CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 English 2015 Delhi Term 2
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Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Question 3.
One of the key messages of the Prime Minister’s Independence Day speech was ‘Clean India’. The Government has taken an initiative for cleaning the rivers especially ‘The Ganges’. The Government has also urged the people of India to realise the dream of ‘Clean India’.Write an article in 100 – 120 words mentioning the measures people can take for a cleaner and greener India. [5]
By xyz
Our prime minister’s speech on Independence day was basically based on cleaner and greener India. He has especially taken an initiative to clean the Ganges which is one of the most important water ways of India. Steps the inception of the project a lot of positive stpes have been taken. Many of the bathing ghats have been spruced up. In fact, the city of Vamasi it self has a new look. However, a similar initiative must have been taken all along the river front, including places like Kanpur and Allahabad. First of all, people should develop the ‘civic sense’. People should be taught to think beyond their homes. They should have feeling of patriotism. A fine must imposed on those who deface the river. NGO’s could be roped in to contirbute to the cleaning mission.
It is the time that we should take concrete measures to revive the ancient glory of India. Our motherland India must beckon to other countries as a model of progress and development. Let’s build up a clean and green India.
Question 4.
Complete the story in 150 – 200 words which starts like this : [1 × 10 = 10]
“It was a quite, cold and dark night like it usually is in winter when all retire to bed early. Suddenly at the dead of night, a shriek j erked the people in the building out of their beds. It was distinctly the voice of ……”
You have been preparing for the National Talent Search Examination for the last one year and have got a very good rank. Write your story in 150 – 200 words using the following cues.
humble family background – ambition to be something – scholarship, a means to that – preparation help from the teachers – use of Library – examination result.
It was a quite, cold and dark night like it usually is in winter when all retire to bed early. Suddenly, at the dead of night, a shreik jerked the people in the building out of their beds. It was distinctly the voice of a ghostly creature who seemed to have come to haunt the house.
My mother and father heard the voice and were terribly shaken. They tried to calm us and made us sleep. However, all the neighbours came rushing and curious to find out whose voice it was. The whole experience was uncanny and frightening.
People in fear ran downstairs. There was an absolute pandemonium especially near the lifts, wanting to go to the ground floor. Finally, two of the residents caught the mysterious figure. It turned out to be an eight year old boy who was playing a mischievous prank to scare the residents.
Moral: Look Before You Leap.
I belong to a very poor family. My parents have not had the benefit of an education and are humble labourers. Their only dream was to see me well placed in a good job. They worked overtime in order to fulfill my coveted dream — to crack the National Talent Search Examination.
‘I burnt the midnight oil and worked all through the night.’ To paraphrase: ‘I burnt the midnight oil and worked all through the night. My hard work paid off and I secured consistly good marks. This made my parents smile.
Question 5.
Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow: [1 × 3 = 3]
Today a good (a) ___ varieties of tea and tea brands are available in the market. Green tea is popular (b) ___ China and the Far East. In Japan, the tea ceremony is a traditional way of greeting guests, (c) ___ is a social occasion.
(i) very
(ii) many
(iii) much
(iv) more
(i) on
(ii) at
(iii) in
(iv) for
(i) and
(ii) it
(iii) both
(iv) this
(a) many
(b) in
(c) and
Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line against which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer- sheet against the correct blank number as given in the example. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. [1 × 3 = 3]
One has been done for you as an exmaple, beach vacations/ was / an attraction/ coconut water/ long ago/ during Example—Long ago coconut water was an attraction during beach vactions.
(a) these days/ of trade / Delhi/ for / has become/ but / a centre / tender coconuts /
(b) its demand/ value / due to / has increased / of the fruit / the food
(c) has been fuelled/ by growing awareness/ the demand/ health benefits/ coconut water’s / of
(a) But Delhi has become a centre of trade for tender coconuts these days.
(b) Its demand has increased due to the food value of the fruit.
(c) The demand has been fuelled by growing awareness of coconut water’s health benefits.
Question 8.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. [1 × 3 = 3]
“Don’t you want to have a look at the sights, now that you’re here ?
“All by myself ? Oh, I’d be much too afraid.” Greatly amused by the girl’s way of speaking, the conductor said, “But you weren’t afraid to come in the bus.”
“Nothing to be afraid of about that, “she answered.
(a) Who is the ‘girl’ mentioned in the passage ?
(b) Why didn’t she get off the bus when she reached her destination ?
(c) Write the meaning of the word, “amused.”
So I rejoiced one day when they sent me out forty miles in the country, to a town called New Mullion, to serve summons on a man called Oliver Lutkins.
(a) Who is’I’?
(b) Why was T sent to New Mullion ?
(c) What does the word, ‘rejoiced’ mean ?
(a) The girl mentioned is Valli, a eight-year-old girl.
(b) Valli only wanted the experience of travelling in a bus. She boarded it and stayed in it for the return journey.
(c) caused to laugh at / delighted / pleased charmed.
(a) ‘I’ refers to the lawyer — the author — Sinclair Lewis.
(b) ‘I ‘ was sent to New Mullion to serve summons on a man called Oliver Lutkins who lived 40 miles away in the country. He was needed as a witness in a law case.
(c) felt happy / great joy.
Question 9.
Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: [2 × 4 = 8]
(a) Why was Kisa Gotami sad ? What did she do in her hour of grief ?
(b) What special characteristic of Mijbil did Maxwell learn after he took him to the bathroom ?
(c) For what unusual reasons was Bholi sent to school ?
(d) Do you think M. Loisel had an enjoyable evening at the ball ? Give reasons for your answer.
(a) Kisa Gotami was sad because she had lost her only son. She carried the dead child to all the neighbours asking them for medicine to cure her child.
(b) When Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom, he was plainly delighted. For half an hour he went wild with joy in the water. He plunged and rolled in it making enough slosh and splash for a hippo. Olters believe that water must be kept on the move and made to do things; when static it is wasted and provoking.
(c) Bholi was sent to school as she had ugly face, lack of sense and little chance of her getting married.
(d) No M. Loisel did not have an enjoyable evening at the ball, rather he was quite bored with the ball, as he had been half asleep in one of the little salons since midnight with three other gentlemen whose wives were enjoying themselves very much.
Question 10.
Answer the following question in 80-100 words: [1 × 4 = 4]
“Never mind,” she said, “I can get on by myself.” “You don’t have to help me, “said Valli to the conductor. She shows extraordinary courage in making the bus journey all alone. Taking inspiration from Valli’s character, write how ability and courage to take rist are essential to fulfill one’s dream.
“Put the fear out of your heart and you will be able to speak like anyone else.” These words of encouragement from the teacher highlight that change of social attitude and encouragement can help a child like Bholi to become confident and face the world bravely. Taking help from the lesson, ‘Bholi’ write how the social attitude towards Bholi made her an introvert. What should be done to help such children to face the world bravely ?
Valli was an eight year old girl and was very curious about the world around her. She sat at the front door of her house watching all the different activities. She did not have friends of her own age.
one of the things that fascinated her the most was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town . she saw new passengers in it every day . she was so obsessed by it that she wanted to get an opportunity to travel in it .
Valli’s experience illustrates that if we have a dream and work towards it we will be successful. It only requires courage to face all risks and odds just like Valli did.
Bholi was the youngest child of Ramlal, a revenue official in a village. Bholi was not very good looking and had pock marks all *, over her face. She also used to stammer badly. On the insistence of the Tehsildar, Ramlal was forced to put his daughter to study in the village school.Bholi was naturally very shy and would not open up.
However, a kind teacher helped Bholi to open up. She aksed her to be fearless and then she would be able to express hereself.
It was the social attitude of the family that made Bholi and introvert. The family believed that she had no looks as there were pock marks all over her face. She could not speak till she was five and when she began to speak she stammered. As a result, she talked very little. The other, children in the family were good looking and healthy.
: To: Bholi needs confidence. Kind words, love and sympathetic pat help them to regain confidence. Kind words, love and sympathetic pat help them to regain confidence. Kind words, love and sympathetic pat help them to regain confidence.
Question 11.
Answer the following in 150 – 200 words : [1 × 10 = 10]
What happened when the Nazis found Anne and her family hiding in the Secret Annexe ? Give a brief description of Anne and her family after the arrest.
Anne wrote, ‘One day we’re laughing at the comical side of hiding, and the next day we’re frightened and the fear, tension and despair can be read on our faces.’**
Give two examples of each — laughter and fear from the diary entries of May 1944.** OR
How did Mr. Keith contribute to the intellectual enrichment of Helen ?**
Why did Helen not like examinations ?**
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Question 5.
Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words from the given options : [1 × 3 = 3]
We are living in a world (a) ___ every girl wants to be a diva and every boy (b) ___ to be called a dude. Today your social acceptance is measured by your friends’s list (c) ___ a social networking site.
(i) by
(ii) that
(iii) where
(iv) the
(i) desire
(ii) desires
(iii) desiring
(iv) desired
(i) in
(ii) on
(iii) at
(iv) for
(a) where
(d) desires
(c) on
Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line against which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number as given in the example. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences [1 × 3 = 3]
One has been done for you as an example. Kamatak, / the tender coconut / and Gujarat / comes / West Bengal / into Delhi / from /
Example—The tender coconut comes into Delhi from Karnatak, West Bengal and Gujarat.
(a) /extremely popular /high /due to/ nutritional value / its / has become / the coconut water /
(b) / market for / coconut water is / about Rs. 20/ selling in the / now fresh
(c) / the cost / the consumers / coconut water / don’t mind / of fresh
(a) The coconut water has become extremely popular due to its high nutritional value.
(b) Now fresh coconut water is selling in the market for about Rs. 20.
(c) The consumers don’t mind the cost of fresh coconut water.
Question 8.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. [1 × 3 = 3]
Mark! while relatives are looking on and lamenting deeply, one by one mortals are carried off, like an ox that is led to the slaughter. So the world is afflicted with death and decay, therefore the wise do not grieve, knowing the terms of the world.
(a) What is the fate of mortals ?
(b) Why do the wise not grieve ?
(c) Write the meaning of the word, ‘lamenting’.
Little Sulekha could not speak till she was five, and when at last the learnt to speak, she stammered. The other children often made fun of her and mimicked her.
(a) What did Sulekha later on come to be known as ?
(b) Why did children make fun of her ?
(c) What does the word, ‘mimicked’ mean ?
(a) The fate of mortals of that all of us have to bow down to death some day.
(b) The wise do not grieve because they know death is certain, death is universal.
(c) Mourning
(a) Sulekha came to be known as Bholi which means simpleton as she remained a backward child.
(b) The children made fun of her as she began to speak she stammered.
(c) Initated, ridiculed, copied the gesture.
Question 9.
Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each. [2 × 4 = 8]
(a) The people of Coorg have a tradition of courage and bravery. How has it been recognised in modem India ?
(b) What guesses did the Londoners make about what Mijbil was ?
(c) How did the hackdriver be fool the lawyer ?
(d) How did the Loisels react when they realised that the necklace had been lost ?
(a) The people of Coorg have a tradition of courage and bravery. The Coorg regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian army. The first chief of the Indian Army was a Coorgi — General Cariappa. Kodavus are the only people in India to be allowed to carry fire arms without licence.
(b) The Londoners thought Mijbil was a baby seal and a squirrel. Some thought it was a walrus, a hippo, a beaver, a bear, a leopard and a brontosaur.
(c) The hack driver took the lawyer for a literal ride all over the place. Pretending to know Lutkins as he took him to the Fritz’s Gustaff’s barber shop, Gray’s barber shop and Lutkin’s mother’s house.
Though, he was Lutkins himself but still he pretended to be Bill Magnuson, a hack driver.
(d) Initially the husband dictated a letter to Mme Forestier that she had broken the clasp of the diamond necklace and would return in a week.
paraphrase: paraphrase: paraphrase: paraphrase: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: paraphrase:: CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 English 2015 Delhi
Question 5.
Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate , words from the given options: [1 × 3 = 3]
There are brids and animals that feed (a) ….. dead or injured animals and plants. The moment they get nature’s warning signal-odour-they quickly (b) ….. to the scene. They break down the organic material into smaller pieces, (c) ….. are then broken down into chemical parts.
(i) on
(ii) from
(iii) among
(iv) at
(i) comes
(ii) came
(iii) come
(iv) coming
(i) who
(ii) whom
(iii) which
(iv) what
(a) on
(b) come
(c) which
Question 6.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line against which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number as given in the example. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. [1 × 4 = 4]
Question 7.
Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. [1 × 3 = 3]
One has been done for you as an example, gets / tender coconuts /10-15 truck loads / Delhi / of / dialy
Example—Delhi gets 10-15 truck loads of tender coconuts dialy.
(a) /its demand / the craze for / during summer / fresh coconut water / pushes up/
(b) / nutritional value / coconut water / the idea behind / is its high / the popularity of /
(c) / its sweet water / in the city / that it is sold / is so popular / like any other fruit /
(a) The craze for fresh coconut water pushes its demand during summer.
(b) The idea behind the popularity of coconut water is its high nutritional value.
(c) Its sweet water is so popular that it is sold like any other fruit in the city.
Question 8.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. [1 × 3 = 3]
Early in the New Year of 1956 I travelled to Southern Iraq. By then it had crossed my mind that I should like to keep and otter instead of a dog, and that Camusfearna, ringed by water a stone’s throw from its door, would be an eminently suitable spot for this experiment.
(a) What ‘experiment’ did Maxwell think Camusfeama would be suitable for ?
(b) Why was it a suitable spot for his experiment ?
(c) Write the meaning of the phrase, ‘crossed my mind’.
The day of the ball approached and Mme Loisel seemed sad, disturbed, anxious. Nevertheless, her dress was nearly ready.
(a) Why was Mme Loisel sad and disturbed ?
(b) Why did she get a dress ready ?
(c) What is a ‘ball’?
(a) Maxwell thought that Camusferma would be ideal for getting an otter to adopt as a pet.
(b) It was a suitable spot because it was ringed by water as stone’s throw from its door.
(c) a thought come to his mind.
(a) Mme Loisel was sad and disturbed as she felt that she did not have any good jewellery to wear for the ball.
(b) She got a dress ready to attend the ball.
(c) formal social gathering for dancing.
Question 9.
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each. [2 × 4 = 8]
(a) What did the Buddha want Kisa Gotami to understand ?
(b) Which season is the best to visit Coorg ?
(c) Why did Bishamber’s marriage with Bholi not take place ?
(d) What was the cause of Matilda’s ruin ?
(a) Buddha wanted Kisa Gotami to understand that death is inevitable. There is no use of lamenting over it but be wise to accept it as a fact of life.
(b) The best season to visit Coorg is from September to March. The weather is perfect with a few shower and the smell of invigorating coffee.
(c) Bisamber’s marriage with Bholi did not take place because of his greed for money. He asked for 5000 rupees as dowry because the girl Bholi had pock marks on her face. Bholi said that she would not marry such a mean, greedy and contemptible coward and she threw the garland into the fire.
(d) Matilda borrowed a necklace from her friend Mme Forestier for the ball. She however lost it. She had to repay a big loan. Her life was ruined by working hard day in and out to cover the huge loan which her husband was forced to take.