AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 6
1.What is special about Indira Point.
2.Read the paragraph given and answer the following question.
As Earth started to take shape from a fire ball to a planet, many gases were released. These gases did not escape into outer space because of the Earth’s gravitational pull. It still holds them back. The result ? A thin layer of gases surrounds Earth and provides us several important benefits. For example: the oxygen that we breathe, the ozone that protects iis from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, the nitrogen that our plants use to make proteins that we need, the medium through which fresh water is circulated, and keep us warm.
.What is the earth’s temperature without ozone layer ?
3.Read the information given below and answer the questions that follow.Census in India :
In India the first census was taken in 1872.The first complete census however was taken in 1881. Since then censuses have been held regularly every tenth year. India’s population as of 2011 is 121,01,93,422. Out of these 1210 million people, 623,724,248 are men and 586,469,174 are women.
a)When was the first census taken ?
b)When was the first complete census taken ?
c)What is India’s population as of 2011 ?
d)Write about the population distribution.
4.Explain the structure of aerotropolis.
5.How is gross domestic product is calculated ? Givfe example.
6.Why do so many families of farmers cultivate small plots of land ?
7.How has liberalisation of trade and investment policies helped the globalisation process ?
8.Why should water be considered as common property ?
9.What are the elements of weather and climate ?
10.What is called evapotranspiration ?
11.What does the age structure refer to ? , ,
12.What are the ways of providing labour, in the production of goods or services that you observe in your region ?
13.What is outsourcing ?
14.Why is buffer stock created by the government ?
Group – A
15.How would it help if there was a government river basin authority for overall planning of water use?
16.“Over population creates many problems.” Do you support this statement ? Write in your own words.
17.Graph : Social Background of short term migrants in India, 2007-08
Read the above Pie diagram and answer the following questions
1)What does the pie diagram show ?
2)How much per cent of ST’s migrated in 2007-08 ?
3)Which is the maximum migrated class in 2007-08 ? What is its percentage ?
4)In which class do we notice minimum migrants ?
18.Does deforestation happen only in forest areas ? How about in your local area, even if there are no forests ?
Group -B
19.Why do you think parents accord less priority to girls education as compared to boys?
20.How do the medium and large farmers obtain capital for farming ? How is it different from the small farmers ?
21.How is information technology connected with globalisation ? Would globalisation have been possible without the expansion of IT ?
22.Read the table and answer the following questions.
1)What are the minerals given in the table ?
2)Which minerals were extracted more ?
3)Which minerals were extracted less ? Why ?
4)What are the environmental problems in extraction of these minerals ?
Group – A
1) Punjab
2) Sardar Sarovar Project
3) Myanmar
4) Mumbai 5) River Narmada -(OR)
Group -B
1) Madhya Pradehesh
2) Nagarjuna Sagar Project
3) Sikkim
4) Delhi 5) Tropic of Cancer
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