CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 English 2017 Delhi Term 2
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Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks: 70
Question 3.
There is a busy road in front of your school. A large number of students have to cross the road while going back home. They run a great risk. Write a letter in 100 -120 words to the Editor, Navjiwan Times, Agra drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem. Make a request to mark a zebra crossing and to put traffic lights in front of your school. You are Amit/Anita, Class X, New Age Public School, Ram Nagar, Agra. [1 × 5 = 5]
Write an article in 100 – 150 words on ‘Importance of Morning Walk.’ Your are Amit/Anita. Use the following clues :
- makes you rise early
- fresh air
- blood rushes through your body
- energy for the day
- hungry for breakfast
- good for studies
- all day active Answer:
New Age Public School
Ram Nagar
16th Aug 20xx
The Editor,
The Navjiwan Times,
Sub – Need of Zebra crossing and traffic lights
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the problem of unruly traffic in front of our school.
The road near New Age School is always jam packed. Everybody seems to be a road racer. Increasing vehicles and indisciplined driving make it difficult for the students to cross the road while going back to home. Multitudes of vehicles, scooters, cars, three wheelers, block the road as there is no traffic light. Patience, courtesy and sympathy seem to have gone away from the minds of drivers.
It is in the safety and interest of students if concerned authorities install traffic light on this junction and also mark zebra crossing. This will ensure safety of the students.
I hope, the concerned authorities will take action and do the needful.
Yours faithfully Amit/Anita
By Amit / Anita
Walking has its own delights. One gets optimum benefits from walking. ‘Sound mind in a sound body’ is the saying that stresses the need of remaining healthy. Walking has its own contribution to make a person healthy. It is the easiest, the cheapest and the best way to remain fit and healthy. It has many benefits. It is a panacea for our survival. While taking a walk, we get pure and clean air that provides life to our lungs and rejuvenates power in our mind. A walk in the morning helps in regulating our blood circulation and regenerates our lost energy. Most of the ailments in our body subside, stress reduces and we become tension free. It regulates our appetite and smoothens our digestive system. The chirping of the birds, calm atmosphere, greenery and blooming flowers add charm and life to our survival. Nature uplifts our mood. Being in nature is like a communication with God. We should enjoy and avail this very gift of God provided
to human beings and make full use of our legs to keep ourselves fit. It gives a headstart of the day.
Question 4.
Write a story in 150 – 200 words based on the following outline : [1 × 10 = 10]
two cats — hungry — a loaf of bread — can’t divide — each greedy — wants move — a clever monkey — offered to help — bit by bit — ate the bread — his fee — bread finished — cats foolish — still hungry.
Complete the story in 150 – 200 words which begins as the following:
It was a family picnic. The picnic spot was the
bank of a river
One day two cats found a loaf of bread. Both of them were very hungry. The first cat wanted to have it all for himself. He jumped at it and picked it up. Another one tired to snatch it away from him.
the first cat asked him to keep away as he was the first one to pick it up . but the other cat claimed that he had seen it first so it was his.
The cats agreed and let him solve the issue. They gave him the bread. The monkey made two parts of the bread. Then he shook his head and said, “These two parts are not equal. This one is bigger than the other one.’ He ate a bit of the bigger part. But again the parts were not equal. So he ate a bit of the bigger part again to make the two parts equal. This went on till only small pieces of the bread were left. Then the monkey said to the cats that it was his fee and he ate those small pieces too and went away. The foolish cats were left hungry.
It was a family picnic. The picnic spot was the bank of a river. We went there by car. We had taken fruits, sweets, sandwiches and biscuits with us. Our plan was to go for boating. When we reached there, we selected a shady tree to sit and spread our mats under it. First, we took some snacks and then played games. After a round of games, we started singing songs. It was when we were singing, my younger brother noticed some smoke at a distance. It was coming from a flour mill. Initially, we did not pay any attention to it. But then we could see thin flames also in the rear part of the building too. Slowly, it took a bigger shape. Now, there was panic all over. Employers of the mill were running here and there.
We were horrified. My father and uncle went towards the site to see how they can help in this situation. They sent for a fire brigade. Workers of the mill were using fire extinguishers to bring the fire in control. But their attempts to quench the fire seemed useless.
devastation and cries of the people still echoes in my head . beams and machines were all rolled into the heap . fire brigade bravely fought with the flames and at last, the fire was brought under control .
Question 5.
Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks with the help of the options that follow: [1 × 3 = 3]
I met a smart young person (a) ___ wanted a ‘selfie’ (b) ___ me. So we (c) ___ on top of a boundary wall.
(i) which
(ii) who
(iii) whose
(iv) whom
(i) with
(ii) on
(iii) for
(iv) to
(i) sit
(ii) sits
(iii) sat
(iv) sitting
(ii) who
(i) with
(iii) sat
Question 6.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange the following words/phrases given below to form meaningful sentences: [1 × 3 = 3]
(a) beautiful / Masha / dog / is a / young.
(b) praised / she / be / to / likes.
(c) policeman / group / works / of / with a / she
(a) Masha is a young beautiful dog.
(b) She likes to be praised.
(c) She works with a group of policemen.
Question 8.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [1 × 3 = 3]
“But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men is despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.”
(a) Who is speaking these lines ?
(b) Why are young men in despair ?
(c) What is the antonym of the word, ‘despair’?
“Please don’t shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself!”
(a) Who is speaking and to whom ?
(b) What is the dispute over ?
(c) What does the word, ‘restrain’ mean ?
(a) The poet’s friend, a young woman, is the speaker of these lines.
(b) The young men are in love with the young woman, who is the speaker, and want to win her love. The young woman does not respond to their love and so the young men are in despaiz.
(c) The antonym of the word ‘despair7 is ‘hope’
(a) Natalya is speaking to Lomov.
(b) The dispute is between Lomov and Natalya over the ownership of Oxen Meadows.
(c) The word ‘restrain’ means check or control.
Question 9.
Answer the following question in 30 – 40 words each. [2 × 4 = 8]
(a) What do the elders in Goa still love to remember?
(b) What are the three things that can’t happen in a treeless forest ?
(c) Why was Mathilda always unhappy after her marriage ?
(d) How did Richard Ebright’s mother help him ?
(a) The elders in Goa still love to remember the good old Portuguese days. They remember the loaves of bread as well as the makers of bread; the people who mixed the flour to make bread, the molders who molded the flour. They still remember the furnaces and the sounds of the baker’s bamboo.
(b) A treeless forest is basically an empty forest. A forest devoid of trees means the absence of a living environment. An environment, which would have otherwise been alive with chirping birds, buzzing insects and sunrays on the forest floor.
(c) Mathilda was a discontented woman. She was born into a family of clerks. She had received no dowry and had no hopes of becoming famous. Mathilda was married to a clerk but she wanted to enjoy a life of luxury just like her rich friends who had money and power.
(d) Richard Ebright was curious as well as bright. His mother played a pivotal role in encouraging his interest to learn. She took him on trips. She also brought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting materials as well as other equipment. She pushed him to learn more and explore the environment around him.
Question 10.
Answer the following question in 80 – 100 words [1 × 4 = 4]
Whenever we want to achieve something difficulties always come in our way. What did Valli have to do to go and ride in a bus ?
Education is always a great asset in the life of a woman. How did Bholi, an educated girl, face the challenge posed by Bishambar’s greed ?
Ambition is the key to the fulfillment of one’s needs. One must always be ambitious in life. Valli was a simple girl who had ambitions. Her greatest ambition or her growing desire was to ride a bus. This desire stemmed from watching the bus pass through her village everyday. All this intrigued her. To undertake her first bus journey, she did her bit of research. She watched the bus, took a note of its schedule and listened to people’s conversations about their journey by bus. She even found out the fare of the bus, which was 30 paise for a trip. Gradually, she used all of this information to collect money for the bus fare as well as to undertake her first bus journey.
education is always a great asset especially in the life of a woman . education brings about a change in the quality of life of a woman . despite her education, she did not get any marriage prospects mainly due to her looks .
Question 11.
Answer the following question in 150 – 200 words: [1 × 10 = 10]
How did Miss Sullivan help Helen Keller when she was studying at Cambridge School ?
Attempt a character sketch of Mr. Gilman.**
Describe the difference between Anne’s and Margot’s feelings for Peter.**
Why did Anne like her father more than she liked her mother ?**
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Question 4.
Write a story in 150 – 200 words based on the following outline: [1 × 10 = 10]
a fox — hungry — went into a garden — looking for food — a grapevine — ripe grapes — jumped to pluck — couldn’t reach — fell down — jumped again — fell down — tried again and again — failed — said grapes are sour — don’t like them.
Complete the story in 150 – 200 words which begins as the following:
Ham and Mohan, two brothers, studied in a village school. On day they were returning from the school. On the way there was a forest
Once there was a fox. He was very hungry. He went into a garden in search of food. After looking for a while, he found a grapevine. He saw bunches of riped grapes hanging on the vines and his mouth started watering. Somehow, he wanted to eat those grapes. He jumped and stretched out to reach the grapes but he found them rather too high. So he jumped again to pluck them but couldn’t reach.
He tried to pluck the grapes many times but all went in vain. All his efforts to reach the grapes failed. He continued his efforts till he got completely tired. Then there came a point of time when he became hopeless. He gave up and said, “The grapes are sour. Who wants sour grapes?” The fox hated the grapes as he couldn’t have them.
Ram and Mohan, two brothers, studied in a village school. One day they were returning from the school. On the way, there was a forest. One day, when they were coming back from the school, something strange happened. When they reached in the middle of the forest, they heard the rustling of grass. They assumed that some wild animal was there. Soon, a bear appeared in front of them. The bear was approaching them. Both were in panic.
a bear came, stopped, sniffed him and thought that he was dead. he left him and went away. a second brother who was lying on the ground, heaved a sigh of big relief. he asked his brother what the bear had told him in his ears. he gave him a curt reply and said that the bear had told him never to trust selfish people even if they are your own blood.
Question 5.
Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks with the help of the options that follow : [1 × 3 = 3]
Everyone is not in a position to (a) ___ the family and start living in a (b) ___ room on the banks (c) ___ the Ganga.
(i) leave
(ii) leaves
(iii) left
(iv) leaving
(i) small
(ii) smaller
(iii) smallest
(iv) little
(i) on
(ii) in
(iii) of
(iv) off
(i) leave
(iii) of
(i) small
Question 6.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: [1 × 3 = 3]
(a) brains of dogs / US / a university / studied the / in the /.
(b) dogs used / like the humans / showed that / their brains / the study / .
(c) understand words / part of / is used to / their brains / the left / .
(a) A university in the US studies the brains of dogs.
(b) The study showed that dogs used their brains like the humans.
(c) The left part of their brain is used to understand words.
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Question 4.
Write a story in 150 – 200 words based on the following outline : [1 × 10 = 10]
a crow — thirsty — no water — saw, a jar half-full of water — beak could not reach — small stones — one by one — put into the jar — water level rose — drank water.
Complete the story in 150 – 200 words which begins as the following:
Ram and Sham are two sons of a labourer. One day they came to know that their father had fallen from a small building and
It was the month of June. On a hot summer day, there was a crow who was very thirsty. His mouth was dry. His throat was burning. He flew from place to place in search of water but he could not find a single drop of water anywhere. After searching for a while he sat down disappointed. Rivers and lakes had all dried up.
Then an idea came into his mind. There were stones around. He picked up small stones, one by one, from the ground and dropped them into the jug. The water started coming up. Slowly, the water level rose to such a level that he could reach it easily. He drank the water, cawed happily and flew away.
Hence, the thirsty crow proved that where there is a will, there is a way.
Ram and Sham are two sons of a labourer. One day they came to know that their father had fallen from a small building and got badly injured. They immediately ran to the site of the accident. They saw that their father was in great pain. With the help of people, they took him to the hospital. But getting him admitted in the hospital was difficult as they did not have money. Then they took him to a government hospital where there were good doctors and medical fees was not very high. After admitting their father in the hospital, they took charge of their family responsiblities.
Question 5.
Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the options that follow: [ 1 × 3 = 3]
Most men would have (a) ___ mad after one or two years (b) ___ loneliness. But he learnt to adjust to (c) ___ conditions.
(i) go
(ii) goes
(iii) went
(iv) gone
(i) of
(ii) in
(iii) into
(iv) on
(i) a
(ii) an
(iii) the
(iv) some
(iv) gone
(i) of
(iii) the
Question 6.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences : [1 × 3 = 3]
(a) Ramaswami / temple / priest / was the / in a/.
(b) young boy / years old / Sethu / only ten / was a/.
(c) disciple / become / he / to / Ramaswami’s / wanted /.
(a) Ramaswami was the priest in a temple.
(b) Sethu was a young boy only ten years old.
(c) He wanted to become Ramaswami’s disciple.