AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 8
1. Imagine yourself to be a worker who lost job suddenly and has no employment for the next few years. Write an account of a day in your life in first person.
2. A cartoon in German with caption “Buy from the Jews, betray your people” 1929. What bias does it show?
Observe the following graph and answer the questions.
1) What do you know from the given graph ?
2) What are the countries that spend more money on weapons ?
Observe the following map.
Answer the following questions after reading the map above.
1) Which neighbouring country of India was occupied by Japan ?
2) What is Dutch East India called now ?
5. What are the basic features of social movement ?
6. Read the following case study and give an explanation how Swetha had benefitted from RTI.
Gattu Swetha was a student of M.Sc. at Kakatiya University in 2013. She completed her B.Sc. exams in March 2011. She got good Marks in all subjects but in Chemistry she got 21 Marks. On revaluation she got only 9 Marks. With RTI activists help she requested for photocopy of her answer sheet. University refused to do so. She went to the State Chief Information Commissioner and later the university gave photocopy and awarded 51 Marks. Thus, she joined M.Sc.
Read the following passage and answer the given questions.
The Punjab Agitation
At the other end of India, another movement for autonomy was taking shape in the State of Punjab. Here too the difference in language and religion of the dominant population became a point of mobilisation. Here again the grouse was that the contribution of the State was being ignored. They also believed that the State had received an unfair bargain when it was created. It laid claims to the new capital city of Chandigarh which remained a union territory directly administered by the Centre. Punjab also claimed more water from Bhakra Nangal dam and greater recruitment of Sikhs in the army.
1) Which became a point of mobilisation ?
2) What did Punjab claim ?
8. Do you think unity of India would have been better served of linguistic states were not formed ?
9. Who attached on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ?
10. Who were called ‘Colons’ ?
11. Why was an Election Commission set up ?
12. What was the popular slogan in 1971 election?
13. How were the methods used by the governement for the suppression of militancy in Punjab ?
14. Write about NALSA.
15. How did the idea of nation states and nationalism influence desire for war during World Wars?
16. What aspects of the Welfare State do you find functioning in India today?
17. Freedom struggle in China, Vietnam and Nigeria involved wars against the rulers. Briefly describe its impact ?
18. What were the different ways in which power sharing among different communities was organised before Partition?
19. Make a table and list demands of civil rights movement and possible solutions in your opinion.
20. Using the following case study, explain the role of different Departments of the Government and citizens in the context of RTI. Also write how can the the RTI make functioning of the governments more transparent.
Following incident occurred in Chinnashankarampet of Medak district. Members of the Self Help Groups joined in Abhaya Hastam, Aam Aadmi schemes of the Rural Welfare Ministry of the State Government. Under this scheme their children who were students of classes 9 to 12 were eligible for scholorship of Rs. 1200. However for 3 years students have not been receiving the amount for the years during 200811. The students went to the IKP (Indira Kranthi Pathakam) office and eqnuired about it but the officers ignored their requests.
This came to the notice of the local newspapers. Now they applied to the officers concerned for the information with regard to the scholarships sanctioned. They asked about the number of beneficiaries and the amount sanctioned during 200809, 09-10 and 10-11. They got reply in one week. The amount was 7 lakh rupees. It became clear from the RTI records that even though the amount was sanctioned, it was not distributed. When it was published in the newspapers the amount was distributed to 1167 children within 15 days.
21. What measures of Indira Gandhi are called ‘left turn’? How do you think this was different from policies of previous decades? Based on your economics chapters describe how it is different from the current policies.
22. If a Constitution for the entire school had to be drafted, who all should be involved in it and how?
23. Locate the following places on the given outline map of
1) Japan 2) France 3) Austria 4) Hungary 5) Finland
1) Europe 2) India 3) Sri Lanka 4) China 5) Atlantic Ocean
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