CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 English 2019 Delhi
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Time allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum marks : 100
Question 1.
Read the following passage carefully. [8]
1. Few guessed that this quiet, parentless girl growing up in New York City would one day become the First Lady of the United States. Even fewer thought she would become an author and lecturer and a woman much admired and loved by people throughout the world.
2. Bom Anna Eleanor Roosevelt in 1884 to wealthy, but troubled parents who both died while she was young, Roosevelt was cared for by her grandmother and sent to school in England. In 1905, she married her distant cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She and her husband had six children. Although they were wealthy, her life was not easy and she suffered several personal tragedies. Her second son died when he was a baby. In 1921, her strong athletic husband was stricken with polio, which left him physically disabled for life.
3. Eleanor Roosevelt was a remarkable woman who had great intelligence and tremendous strength of character. She never let things get her down. She nursed her husband back to good health and encouraged him to remain in politics. She then helped him to become Governor of New York, and in 1933, President of the United States.
4. While her husband was President, she took a great interest in all the affairs of the country. She became her husband’s legs and eyes; she visited prisons and hospitals; she went down into mines, up scaffoldings and into factories. Roosevelt was tireless and daring. During the depression she travelled all over the country bringing goodwill, reassurance and help to people without food and jobs. During World War II she visited American soldiers in camps all over the world. The United States had never known a First Lady like her.
5. Roosevelt also kept in touch with the American people through a daily newspaper column called ‘My Day’. She broadcast on the radio and delivered lectures, all first for a First Lady.
Question 1.1.
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage answer the following questions: (any eight) [1 × 8 = 8]
(a) How was Eleanor Roosevelt’s personality in contrast to what she became?
(b) Apart from being the First Lady what else did she have to her credit?
(c) What challenges did she face in her personal life but remained unfazed?
(d) Eleanor was a strong woman who helped her husband become the President of America. How?
(e) What does the statement: ‘she became her husband’s legs and eyes’ mean?
(f) What was her special contribution during the depression?
(g) How did she motivate soldiers during World War II?
(h) What did she do for the first time for a First Lady?
(i) What side of her personality is reflected in this passage?
(a) Eleanor Roosevelt was very quiet and parentless in her growing up years. Later, she became the First Lady of the United States, an author, lecturer and a woman who was loved and admired throughout the world.
(b) Apart from being the First Lady, she was an author, lecturer and a woman much admired by people.
(c) In her personal life, she faced many challenges. Her second son died when he was a baby. Her husband was affected by polio which left him physically disabled for life.
(d) Roosevelt nursed her husband back to good health and encouraged him to be in politics. She helped him become the governer of New York and then, the President of the United States in 1933.
(e) ‘She became her husband’s legs and eyes’ means she visited prisons, hospitals, went into mines and factories on his behalf to help him in his job.
(f) During the Depression she travelled all over the country bringing goodwill, reassurance and help to people without food and jobs.
(g) During World War II, she visited American soldiers in camps all over the world.
(h) She kept in touch with the American people through a daily newspaper column called ‘My Day’. She broadcast on the radio and delivered lectures, all first for a First Lady.
(i) Her intelligence and tremendous strength of character is reflected in the passage.
Question 2.
Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: [12]
1. Overpowering prey is a challenge for creatures that do not have limbs. Some species like Russell’s viper inject poison. Some others opt for an alternative non-chemical method rat snakes, for instance, catch and push their prey against the ground, while pythons use their muscle power to crush their prey to death. But snakes can’t be neatly divided into poisonous and non-poisonous categories.
2. Even species listed as non-poisonous aren’t completely free of poison. The common Sand Boa, for instance, produces secretions particularly poisonous to birds. So the species doesn’t take any chance—it crushes its prey and injects poison as an extra step.
3. Do vipers need poison powerful enough to kill hundreds of rats with just one drop? After all, they eat only one or two at a time.
4. While hunting animals try their worst to kill most efficiently, their prey use any trick to avoid becoming a meal, such as developing immunity to poison. For instance, Californian ground squirrels are resistant to Northern Pacific rattlesnake poison.
5. Competition with prey is not the only thing driving snakes to evolve more and more deadly poison. Snakes also struggle to avoid becoming prey themselves.
6. Some snake killers have partial immunity to poison. Famously, mongooses are highly resistant to cobra posion and with their speed and agility, kill snakes fearlessly. It would be the death of cobras as a species if they didn’t evolve a more deadly poison to stop mongooses.
7. Poison has another important role. It’s an extreme meat softener, specific enzymes break up the insides of the prey. Normally, a reptile depends on the sun’s warm rays to aid digestion.
8. But I wonder if we cannot use venom in our favour. In remote parts of India, local hospitality often involves leather-tough meat. I chew and chew until may jaw ache. If I spit it out or refuse, our hosts would be offended, I swallow like a python stuffing a deer down its throat and hope I don’t choke. If only I had poison.
Question 2.1.
Read the questions given below and answer any four in 30-40 words each.
[2 × 4 = 8]
(a) Russell viper and rat snake have different methods to attack prey. How?
(b) How does Sand Boa kill its prey?
(c) There is a constant tussle between the hunting animal and its prey. Why?
(d) What makes mongoose a snake predator?
(e) What difficulty does the writer face when he is entertained in the remote parts of India?
(a) Russells viper injects poison whereas rattle snakes catch and push their prey against the ground.
(b) Sand Boa produces secretions particularly poisonous to birds. It crushes its prey and injects poison as an extra step.
(c) The hunting animals try their worst to kill their prey most efficiently but their prey use any trick to avoid becoming a meal.
(d) Mongooses are highly resistant to cobra poison, with their speed and agility, they kill snakes fearlessly, making them a good snake predator.
(e) When entertained in the remote parts of India, the writer finds it difficult to chew leather-tough meat which he swallows down his/her throat like a python.
Question 2.2
On the basis of your reading of the above passage fill in any two of the following blanks. [1×2 = 2]
(i) Overpowering ____ is a challenge for creatures that do not have limbs.
(a) a killer
(b) humans
(c) a python
(d) prey
(ii) Poison meat.
(a) enhance taste of
(b) hardens
(c) softens
(d) breaks down
(iii) Californian squirrels are rattlesnake poison.
(a) afraid of
(b) helpless against
(c) resistant to
(d) indifferent to
(i) prey
(ii) softens
(iii) resistant to
Question 2.3
Find words from the passage which mean the same as: (any two) [1 × 2 = 2]
(a) Another (para 1)
(b) Liquid substances released from glands (para 2)
(c) Particular (para 7)
(a) alternative
(b) secreation
(c) specific
Question 3.
You are Tanvi/Shirish of Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi. You are extremely disturbed about the attacks on old people living alone. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor, ‘The New Indian News’ making people sensitive to the problem. Make suggestions to the people living alone and the authorities to ensure that such attacks do not take place.
You are Ravi / Raveena, Sports Secretary of your school. Write an article in 100¬120 words on the topic, ‘Importance of Outdoor Games in the life of a teenager.’
Safdarjang Development Area
New Delhi
23 March 20XX
The Editor
The New Indian News
33, Gole Market
New Delhi
Sub — Attacks on old people
Through the columns of your reputed newspaper, I show my deep concern and draw the attention of the government towards the growing feeling of fear and insecurity among people due to frequent attacks on old people living alone.
The recent attacks on old people clearly indicate lapses on our part. In addition to this, social media and different reports are creating disharmony instead of doing something constructive. The old people are not safe in their own homes. These attacks have taken away their peace and tranquility. Many old people have lost their lives. This shatters the faith of people in the government.
In order to combat this menace, we should make concerted efforts. Those who are caught and found guilty should be taught a lesson.
I hope the authorities will be more cautious and initiate stern steps to encounter the enemies of humainty.
Your truly
Tanvi / Shirish
By Ravi / Raveena, Sports Secretary In this age, when teenagers are suffering from obesity, outdoor activities form an important part of their life. These outdoor activities have long-term benefits on their health. Adequate outdoor activity increases health and physical development by improving sensory development, reducing obesity and stimulating blood cells.
These outdoor games can ward off health problems. These also inculcate in them the fighting spirit and team spirit and hence, the teenagers learn the importance of setting goals, pursuing them and achieving them. This boosts their self-esteem and their social behaviour improves. They learn to adjust with others and work in team. They also learn ’to make strategy to win. Self talk, positive thinking and visualisation help them stay above the pressures of the game and make them win.
Outdoor names also give a sense of freedom. Teenagers feel that they can do and achieve anything in life. In this age, where children are so tech-savy, it might be challenging for parents to push them for outdoor games but these games help them in the overall development of their personality.
Question 4.
Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline. Give it a suitable title also. [10]
Bunya was a foolish boy, who was an attention seeker. He was a woodcutter and would go deep into the jungle to cut trees. One day he wanted to do an act of mischief. He shouted at the top of his voice, “There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a tiger ”
On Sunday I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside…
Bunya was a foolish boy who was an attention seeker. He was a woodcutter and would go deep into the jungle to cut trees. One day, he wanted to do an act of mischief. He shouted at the top of his voice, “There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a tiger ” The farmers in the neighbouring area heard the voice and his cries for help. They left all of their work and came running to help the boy. When they came to the spot, they did not see any sign of a tiger.
Next day, the boy played the same trick and thus, annoyed the farmers once again. A few days later, a tiger came there for real. The boy was petrified. He climbed up a tree. He looked here and there helplessly and shouted for help but the farmers in the nearby areas felt that he was trying to befool them again. So there came no help. Everybody was irritated by his foolish tricks. Finally, the tiger killed the boy.
On Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly, I heard people shouting outside. I got up to peep out of the window to see what had happened. To my horror and surprise, I saw a boy clinging to an electric pole. People were shouting and asking him to leave it. But he could not get off from the pole and was continuously electrified. If anybody tried to touch him, he too got the current. His mother was utterly shocked and was crying. People were trying various things to help him but all went in vain. Then came a wise man. He understood the situation. He immediately called the electricity board and told them to switch off the lights from the main board. As soon as the action was taken, the young boy fell off. He was unconscious. Immediately, he was rushed to the hospital. Then the crowd scattered. I could not believe that touching a pole could be so dangerous. But I learnt a lesson to be careful of the electric current.
Question 5.
Fill in any four of the following blanks choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer-sheet against the correct blank numbers. [1 × 4 = 4]
Delhi (a) ___ the capital of India. People from all parts (b) ___ the country and world come to visit Delhi. There (c) ____ many historical buildings here. Last year I, (d) ___ Delhi. I also watched (e) ____ Commonwealth Games 2010.
(i) was
(ii) is
(iii) are
(iv) being
(i) of
(ii) from
(iii) for
(iv) at
(i) being
(ii) are
(iii) been
(iv) were
(i) visit
(ii) visiting
(iii) visited
(iv) will visit
(i) a
(ii) an
(iii) the
(iv) some
(a) (ii) is
(b) (i) of
(c) (ii) are
(e) (iii) the
Question 6.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with its correction in the space provided. Do any four. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange any four the following words/ phrases to make meaningful sentences : [1 × 4 = 4]
1. that life began/ centuries ago/ scientists think/ twenty million/ on earth/ about
2. endless process/ the plants and animals/ of evolution/ are the products/ of an
3. are/ their/ animals / products of/ all the/
4. lose/ habitat/ human/ due to/ their/ the animals/ encroachment
5. the/ habitat/ regrowth/ rate of/ is/ very slow /of
1. Scientists think that life began on earth about twenty million centuries ago.
2. The plants and animals are the products of an endless process of evolution.
3. All the animals are products of their environment.
4. The animals lose their habitat due to human encroachment.
5. The rate of regrowth of habitat is very slow.
Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: [1 × 4 = 4]
When I casually mentioned this to a friend, he casually replied that I had better get one in the Tigris marshes, for there they were as common as mosquitoes, and were often tamed by the Arabs. We were going to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect and answer our mail from Europe. At the Consulate-General we found that my friend’s mail had arrived but that mine had not.
(a) What was ‘they’?
(b) Where could the author get ‘one’?
(c) Find the exact word from the extract which means ‘domesticated’?
(d) What did the author find at the Consulate- General?
(There is a languide, emerald sea, where the sole inhabitant is me a marmaid drifting blissfully.)
(a) Who does ‘me’ stand for?
(b) How does ‘me’ feel?
(c) Who is ‘me’ compared to?
(d) Which word in the extract means opposite of ‘sorrowfully’?
(a) They were otters.
(b) The author could get one in Tigris Marshes.
(c) The word for domesticated is ‘tamed/
(d) At the Consulate-General, the author found that his friend’s mail had arrived but his mail hadn’t.
(a) ‘Me’ stands for the child, Amanda.
(b) She feels that she should also be free and relaxed as a mermaid sailing in the sea freely.
(c) ‘Me’ is compared to a mermaid.
(d) ‘Blissfully’ is the word opposite to sorrowfully.
Question 9.
Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each: [2 × 4 = 8]
(i) How did Kisa Gotami realise that life and death is a normal process?
(ii) Why did Maddie write a note to Peggy and then tore it?
(iii) How can you say that Horace Danby was good and respectable but not completely honest?
(iv) What difficulty do the crew of the space probe face on the Earth?
(v) What was the most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street?
(i) Kisa Gotami was devastated by the death of her only son. When, Buddha asked her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where people had not lost a loved one to’ death, her futile search for such a house made her realise the bitter truth that everything in this world is subject to death. She eventually realised that life and death is a normal process.
(ii) Maddie wrote a note to Peggy to make her stop making fun of Wanda. But she tore it because she thought that it could annoy Peggy and she could make fun of Maddie instead.
(iii) Horace lived a happy and peaceful life. That is why he has been called good and respectable. But he was not completely honest as he used to rob a safe every year. He did that only once a year in order to satisfy his hobby of buying expensive books.
(iv) The space probe landed in a public library. The crew was shocked because the place looked very strange as they had no idea about books. They thought the library to be some kind of a storage bam.
(v) The most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town.
Question 10.
Attempt the following questions in 100-120 words: [8]
Bholi is a child different from others. This difference makes her an object of neglect and laughter. Elaborate.
The poet in the poem, ‘For Anne Gregory’ conveys that we should given importance to the inner beauty and not to the physical appearance. Elaborate with reference to the poem.
Bholi is not able to speak clearly. She stammers when she speaks. She has pock marks on her face. She is neither pretty nor street-smart. She has a fear which does not let her mingle with others. That is why she is different from others. But the society does not tolerate difference easily. No one likes her and she becomes an object of neglect and laughter. They all ridicule her and make fun of her. As a result, she talks very little and has isolated herself. To add to her agony, her parents don’t treat her right. They too consider her ugly, never make new clothers for her or encourage her. Instead of supporting her and encouraging her, her mother considers her witless and calls her a dumb cow.
In the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’ the poet wants to convey that inner beauty is the real beauty whereas physical appearance is changeable and it is not so important. The first speaker says to her that young men love her for her beautiful yellow hair and may be they will never love her for what she really is. To this, Anne replies that her hair colour can be changed. In fact, external beauty is all superficial and men should not love her for that. Through this reply, the poet has categorically shown his preference for internal beauty over physical appearance. Physical appearance can never give a true account of a person as it can be changed with the help of clothing, make-up and other such things but inner beauth is for real and stays with the person forever.
Question 11.
Answer the following question in 200-250 words : [11]
How did Kitty help Anne overcome her loneliness ?
What is the main theme of “The Diary of a Young Girl” ?
“The best and most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” Justify the famous quote of Helen Keller.
Helen had a great love for animals and birds. Write about this aspect of her character.
(paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase): (paraphrase
Time allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum marks : 100
Question 3.
You have lost your original certificates of class X and XII. You want to get their duplicates issued but you do not know the procedure. Write a letter to the Chairman, CBSE, Preet Vihar enquiring about the fee to be deposited, mode of payment, time taken by the board for issuing duplicate certificates and any other formalities. You are Tarun / Taruna, 7/9, Kunj Apartments, Shimla (100-120 words). [8]
More and more people are used to carrying mobile phones to their workplace. However, the use of mobile phones can be dangerous at certain times and places. Write an article on the topic. ‘Mobile Phone Manners.’ Take hints from the information that follows:
- The Government on Thursday banned the use of cellular phones at petrol pumps as they could ignite the flammable vapours present in the air.
- Don’t use mobiles
- While driving
- Inside an aircraft
- When in an ICU
- If you are near a heart patient or someone who has pacemaker
Kunj Apartments
23 March 20XX
The Chairman
Preet Vihar
New Delhi
Sub—Issue of duplicate certificates
I graduated class X and XII in the year 2016 and 2018 respectively from CBSE Board. Unfortunately, I lost my original certificates of class X and XII during my journey in the train. Now, I urgently need duplicate certificates of the same. I am ready to pay the fee needed for the process. Please let me know the amount to be paid, the mode of payment and how much time will it take to issue the duplicate certificates. If there is any other formality, please let me know. Roll No – X 695962 year-2016 XII735012 year-2018
Thanking you
Yours truly
Tarun / Taruna
By xyz
Telecom industry has brought the world closer. Using mobile phones is as natural and common as eating food these days. In today’s world, everyone can be seen using a mobile phone whether he is from the upper strata of society or a poor man. Surely, it has made things easy and smooth. But excess 7 of everything takes a price. One needs to be careful about when mobile phone should not be used.
It should not be used while driving as it diverts the attention of the driver, leading to accidents.
It disturbs the patients in the hospital and its use is harmful if one is near a heart patient or someone who has a pacemaker. Its electromagnetic energy emission weakens cell membranes and alters the handling of calcium in cells.
Question 4.
Develop a short story in 150-200 words which begins as of the following: [10]
Last Sunday I along with my friends decided to go to the riverside for a picnic. We planned to spend the whole day there, but Give it a suitable title also.
With the help of the following cues, develop a short story along with a title in 150-200 words :
A cap seller carrying a bundle of caps …… sleeps under a tree ……. puts the bundle beside him ……. some monekys take away the caps …… wakes up …. finds monkeys
wearing caps ….. angry ….. throws his own cap ……. monkeys throw their caps …… collects …… happy.
Last Sunday, I along with my friends, decided to go to the riverside for a picnic. We planned to spend the whole day there, but as luck would have it, the day turned out to be catastrophic. My friend and I set out on a boating trip. We sailed the boat smoothly and talked merrily. Soon, we noticed we were very far from the bank of the river. We were in the middle where water seemed to be very deep and flow of the river was powerful. All of a sudden the sky grew dark. A strong wind started blowing hard. The water became rough. The boat tossed up and down in the rampant water.
After the storm was over, I reached the bank of the river. Our other friends were very worried. They were waiting for use to come back. They all turned very sad to know about his drowning. After that we all went to his home and broke the sad news to his mother and sister. They were shocked. I brought both of them to my house. My family accepted them with great love and warmth.
Moral-True friends share joys as well as sorrows.
There was a jungle between two villages. Many monkeys lived in the jungle. One day, a capseller was passing through the jungle to go to another village. He was carrying a bundle of caps. On the way, he got tried. He put the bundle aside, lay down under a tree and fell asleep.
He woke up after some time. He got upset when he saw that his box was open and the monkeys had taken away all the caps. Just then he looked up, there were so many monkeys on the tree. Each one of them had a cap on his head. The capseller was angry.
capseller took off his cap from his head and threw it on the ground . monkeys copied him. they too threw their caps down . Moral- Presence of mind can find a way out of many difficulties .
Question 5.
Fill in any four of the following blanks choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below each. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. [1 × 4 = 4]
Birds and animals live in the lap (a) ___ nature and can predict the likely changes accurately. Swallows usually fly high (b) ___ the sky. But during a storm, they come down (c) ____ fly close to the ground. If they fly low you (d) ___ be sure of strong winds. Even a toad can be (e) ___ reliable weatherman.
(i) in
(ii) of
(iii) on
(iv) for
(i) in
(ii) of
(iii) on
(iv) to
(i) not
(ii) or
(iii) but
(iv) and
(i) would
(ii) should
(iii) might
(iv) could
(i) a
(ii) an
(iii) the
(iv) some
(ii) of
(i) in
(iv) and
(d) (iv) could
(i) a
Question 6.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with its correction in the space provided. Do any four. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange any four of the following words / phrases to make meaningful sentences.
[1 × 4 = 4]
(a) ignore / instinct / my first / the snake / was to
(b) I didn’t want / killed one /1 had / it / as / never / to kill.
(c) only dangerous/ duty / to / was / kill / my/ ones
(d) back / and returned / farm /1 went / to the / stick / with a
(e) hesitated / it / I / but still / attack / to Answer :
(a) My first instinct was to ignore the snake.
(b) I didn’t want to kill it as I had never killed one.
(c) My duty was to kill only dangerous one.
(d) I went back to the farm and returned with a stick.
(e) But still I hesitated to attack it.
CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Paraphrase: CBSE Para
Time allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum marks : 100
Question 3.
You are Ambica / Mohit, Librarian, High Scope Public School, Hauz Khas, Delhi.
Write a letter to Jindal Publishers, Pratap Vihar, Delhi to place an order for English to Hindi dictionaries, illustrated children’s encyclopedia, fiction books etc. for your school library. Request them for a catalogue, discount offered, mode of payment and time taken for delivery. (100-120 words). [8]
Good health plays an important role in the life of a student. Student should not neglect their health. Good health is essential for a good performance in studies as well.
Write an article on the topic, ‘How can students keep fit and healthy?’ You are Arun/ Anita, 1489, Hem Kunt Apartments, Delhi. (100-12 words).
High Scope Public School
Hauz Khas
23 March 20XX
The Manager
Jindal Publishers
Pratap Vihar Delhi
Sub- Order for books
We are your regular customer. We would like to place an order for dictionaries, encyclopedia and fiction books for our school library. We are providing a list of books we are in need of. Kindly deliver these books in their latest edition and in proper condition. We will be pleased if you give us a suitable discount on these books and send us a catalogue too. Please suggest the mode of payment and time taken for deliver. The list of books with their particulars is attached.
We hope for timely delivery and maximum discounts.
Your faithfully
Ambica / Mohit
By Arun / Anita
Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life.
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Question 4.
Develop a short story in 150-200 words with the help of the given beginning. Suggest a suitable title also.
It was a lovely rainy day. I was enjoying a cup of tea while sitting on the balcony of my 1st floor flat. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and the cup fell from my hand. I
Reena, a 10 year old brave girl lived in a slum with her relatives. One day when she was alone at home
It was a lonely rainy day. I was enjoying a cup of tea while sitting in the balcony of my first floor apartment. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and the cup fell from my hand. I felt pain in my chest. I thought that this was the last moment of my life. I wanted to call my daughter, my husband and everyone to say the final good bye, but couldn’t do so. I was thinking of their life without me. I was worried what would happen to them if I collapsed. I prayed to God to give me some more time. I had always thought of giving a wonderful life to my daughter. Then my thoughts shifted to my husband who can’t live without me. He was used to having me around him all the time. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, ‘You have to live. Get up and do something’. I tried to call but it was as if I was dumb. I knew I should not lose my wits. I should do something to keep going till my family notices me. Suddenly, I picked my mobile and dialled 102.1 don’t know what happened after that. When I came to senses, I was in a hospital room with a team of doctors bending over me. Later, I was told that I had been taken in an ambulance to the hospital in the nick of time. Any delay could have been fatal. I was happy to see my family around me. Timely treatment saved my life.
Reena, a ten-year-old girl lived in a slum with her relatives. One day when she was alone at home, a stranger knocked at the door asking for her uncle. She did not know him but let him in. It did not strike her at the moment that it could be dangerous. Her aunt came at that exact time. She too did not recognise him. She asked him to come later when her husband would be at home. He took out a knife and put it on the girl’s neck. He started threatening them to bring out all the cash and valuables. Reena made a quick plan and fell on the man’s feet pretending to plead with him. After a few seconds, she suddenly stood up, grabbed the knife from his hand and threw it out from the window. Her aunty raised an alarm and started shouting. Within no time, people from the neighbourhood gathered there. They caught him and got him arrested.
Question 5.
Fill in any four of the following blanks choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. [1 × 4 = 4]
He will fly (a) ___ Madras (b) ____ 7th December. The plane (c) ___ reach Madras (d) ___ 11.000 am. He (e) ___ stay at Hotel Plaza.
(i) in
(ii) on
(iii) to
(iv) after
(i) on
(ii) in
(iii) for
(iv) from
(i) may
(ii) can
(iii) will
(iv) could
(i) for
(ii) at
(iii) on
(iv) by
(i) could
(ii) will
(iii) shall
(iv) must
(iii) to
(i) on
(iii) will
(ii) at
(ii) will
Question 6.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with its correction in the space provided. Do any four. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange any four of the following words/ phrases to make meaningful sentences. [1 × 4 = 4]
(a) democracy / is very / important / of press/ in a / freedom
(b) abused / times / is / many / but / it
(c) biased / sometimes / present / is / opinion/ media / a
(d) to have / necessary / press / therefore / a responsible / it is
(e) can be / society / a / only than / fearless / imagined
(a) Freedom of press is very important in a democracy.
(b) But many times it is abused.
(c) Sometimes media presents a biased opinion.
(d) Therefore it is necessary to have a responsible press.
(e) Only then a fearless society can be imagined.