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CBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2020 (Series: JBB/2) with Solutions
Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 80
General Instructions:
Read the instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:
- Question paper comprises three sections – A, B and C.
Section A – Reading 20 marks
Section B – Writing and Grammar 30 marks
Section C – Literature 30 marks - There are 11 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
- Answers should be brief and to the point.
- There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in Section B and Section C. Make your choices correctly.
- In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
- Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.
SET I: Code No. 2/2/1
Section A – Reading 20 Marks
Question 1.
Read the passage given below carefully: 10
1. As the family finally sets off from home after many arguments there is a moment of lull as the car takes off. “Alright, so where are we going for dinner now?” asks the one at the driving wheel. What follows is a chaos as multiple voices make as many suggestions.
2. By the time order is restored and a decision is arrived at, tempers have risen, feelings injured and there is at least one person grumbling.
3. Twenty years ago, you would step out of home, decision of meal and venue already made with no arguments or opposition and everybody looked forward to the meal with equal enthusiasm. The decision was made by the head of the family and the others fell in line. Today every member of the family has a say in every decision which also promotes a sense of togetherness and bonding.
4. We empower our kids to take their own decisions from a very early age. We ask them the cuisine they prefer, the movie they want to see, the holiday they wish to go on and the subjects they wish to study.
5. It’s a closely connected world out there where children consult and guide each other. A parent’s well-meaning advice can sound like nothing more than unnecessary preaching. How then do we reach our children through all the conflicting views and make the voice of reason be heard? Children today question choices and prefer to go with the flow.
6. What then is the best path to take? I would say the most important thing one can do is to listen. Listen to your children and their silences. Ensure that you keep some time aside for them, insist that they share their stories with you. Step into their world. It is not as complicated as it sounds; just a daily half an hour of the ‘quality time’ would do the trick.
1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each. 2 × 4 = 8
(a) Write one advantage and one disadvantage of allowing every family member to be part of the decision making process.
One advantage of allowing every family member to be the part of the decision making process is that it promotes a sense of togetherness and bonding with the family. The disadvantage is because of multiple choices which result in rising tempers, injured feelings and at least one person ends up grumbling.
(b) In today’s world, what are parents asking their kids?
Parents empower their children to take their own decisions. They are asking them what cuisine they prefer, which movie they want to see, what kind of a holiday they wish to go on and which subjects they want to study.
(c) Which two pieces of advice does the writer give to the parents?
The writer’s advice to parents is that they should most importantly listen to their children and try to understand their silences. The parents should insist that their children share their stories with them and ensure that they spend at least daily half an hour of ‘quality time’ with them.
(d) The passage supports the parents. How far do you agree with the author’s views? Support your view with a reason.
The author’s point of view is very apt and relevant in today’s times wherein many parents are unable to spend ‘quality time’ with their children due to their hectic work schedules. The parents need to spend ‘at least half an hour’ with their children and ensure that they share their stories with them.
1.2 On the basis of your reading of the above passage fill in any two of the following blanks. 4
(a) The synonym of ‘hurt’ as given in paragraph 2 is _________ .
The synonym of ‘hurt’ as given in paragraph 2 is injured.
(b) The word which means the same as ‘a style or method of cooking’ in paragraph 4 is:
(i) cuisine
(ii) gourmet
(iii) gastric
(i) The word which means the same as ‘a style or method of cooking’ in paragraph 4 is cuisine.
(c) The antonym of ‘agreeable’ as given in paragraph 5 is ___________ .
The antonym of ‘agreeable’ as given in paragraph 5 is conflicting.
(d) The antonym of ‘simple’ as given in paragraph 6 is:
(i) difficult
(ii) complicated
(iii) easy
(iv) tricky
(ii) The antonym of ‘simple’ as given in paragraph 6 is complicated.
Question 2.
Read the passage given below:
Global weather is warming leading to Arctic meltdown. This is primarily a result of the greenhouse effect caused by too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the plant. Burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy cutting down and burning forests to create pastures and plantations leads to carbon accumulation. Refrigeration and air conditioning and certain agricultural practices also aggravate the problem by releasing additional potent global warming gases such as methane and nitrous oxide. Over the last century, global average temperature has increased by more than 1.0° F.
A warming would also have the potential to change rainfall and snow patterns, increase droughts and severs storms, reduce lake ice cover, melt glaciers, increase sea levels and change plant and animal behaviour. The impact of global warming on our planet is extremely serious and if this problem is not talked on an urgent basis it will lead to melting of polar ice caps leading to an increase in sea level drowning coastlines and slowly submerging continents. Our generation needs to give a healing touch to the earth which we have ourselves made sick.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer any eight questions from the twelve that follow. 1 × 8 = 8
(a) Global warming is a result of:
(i) warm planet.
(ii) trapped heat.
(iii) greenhouse effect.
(iv) carbon dioxide.
(iii) greenhouse effect.
(b) The cause of greenhouse effects is:
(i) global warming.
(ii) burning of coal.
(iii) cutting down trees
(iv) too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
(iv) too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
(c) Carbon accumulation is caused by:
(i) burning of fossil fuel.
(ii) burning forests.
(iii) burning natural gas.
(iv) all the above
(iv) all the above
(d) The word in the passage which means the same as ‘to make worse’ is:
(i) potent
(ii) severe
(iii) aggravate
(iv) accumulation
(iii) aggravate
(e) According to the pie chart the main greenhouse gas emissions is by:
(i) power stations.
(ii) industries.
(iii) transportation fuel.
(iv) land use.
(i) power stations.
(f) A warming world does not:
(i) increase droughts.
(ii) reduce lake ice cover.
(iii) create pastures.
(iv) melt glaciers.
(iii) create pastures.
(g) Gases like methane and nitrous oxide are released by:
(i) greenhouse effect.
(ii) fossil fuel burning.
(iii) some agricultural practices.
(iv) changing snow patterns.
(iii) some agricultural practices.
(h) On the basis of the pie chart choose the option that is Not True:
(1) Transportation fuel emits more gases than industries | (2) The treatment of waste disposal and treatment emits the least gases |
(3) There is a stark difference between gases emitted by land use and residential/commercial sources | (4) The gases emitted by agricultural by products is more than that by fossil fuels |
(i) Option 2 and 4
(ii) Option 1 and 3
(iii) Option 3 and 4
(iv) Option 1 and 2
(ii) Option 1 and 3
(i) The word ‘submerging’ in the passage Does Not mean the same as:
(i) sinking
(ii) drown
(iii) go over
(iv) go under
(iii) go over
(j) It is evident from the pie chart that almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by:
(i) Power stations and industries.
(ii) Agriculture and fossil fuel retrieval.
(iii) Water disposal and treatment and industries.
(iv) Agricultural and water disposal.
(i) Power stations and industries.
(k) If global warming is not tackled on an urgent basis it will lead to:
(i) melting of polar ice caps.
(ii) submergence of continents.
(iii) drowning coastlines.
(iv) all the above
(iv) all the above
(l) The word ‘tackled’ in the passage DOES NOT mean the same as:
(i) undertaken
(ii) dealt with
(iii) accepted as challenge
(iv) to avoid
(iv) to avoid
Section B – Writing Skills with Grammar 30 Marks
Question 3.
You are Vipul/Apoorva, living at D-424, Island Avenue, Ernakulam. You have seen an advertisement about a diploma course in French language soon to be organized by Maxwell Institute of Languages, Fort Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-150 words to the advertiser seeking all the relevant information like admission procedure, fee structure, duration of the course, timing of the class, transport facilities etc. 10
Question 3.
You bought a flat from PQR Builders, Sector 55, NOIDA. Within a period of two months you have started facing a lot of problems like seepage in the walls and ceilings, wall paint peeling off, etc. Write a letter of complaint in 120 – 150 words to the Works Manager. You are Karuna/Karan, A-9/D Apoorva Apartments., NOIDA. 10
D-424, Island Avenue
April, 20××
Maxwell Institute of Languages
Fort Road
Subject: Seeking information about French diploma course
This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Daily Times’ regarding diploma course in French language soon to be organised by your institute.
I am a graduate who is interested in pursuing this course and would be grateful if you could forward me the following information regarding the course:
1. Admission procedure
2. Duration of the course
3. Fee structure
4. Class timings
5. Transport facilities
6. Any other relevant information regarding the course.
I would be obliged if you could send me the detailed information on my e-mail id (apoorva@ at the earliest.
Yours Sincerely
Sector 55, Noida
16 th January, 20xx
The Works Manager
PQR Builders
Subject: Letter of complaint for problems in new flat
I moved into my flat that I had bought from your company in Apoorva Apartments, Sector-55, Noida two months back. It is most unfortunate that within two months of moving into this brand new flat we have started facing a lot of problems.
There is problem of seepage in the walls and ceilings. The wall paint has started peeling off, there is leakage in the sanitary fittings and the lift gets stalled to name a few. Keeping in mind the reputation that your company enjoys in the market I had never imagined that a flat built by your reputed company would have such poor construction. The least you could do now is to rectify the faults at the earliest to avoid us further inconvenience.
I hope to hear from your end soon and also hope repair work is initiated at the earliest.
Yours sincerely
Koruna / Karan
Question 4.
Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100 – 120 words.
[A] The following picture depicts the popularity of online computer gamers, Online most of these games, depict violence and ferocity. Write a paragraph of about 120 words on how these games can have detrimental effects on the minds of the younger generation. 8
[B] Dowry system is an age-old tradition in India. Started with a good intention to help the young couple start their life without any worries, this has now degenerated into an evil. Not only are the parents of girls overburdened but some unlucky girls are maltreated, tortured, divorced and even burnt or killed for want of dowry. ‘Dowry: a Social Evil’ for the next issue of the school magazine. 8
[A] Computer games have become very popular with the younger generations and are an easily accessible form of entertainment. Most of these games depict violence in the form of shooting, firing, punching etc. and the player who is able to play this game most violently is declared the winner. The violence that is depicted in these games is never going to benefit the vulnerable minds of the younger generation. These games can cause potential psychological damage to the innocent minds of young children and young adults. It is the social responsibility of people who develop these games to enlighten the minds of children constructively, while providing entertainment.
By: Aman
India is a male dominated society where the evil practice of dowry has become very common. The woman has been relegated to a secondary place and has marginal importance in the family. She has been reduced to a thing, not a human being. The recent spate in the cases of dowry deaths exposes the hollowness of our social and cultural system. The torture of married women and cases of bride burning are rampant in lower middle class urban families. The birth of a female child is still considered to be a burden on the parents. Beauty, good features, culture and qualification may be important but a fat dowry overweights all these considerations. Even in the modern world where women are marching ahead in all walks of life, the evil practice of the dowry system continues. Naked materialism and consumerism have only increased the appetite of the dowry seekers. The dowry amount depends upon the social and economic status of the prospective bridegrooms. Demands for cars, bikes, music systems, ACs, costly furniture are growing in the marriage market. But the greed of dowry seekers remains unsatisfied.
Bride-burning is not a rare phenomenon in India. The Anti-Dowry Act, 1976 must be strongly implemented for eradicating this social stigma. The dowry seekers should be socially boycotted and given strict punishment. Public and voluntary organisations should come forward to root out this social evil from our society.
Question 5.
Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given below by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. 1 × 4 = 4
Reading books (a) ________ a good hobby. Books open (b) _________ vast new world to us. They increase (c) _______ knowledge and change our outlook (d) __________ the world.
(a) (iv) is
(b) (ii) a
(c) (ii) our
(d) (i) towards
Question 6.
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with its correction in the space provided. 1 × 4 = 4
(a) for… with
(b) last… lasting
(c) a … the
(d) with… of
Question 7.
Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. 1 × 4 = 4
(a) is/as/known/Jaipur/Pink City.
(b) in the / are / buildings /city / in pink colour / painted / most of the
(c) have made / a popular /it/ its / historical buildings / destination/ tourist.
(d) go there/one/bus/from Delhi/can easily/by
(a) Jaipur is known as Pink City.
(b) Most of the buildings in the city are painted in pink colour.
(c) Its historical buildings have made it a popular tourist destination.
(d) One can easily go there from Delhi by bus.
Section C – Literature Text & Supplementary Reading Text 30 Marks
Question 8.
Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: 1 × 4 = 4
Max bit his lip nervously. The knocking was repeated.
“What will you do now, Max ?” Ausable asked. “If I do not answer the door, they will enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they will not hesitate to shoot”.
(a) Who is Max?
(i) a spy
(ii) a tourist
(iii) a businessman
(iv) a waiter
(i) a spy
(b) Max became nervous because:
(i) he got scared of Ausable.
(ii) he thought the police had come.
(iii) the door was unlocked.
(iv) Ausable did not get up to open the door.
(ii) he thought the police had come.
(c) Actually the door was knocked at by the ________ .
waiter who had brought the drink Ausable had ordered.
(d) Which word in the extract is opposite in meaning to the word ‘confidently’?
The word nervously is opposite in meaning to the word confidently.
__________ Winds rush to meet them
The moon is broken like a mirror,
Its pieces flash now in the crown
of the tallest oak.
(a) The above lines were written by
(i) Robert Frost
(ii) John Berryman
(iii) Robin Klein
(iv) Adrienne Rich
(iv) Adrienne Rich
(b) The crown of the oak lies in its
(i) top most branch.
(ii) roots.
(iii) rich and tasty fruit.
(iv) broad leaves.
(i) top most branch.
(c) The winds are rushing to meet like ___________ .
trees that are stumbling forward.
(d) Find the word from the extract which means the same as “shine.”
The word ‘flash’ means the same as shine.
Question 9.
Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped?
When the hail stopped the corn was totally destroyed. The flowers were gone from the plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness. When the storm had passed Lencho stood in the middle of the field and told his sons that a plague of locusts would have left more than that, the hailstorm had left nothing. He also said that they would have no corn that year.
(b) What is the importance of river Kaveri in the district of Coorg?
The river Kaveri is abundant in Mahaseer, a large freshwater fish. Squirrels and langurs enjoy the splash and ripple effect in the clear water. Elephants enjoy being bathed and scrubbed in the river by their mahouts. The most relaxed and lazy people get converted to the life of high energy adventure here with river rafting and canoeing. This river brings alive the zest and spirit of the people and provides them with a kind of a new life, full of adventure and enthusiasm.
(c) Why does the poet use the term ‘noble’ and ‘wild’ for the tiger? (How to Tell Wild Animals)
The poet uses the term ‘noble’ and ‘wild’ for the tiger because it is an impressive and majestic beast. It hunts only when it is hungry and not like the leopard who will leap on you even for its pleasure.
(d) What was the major flaw in Tricki?
Tricki’s major flaw was his greed. He had never been known to refuse food. He could eat a meal at any hour of the day or night. As a result Tricki, the dog had become hugely fat, like a bloated sausage.
(e) What made the boys follow Griffin?
The boys stared in surprise when they saw fresh muddy imprints of a pair of bare feet. Since they could not see any man making the prints, they gazed at the remarkable sight that met their eyes. As another fresh footmark appeared from nowhere and further footprints followed, the boys too followed it in utter fascination.
(f) How is Ausable different from other secret agents?
Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent Fowler had read about. For one thing, Ausable was very fat and though he spoke French and German well he had not lost the American accent. Fowler was a writer, who had envisioned something mysterious and exciting on meeting Ausable but he got to spend a dull evening with a sloppy fat man.
Question 10.
Answer the following questions in about 100 – 150 words. 8
What lesson did Kisa Gotami learn the second time that she had failed to learn the first time?
What is the play ‘The Proposal’ about? Do you feel that there is any serious issue of dispute? Which negative traits in the characters may be changed for the better in your point of view?
When Kisa Gotami came to Buddha to get help in reviving her dead son, Buddha wanted her to understand that the life of mortals in this world is troubled, brief and combined with pain. There is no way in which those who have have been born could avoid dying. After reaching old age there is death. Both young and old, fools and wise all are subject to death. The world is afflicted with death and decay, so the wise people do not grieve knowing the terms of the world. If one does grieve, his pain would be greater and his body would suffer.
Buddha told Kisa Gotami to get him a handful of mustard seeds from a house where no one had lost a loved one. She went to each house but could not find even one such house. When Kisa Gotami got tired and depressed for not getting the mustard seeds as per condition, she sat down at the wayside and watched the flickering lights of the city that extinguished soon. The understanding dawned on her that the life of human beings also flickers then dies. Death is inevitable for all, so one must not grieve over it.
Only those who give up lamentation, complaint and grief and become calm and composed can get peace of mind. He who has overcome all sorrow becomes free from sorrow.
The play ‘The Proposal’ is all about Lomov’s marriage proposal to Chubukov’s daughter, Natalya and how it gets side-tracked twice due to the quarrelsome attitudes of the would- be life partners. There is no serious issue of dispute between Lomov and Natalya. They first quarrel over the petty issue of the ownership of the Oxen Meadows. Then they quarrel over the superiority of their respective dogs. Both the issues are unimportant as Lomov and Natalya get married eventually. Lomov appears to be a physically weak and mentally unstable man. Natalya is an excellent housekeeper but also stupid and quarrelsome. If Lomov was a strong and determined man he would not have let the argument go out of hand. Had Natalya been smart and intelligent she would have handled the entire situation rationally.
Question 11.
Answer the following questions in about 100 – 150 words. 8
We need intelligence more than physical strength in a difficult situation. How is it proved true in the story, “The Midnight Visitor” ?
What do you know about Bishamber Nath? Why did Bholi refuse to marry him?
There is no doubt that Ausable wins over a very critical situation due to his sheer presence of mind. Ausable had ordered a drink and knew that it was the waiter knocking at the door. Being a clever and sharp man he immediately thought of a plan. He told Max it was the police who had come to check on him and could shoot him. He asked Max to jump out of the window into the balcony. But actually there was no balcony on the other side of window and Max fell down with a thud, thus leading to his end. Ausable did not use any kind of physical force to get rid of Max and by pure presence of mind was able to complete his mission. His intelligence proved to Fowler that appearances can be misleading and one can never judge a person on the basis of his looks.
Bishamber Nath was a well-to-do grocer who had a big shop, a house of his own and several thousand rupees in his bank account. He was around forty-five or fifty years old, had a limp and had grown-up children from his first wife. He had agreed to marry Bholi without a dowry but he was not aware of the pock-marks on her face. On the day of the marriage, Bishamber Nath saw Bholi’s face and demanded a dowry of five thousand rupees to marry her. Bholi’s father relented to his demand because he did not want to bring disgrace to his family. But Bholi vehemently refused to marry him as she decided not to have such a mean, greedy and contemptible coward as her husband. She turned the wedding procession out and told her parents that she would serve them in their old age and will teach in the same school where she had learnt so much.
SET II: Code No. 2/2/2
Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I.
Section B – Writing Skills with Grammar
Question 3.
You are Sharat/Sharon living at 22, Dalton Street, Kanpur. The following excerpt from an article made you aware of some of the problems faced by a modern city: 10
There are areas that need immediate attention if the city has to move forward. The blueprint of a modern city should have transportation facilities, mass housing projects, a scientific sewage system… |
Taking ideas from the notes given, along with your own ideas, write a letter to the Editor, The Herald, in 120 words on the problems faced by metropolitan cities and how the situation can be improved.
Question 3.
You are a frequent traveller. You are unhappy about the poor services rendered by several travel agencies to their customers after charging them exorbitantly. Their brochures make various promises but they are rarely kept. Taking ideas from the notes given below, along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on how a tourist should decide on the places of interest he wants to visit and the facilities he expects. (120 words) 10
• tour operators promise dreams
• charge exorbitantly• Don’t fulfil promises• tourists to take their own decisions• take action in case of poor service |
22, Dalton Ganj Kanpur
The Editor The Herald
October 20××
Subject: Few Suggestions problems faced by metropolitan cities
Through the medium of this letter I would like to highlight the problems faced by metropolitan cities, which are essentially entrusted with a major task of always moving forward.
A metropolitan city needs to have the basic facilities which include mass projects, a scientific sewage system, accessible and well-maintained roads, public transportation facilities, good schools, medical facilities, leisure parks, to name just a few. The metropolitan cities of a country reflect the social, economic and infrastructural growth and development of a country. Therefore, it is a must for them to be model cities as they reflect our country’s image to the rest of the world. Since a metropolitan city is over crowded it also needs to be more organised in terms of how well it can provide these basic amenities to the people living there. The local government needs to plan out the infrastructure well in advance. While preparing the blue-print of a modern city each and every angle must be carefully studied so that there is no scope for any kind of lapses. If the above mentioned aspects are taken into serious consideration, the problems faced by metropolitan cities can easily be overcome, housing
Yours sincerely
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
K.G. Marg
New Delhi
26 th January, 20xx
Subject: Letter of complaint for poor services rendered by travel agencies.
Through the medium of this letter I would like to voice my complaint and grievance against the poor services rendered by several travel agencies to their customers despite charging them exorbitantly.
The brochures released by these agencies make many promises but these are rarely kept. They conveniently fail to fulfil their promises and as a frequent traveller who has been subjected to their deceit and treachery, I can also say that any complaints against these travel agencies are totally futile with no one lending an ear to even hear them out. I would like to advise all travellers first to research well and take their own decisions on the places of interest they want to visit and not be misled by any promises made by these agencies. All travellers should ensure that prior reservations for boarding and lodging have been made to ensure stress-free travel. Tourists should also take stringent action in case of poor service and unkept promises. Since no stringent action is taken against agencies, they continue to thrive and be successful despite cheating and misleading their clients.
Only if we as tourists make up our mind not to let these agencies take us for granted and collectively stand up to any kind of injustice can we put a full-stop to their malpractices
Yours sincerely
Section C – Literature
Question 10.
Attempt the following question in 100 – 150 words. 8
Why and when did the narrator say that ‘everything’ was going well, it was an easy flight.’? (Black Aeroplane)
Or, How did Valli fulfill her desire to ride a bus to the town and back?
The narrator was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over France on the way back to England. The stars were shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. He was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping countryside. He was dreaming of his holiday and looking forward to being with his family. He thought he would be back in time for breakfast. He called Paris control from his radio and informed them that he was on his way to England. The voice from the radio answered him and told him which direction to take. Then he checked the map and the compass and switched over to his second and last fuel tank. Then thinking about his good big English breakfast he remarked that ‘everything’ was going well – it was an easy flight.’
Valli’s deepest desire was to ride on the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. Valli planned her bus ride by learning various small details about the bus journey by listening to conversations of her neighbours who were regular users of the bus. She found about the bus fare, the time it took to reach the town and back and the time of the bus.
Valli saved up money for the bus journey by collecting coins and by not spending on peppermints, toys, balloons etc. Her meticulous planning and strong will power made her plan and execute the journey successfully. She saved money, gathered the required information and waited patiently for the right time to go on her journey. Her courage, confidence and dignity on the journey made the conductor call her ‘madam’. The journey taught her to be independent and to get to know about the outside world. It also taught her how to interact with different kinds of people.
Question 11.
Attempt the following question in 100 – 150 words. 8
What other interests, besides Science, did Richard Ebright pursue? What did Mr. Weiherer, his Social Studies teacher, tell us about Ebright?
Compare and contrast the characters of Great and Mighty Think Tank and Noodles.
Richard Ebright had been interested in science, but he had time to pursue other interests as well. He became a champion debator and a public speaker, a good canoeist and an expert photographer of nature and scientific exhibits. In high school, he turned his attention towards Debating and Model United Nations Club. He also admired his social studies teacher, Mr. Weiherer, who Ebright says, ‘opened my mind to new ideas’. Mr. Weiherer said that Richard would always give that extra effort and that he was competitive. But, he explained that Richard wasn’t interested in winning for winning’s sake or winning to get a prize, rather he wanted to win because he wanted to do the best job he could and for the right reasons he wanted to be the best.
Think-tank is the ruler of the planet Mars and the commander-in-chief of Mars space control. He is presented as the most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe. Noodle is Think Tank’s apprentice. He is quite an interesting character in the play. He is smart and polite and humbly corrects the mistakes of his ruler. Noodles is rather wise and well-informed. But it is Think-Tank who is very proud of his intelligence and might. Noodles offers advice to Think-Tank but never takes any credit for it. He allows Think- Tank to consider himself as the most wise creature and also makes sure that his actions do not offend Think-Tank.
SET III: Code No, 2/2/3
Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I & II.
Section B – Writing Skills with Grammar
Question 3.
You are Shammi/ Sapna, resident of 12 Mall Road, Agra. You have noticed that majority of the water taps in your colony keep on leaking. Also water drips from various joints in the supply pipes. All these lead to a big wastage of potable water. Write a letter of complaint to the Municipal Commissioner, Agra Municipal Corporation requesting him to get the necessary repairs done. (100 – 150 words) 10
Question 3.
Read the newspaper clipping given below:
M.G. COLONY RESIDENTS SUBMIT MEMORANDUM Ahmedabad: The residents of M.G. Colony have submitted a memorandum to the Chairman, Water Authority, protesting against water being supplied to them for only two hours a day. |
Write a letter to the Chairman, Water Authority, on the problems related to scarcity of water. Also suggest a few effective remedies in not more than 120 words. 10
12, Mall Road
29 th July, 20××
The Municipal Commissioner
Agra Municipal Corporation
Subject: Letter of complaint for leaking water pipes and taps
Through this letter I would like to bring to your notice the problem of leaking water pipes and taps and request you to get the necessary repairs done.
A majority of water taps in our colony Mall Road keep leaking. Water also drips from various joints in the main supply pipes. All this is leading to a lot of wastage of potable water. As we all are aware that water is a precious natural resource and it is the duty of each one of us to ensure that it is not wasted. Despite our repeated complaints to the local municipal officer, no action has been taken to get the leaking taps and pipes repaired. Kindly look into the matter and take necessary steps to stop this unnecessary wastage of precious water.
Yours Sincerely
The Chairman Water Authority
11 th November, 20xx
Subject: Letter of complaint for water shortage in the colony
I am writing this letter to bring to your notice the problems of the residents of M.G. Colony who have been facing acute water shortage for the past almost three months.
Water is being supplied to our colony only for two hours in a day and that too at a very low pressure and this is resulting in a lot of inconvenience to all the residents. Unfortuntely the water supply has been decreasing and has now reached a stage where there is not enough water available even for daily necessary household chores like cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc. Out of desperation the residents have been drawing ground water through motors which is not good for the environment.
Despite our repeated complaints about the problem of water scarcity, no efforts have been made by your department even to offer us a little respite from this problem. We are sure if you yourself will look into this matter, you will surely come up with a solution to this problem. We would like to g to you to introduce the system of water tankers for our colony which can supply us water at reasonable rates till the water scarcity problem is not solved. We would also like t request you to take stringent action against those who are installing on-line boosters on the main water supplying pipeline and reducing water pressure to the other houses. Unless you take serious view of the situation, we will continue to suffer relentlessly. We hope that will take immediate action and will offer us some respite from the you present water crisis.
Yours sincerely
Section C – Literature
Question 10.
Attempt the following question in 100 – 150 words. 8
Why were the children fascinated by the baker? How did they show their eagerness to see him?
Why does the poet not offer money to the boy to buy another ball?
The baker used to be a friend, companion and guide of the children. He used to come twice a day. Once, when he set out in the morning, and then when he returned after emptying his basket. The jingling thud of his bamboo woke the children up from sleep and they ran to meet and greet the baker. They longed for the bread bangles which they chose carefully. When the baker made his musical entry, the children would climb a bench or the parapet and peep into his basket for their bread bangles. They did not even care to brush their teeth or wash their mouths properly. The baker’s arrival fascinated the children and they were very eager to see him.
The poet does not offer money to the boy to buy another ball because he wants the boy to understand the nature of loss and learn to cope with it. He wants the boy to realize that money cannot buy everything. The first time in his life the boy experiences a sense of grief on losing his much loved possession, a ball. The poet wants him to realize that once something is lost, it may never be restored. So, he wants him to be responsible enough to let go off things and move on in life. The poet feels this realization will help him to have a mature outlook towards life. He will understand that nothing can be possessed permanently and it is wise to let go off things.
Question 11.
Attempt the following question in 100 – 150 words. 8
Education, love and sympathy can transform even a thief. How is it true in the case of Hari Singh?
Why is Horace described as good and respectable but not completely honest?
“The Thief’s Story” is indeed a study of the complexities of the human mind. More than often a man himself fails to understand his own mind. The human mind is rather vulnerable to outside influences. The young boy, Hari Singh, who is a thief, picks up a job with Anil with the sole intention of robbing him. Even though he was only fifteen years old, he was fairly experienced and successful in his job. He was very eager to learn to read and write because he knew that once he could write, there would be no limit to what he could achieve.
He was very grateful to Anil and quite liked working for him. He found it difficult to rob him since Anil was also the most trusting person he had ever met. He could not bring himself to cheat him. But when he does get an opportunity to rob him, he does so and then makes a retreat. He cannot cheat Anil who has been quite good and kind to him. Anil seems to him the fulfillment of his hope. He feels, with Anil he can learn, lead an honest life and finally become a big man.
Horace was indeed good and respectable but not completely honest. This was because he robbed only one safe every year. He loved rare, expensive books and to fulfill his passion, he planned his schedule carefully. He robbed a safe, stole enough to last for twelve months and secretly bought the books he loved through an agent. So, he did lead a very respectable life but his means to attain the ends he desired, were rather dishonest. He had no qualms or apprehension in pursuing this dishonorable task and performed it without any kind of inhibition or guilt.