AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 1
1. Why do you think the young Chinese wanted to fight both against old traditional practices and against foreign powers?
Read the following paragraph and answer the question.
“In fact, the second World War helped USA grow out of its economic misery caused by the Great Depression. Far from the theatres of war, the industries and agriculture of USA prospered and achieved full employment and high productivity In Harry Truman’s words., “We have emerged from this war as the most powerful nation in the world.”
How do you think the second World War helped USA grow out of its economic misery from the Great Depression? Write your comment.
3. Observe the given timeline chart and answer the following questions.
A) How do you think the victory on Auschwitz and liberation by the Soviet Union led to an easy success for the Allied nations?
B) What were the main incidents which occurred in 1941 in world’s history ?
4. Observe the following map of the world and answer the questions :
A) Name any two countries of ‘NATO’ at the founding (establishment) time
B) Name any two countries which were under the ‘WARSAW’
5. What were the institutional changes that came up after the Emergency ?
6. What is the purpose of the Lok Adalat ?
7. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
The Government used very harsh methods for the suppression of militancy in Punjab, many of which were seen as a violation of the constitutional rights of citizens. Many observers felt that such violations of constitutional rights and human rights were justified as the constitutional machinery was on the edge of collapse due to militant activity.
Express your views on the information given above.
8. Read the given data to answer the questions.
A) Which were the parties that participated in the governments of the National Front and United Front and supported the government from the outside?
B) Mention the name of the party that participated in the above three governments.
9. Expand UNICEF.
10. Observe the following timeline in which important incidents from 1914 to 1945 took place and answer the question given below.
What are the peace organizations formed after the two World Wars?
11. Why did the Indian soldiers join the INA ?
12. Which type of constitution gives definite powers to both central and state governments?
13. Observe the following bar diagram which shows amendments of the Constitution from 1950 to2013.
A) In which decade were the lowest amendments made?
B) How many amendments were made between 1950 – 2013?
14. Why do you think the tribal languages were ignored at the time of creation of the states in 1956?
15. Write about the main reasons which are responsible for the two World Wars.
16. Compare the national movements in India and Nigeria. Can you explain why this movement was stronger in India?
17. Most of the oil resources of Nigeria are in the southeastern region. The Igbos think that they should get the maximum share of oil profits. They object to oil wealth being used for development of the north.
What do you think will be the proper and just solution to this problem?
18. “Religions have been playing a prominent role since the partition of India.” Write your evidences.
19. What are the examples and explanations of the basic features of the Indian Constitution?
Dr. Manmohan Singh’s statement in the Rajya Sabha.
Four thousand people were killed in this great national tragedy that took place in 1984. This should be an occasion for introspection of how working together as a united nation, we can find new pathways to ensure that such ghastly tragedies never again take place in our country. I have no hesitation in apologizing not only to the Sikh community, but to the whole Indian nation. Because, what took place in 1984 is the negation of the concept of nationhood and what is enshrined in our Constitution. So, lam not standing on my false prestige. On behalf of our government, on behalf of the entire people of this country, I bow my head in shame that such a thing took place. But sir, there are ebbs and there are tides in the affairs of nations. The past is with us. We cannot rewrite the past. But as human beings, we have the willpower and we have the ability to write a better future for all of us.
A) What is the most important message in this speech?
B) What signals does this speech send out?
C) Why is it important that the Prime Minister made this speech?
21. Discuss and find out how movements mobilize people from across the globe to protest in the context of the Bhopal gas tragedy.
22. How are the rights of black people in U.S.A. and movements of Meira Paibi, similar or different?
23. 1) England 2) Nigeria
3) China 4) Washington
5) South Africa
1) Germany 2) Italy
3) New York 4) Japan
5) Black Sea
1. Why do you think the young Chinese wanted to fight both against old traditional practices and against foreign powers?
1. The traditional China rulers had been kings and emperors who did not sympathise with ideas of democracy and freedom. They were not in a position to free China from the hands Europeans.
2.The European powers had carved out their spheres of influence’ in different parts of China and had forced the emperors to give their economic and political concessions. So the young Chinese wanted to fight both against old trational practices and against foreign powers.
2. How do you think the second World War helped USA grow out of its economic misery from the Great Depression? Write your comment.
A .
The great depression began around the end of 1929 and lasted almost till 1939 when the World War-11 began. There was a sudden fall in the American stock market.
This effected almost all the nations in the world. Roosevelt, the US president, announced ‘The New Deal’ which promised Relief to the victims of Depression. However, the real break came from the outbreak of war. When state expenditure on armies and arnaments suddenly increased giving a big boost to factory production and demand for farm produce. Thus the Second World War helped USA grow out of its economic misery from the great depression.
3. A) How do you think the victory on Auschwitz and liberation by the Soviet Union
led to an easy success for the Allied nations?
After the liberation of Auschwitz the Allied got victory in Europe. So I can say so.
What were the main incidents which occurred in 1941 in world’s history?
1. Germany invades the USSR. 2. Mass murder of the Jews begins.
3. The United States joins the Second World War.
4. A) Name any two countries of ‘NATO’ at the founding (establishment) time.
France, Iceland.
B) Name any two countries which were under the ‘WARSAW’.
Poland, Czekoslovakia.
5. What were the institutional changes that came up after the Emergency?
The major highlight of this period was the 42nd Constitutional Amendment which brought about a series of changes. It had the following aims: a) Excluding the courts from election disputes; b) Strengthening the central government vis-a-vis the state governments; c) Providing maximum protection from judicial challenges to social and economic transformation legislation; d) Making the judiciary subservient to parliament. While the supposed aim of the Amendment was to protect social and economic development from judiciary, strengthen national unity and so on, in reality it actually weakened the democratic fabric of this country.
6. What is the purpose of the Lok Adalat?
Lok Adalats are constituted to settle disputes/cases in an ammicable atmosphere by mutual consert in the presence of legal experts, officials and non official dignitaries.
7. Express your views on the information given above.
There was a threat to the integration of the Indian nation due to the militancy in Punjab. If the government had not taken such actions, the map of India would be different today. So I think the government was correct.
8. A) Which were the parties that participated in the governments of the National Front and United Front and supported the government from the outside?
To National Front: CPM, CPI, and BJP.
To United Front: CPM.
B) Mention the name of the party that participated in the above three governments.
J. K.S.C.
9. Expand UNICEF.
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
10. What are the peace organizations formed after the two World Wars?
League of Nations, 2) United Nations Organization.
11. Why did the Indian soldiers join the INA?
The Indian soldiers were against to the British government. They were motivated by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and joined the INA to fight against the British.
12. Which type of constitution gives definite powers to both central and state governments?
The Federal form of constitution gives definite powers to both central and state governments.
13. A) In which decade were the lowest amendments made?
The lowest amendments were made in these decades : 1971 – 80, 1981 – 90
B) How many amendments were made between 1950 – 2013?
Ninety Nine amendments were made between 1950 – 2013.
14. Why do you think the tribal languages were ignored at the time of creation of the states in 1956?
The languages spoken by dominat or powerful populations were considered at that time, so the tribal language were ignored.
15. Write about the main reasons which are responsible for the two World Wars.
Causes of two World Wars :
1. Immediate provocation :
a) The murder on 28th June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian fanatic. (WWI)
b) The German tanks driving into Poland on September 1, 1939. (WW II)
2) The build-up for World War -1 started in the 19th century.
3) Aggressive nationalism, Imperialism, Secret alliances and Militarism were the three main long term factors which led to World War -1.
4) These causes continued to push the world to war but some new long term causes were also added to the origins of World War – II.
5) One of these was the dissatisfaction of Germany with the legacy of World War -1.
16. Compare the national movements in India and Nigeria. Can you explain why this movement was stronger in India?
Comparison :
17. What do you think will be the proper and just solution to this problem?
Most of the oil resources of Nigeria are in South Eastern region.
2) The Igbos think that they should get the maximum share of oil profits.
3) They object to oil wealth being used for the development of the North.
4) The claim of the Igbos was not correct.
5) The natural resources belong to the entire nation.6
6) Government should use the wealth from natural resources to develop all the regions of the country.
7) In case, the region with resources was backward, care must be taken to develop it.
18. “Religions have been playing a prominent role since the partition of India.” Write your evidences.
1) The growth of Muslim separation from the late 19th century and the rise of communal violence from 1920s to the virulent outbreaks of 1946-1947.
2) Muslims, as a religious community comprised only 20% of the population and represented great diversity in economic, social and political terms.
3) From the late 19th century, some of its political elites in northern India felt increasingly threatened by British devolution of power. Due to this, the logic of numbers would mean the dominance of the majority Hindu community.
19. What are the examples and explanations of the basic features of the Indian Constitution?
The Indian Constitution has 8 basic principles.
1) Popular Sovereignty 2) fundamental rights
3) Directive Principles 4) secularism
5) Secularism 6) Socialism
7) Federalism 8) Judicial Independence
1) Popular Sovereignty:
India is externally free from the control of any foreign power and internally, it has a free government which is directly elected by the people and makes laws that govern the people.
2)Fundamental Rights:
These are the basic human rights of all citizens. These rights apply irrespective of race, place of birth, religion, caste, creed or sex. These are enforceable by the courty subject to specific restrictions.
3) Directive Principles:
These are guidelines for the framing of laws by the government. These provisions are not enforceable by the courts.
4) Cabinet Government:
A Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister at the head to aid and advise the President who shall, in the exercise of his functions, act in accordance with such advice.
5) Secularism :
Secularism is the basic structure of the Indian Constitution. The government respects all religions. It does not uplift or degrade any particular religion.
6) Socialism:
The word ‘socialist’ was added to the preamble by the 42nd amendment. It implies social and economic equality.
7) Federalism :
It is a system based upon democratic rules and institutions in which the power to govern is shared between national and state governments.
8) Judicial Independence :
The Indian Judiciary is independent of the executive and legislative branches of government according to the Constitution.
20. A) What is the most important message in this speech?
We cannot rewrite the past. But as human beings we have the ability to write better future for all of us.
What signals does this speech send out?
The government has committed a crime and worked against the idelogy of our Constitution.
C) Why is it important that the Prime Minister made this speech?
It was a negation of the concept of nationhood and what is enshrined in our Constitution. So it is important.
21. Discuss and find out how movements mobilize people from across the globe to protest in the context of the Bhopal gas tragedy.
1) Movements seek a vision that is different.
2) Movements mobilise people from across the globe to protest various issues.
3) Black Americans organised themselves against the segregation and discrimination they faced.
4) People of Russia fought for human rights there, when free multiparty elections were not allowed, Press freedom was not allowed.
5) Massive protests took place against the policies of the governments, which are war mongering.
6) Greenpeace movement in USA protested the conduct of nuclear tests under water
in USA.
7) Many such movements related to environment were taken up and people supported them.
8) There are various platforms for them like, facebook, twitter, e-mails, internet, newspaper, etc.
22. How are the rights of black people in U.S.A. and movements of Meira Paibi, similar or different?
1) The rights of black people in USA are violated by law.
2) They are met with in human treatment.
3) They are discriminated in schools, transport facilities, job, housing and even in voting rights.
4) But they are given right to freedom of movement.
5) In Meira Paibi movements, the most suffered are women.
6) Their right to life, liberty and security of person are taken away by special protection law.
7) They are subjected to cruel and degrading treatment.
8) Their men and children are detained on no fair cause.
9) They are not even given the right to freedom of movement.
10. Government has yet to take a decision on Meira Paibi s demands.
1) England 2) Nigeria 3) China 4) Washington 5) South Africa
1) Germany 2) Italy 3) New York 4) Japan 5) Black Sea
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