and also how much they enjoy things or worry about things. Exercise reduces depressive symptoms and improves self-esteem in children.
(iii) Exercise reduces blood sugar level: Lowering blood sugar level is not only the health issue of adults but also for children as they are also becoming trapped with high sugar level. Exercise is helpful in preventing sugar from accumulating in the blood by triggering muscles to receive more glucose from blood and utilize it for energy.
(iv) Exercise helps in motor development :
Exercise helps in increasing the motor development of infants and children at a very rapid pace which in due course improves in building fine movements later on in life. The movements of muscles become efficient and smooth by doing exercise in premature age; their movements turn out to be attractive.
(v) Exercise strengthens the heart : Exercise helps improve heart health, and can even reverse some heart disease risk factors. A child who exercises often has the lowest risk for heart disease, but any amount of exercise is beneficial.
(vi) Exercise makes stronger bones, muscles and joints : Exercise is vital for strong muscles, bones and joints. Exercise may help children lower their risk of chronic pain related to muscles, bones and joints in the future. Exercise increases bone density, which helps to make bones stronger.
Question 16.
Explain the procedure for conducting Kraus-Weber test for measuring minimum muscular strength.** [3]
Question 17.
Maintaining physical activities for a longer period, brings desirous changes in circulatory system. Justify your answer by highlighting three benefits of exercise. [3]
(i) Heart size increases : The size of heart and strength of the cardiac muscles increases due to regular exercises as to the maximum extent the left ventricle adapts. The walls of the heart develop into stronger and thicker as shown in recent studies and the thickness of myocardial wall increases as well.
(ii) Resting heart rate decreases : The resting heart rate decreases due to regular exercises. After duration of 10 week training programme, the resting heart rate may reduce up to 10 beats per minute from the normal of 72 beats per minute. The heart becomes more efficient due to regular exercises. In highly conditioned athletes the resting heart rate decreases to 30 beats/minute.
(iii) Stroke volume increases at resting conditions : The stroke volume increases at resting conditions due to regular exercises. The stroke volume at rest remains up to 50-70 ml/beat in untrained individuals; in trained individuals it ranges from-70-90 ml/beat and in the elite endurance athletes it ranges from 90-110 ml/beat.
Question 18.
What is the difference between linear and angular motion? Explain through example. [3]
Linear motion is any motion that moves along a straight line in one direction. The direction can either be horizontal, vertical or inclined direction. Example, approach run. Angular motion is rotatory motion, it occurs when all points on a body or object move in a circular path about the same fixed central line or axis. A child swings and rotations in hammer throw are the best example.
Question 19.
What do you understand by relative strength?
Explain the importance of body weight in determining relative strength. [3]
Relative strength is strength in relation to your body weight. Relative strength have a determining importance in sports in which the athlete shifts his body in space without any additional external weight (H/J and L/J) as well as in sports in which he has to restrict his own weight within the framework of weight division (e. g. boxing, wrestling, weight lifting etc.) e.g. if 1 RM (repetition maximum) is 50 kgs and body wt. is 50 kg and if 1 RM is 70 kg and body wt. is 50 kg, in second category the relative strength is more.
Question 20.
What role an individual can play in improvement of sport environment ?
An individual plays a very effective role in:
- Maintaining sports facilities.
- Using essential protective equipment.
- Develop fitness of the sportsperson.
- Learning of proper skills.
- Proper officiating and coaching.
- Stress on drugs free environment.
- Emphasis on the attitude and behavior of coaches and other officials.
Question 21.
Being sports captain of the school, prepare five important committees with their responsibilities to conduct one day run for health race. [5]
(i) Publicity committee : The committee for publicity informs and announces the sports events, dates and venues in advance to the institutions, departments and public through newspapers, media, e-mail and website etc. Their main responsibility is to advertise the sports events.
(ii) Boarding and lodging committee: The main responsibility of this committee is ensuring and making needful arrangements for providing accommodation and serving food to all the officials and sportspersons.
(iii) Transportation committee: This committee is mainly responsible for providing the facilities regarding transportation of various teams to the venue of sports events or to the place of boarding and lodging. Their main duty is to make arrangements of transportation.
(iv) Grounds and equipments committee : This committee comes under the technical committee which mainly deals with the technical area of ground marking and layouts of track and field etc. This committee also makes necessary arrangements of equipments related to the game and athletic meet.
(v) Official committee : This committee selects various officials such as referees, judges, and various qualified officials as per requirements of the particular sport.
Question 22.
What are the important functions of our skeletal system?** [5]
Question 23.
Explain Sheldon’s classification of personality and explain its importance in physical education and sports. [5]
(i) Endomorphic : An Endomorphic somatotype is also known as a viscerotonic. The characteristic traits of this somatotype usually includes being relaxed, tolerant, comfortable, and sociable. Psychologically, they are also fun-loving, good humored, even-tempered, and they love food and affection. The Endomorph is physically “round”. They have wide hips and narrow shoulders that give a pear-shape.
They tend to have a lot of extra fat on their body and on their arms and thighs. They have skinny ankles and wrists that make the rest of their body look even bigger.
(ii) Ectomorphic : An ectomorph is the complete opposite of the Endomorph. Physically, they have narrow shoulders, thin legs and arms, little fat on the body, a narrow face and a narrow chest. They may eat just as much as the endomorph but never seem to gain any weight. They always stay skinny. Personality wise, they tend to be self-conscious, socially anxious, artistic, thoughtful, quiet, and private. They always keep to themselves and are to branch out.
(iii) Mesomorphic : The mesomorph is in between the endomorph and thin ectomorph. They have an attractive and desirable body. Physically, they tend to have a large head and broad shoulders with a narrow waist. They have a strong muscular body and strong arms and legs and little fat on the body. They work for the body they have so that they could have an attractive body. Psychologically, the mesomorph is adventurous and courageous. They are not afraid to break out and do new things with new people. They are assertive.
Question 24.
What is movement speed? Explain the methods to develop speed endurance. [5]
Movement speed is the time taken between the initiation of movement and the completion of the movement. It depends upon techniques, explosive strength, flexibility and coordinative abilities. It plays a vital role in boxing, gymnastics, swimming; throws and jumps etc. where the minimum time is taken to complete the movement.
To develop the speed endurance we will have to work more on pace races because pace races means running the whole distance at a constant speed. Generally, 800 meters and above races are included in pace races. As a matter of fact, an athlete can run a distance of 300 meters at full speed but, in longer races such as 800 meters or above races he must conserve his energy by reducing his speed. For example, if there is a runner of 800 meter race his best time is 1 minute 40 second, so, he should run first 400 m in 49 seconds and next 400m in 51 seconds.
Question 25.
Diet for sportspersons are important. What should be the aims of preparing diet for sportsperson? [11/4 × 4 = 5]
Aims of preparing diet for sports person :
- Maintaining body weight and body composition desired for that specific sport.
- Maintaining adequate pool of nutrient levels in the body.
- Adopting healthy nutritional practices during training and competition.
- Carrying on with healthy nutritional practices during off season as well i.e. when competition are not taking place.
Question 26.
“Involvement in physical activities for longer period of time with moderate intensity can improve the quality of life.” Justify your answer. [5]
(i) Exercise helps in healthy growth and development : Exercise is an important part of keeping children healthy. Encouraging healthy lifestyles in children and adolescents is important when they grow older. Participating in organized sports and games is not only of great fun but is very essential for healthy growth and development.
(ii) Exercises improve self-esteem : Exercise is necessary for your physical and mental health. Self-esteem can play a great role in how children feel about themselves and also how much they enjoy things or worry about things. Exercise reduces depressive symptoms and improves self-esteem in children.
(iii) Enhances flexibility: The stiffness of joints decreases due to exercising, in a way improving the flexibility. The elasticity of tendons, ligaments and joint capsules improves due to regular exercise.
(iv) Lessens stress and tension : Regular exercise has a distinctive capability to slow down the depression process by reducing stress and tension. Actually, regular exercise lessens the levels of body’s stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. The body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators i.e., the endorphins are produced due to regular exercise. These benefits of work out facilitate in delaying the process of ageing.
(v) Connect with others : Spend time with positive people who enhance your life. A strong support system will buffer you from the negative effects of stress.
(vi) Keep your sense of humor : This includes the ability to laugh one self. The act of laughing helps