AP SSC 10th class General Science 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 5
1. Write the uses of platelets in blood.
2. When will you get muscle cramps and why ?
3. Imagine what will happen if waste materials are not sent out of our body from time to time.
4. Write the symptoms of Marasmus’.
5. What is a “perfect pesticide” ?
6. What is a food web ?
Group – A
7. How are alveoli designed to maximize the exchange of gases ?
8. Write the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.
9. What is your inference about experiments with aphids ?
10. How plants manage the waste materials ?
Group – B
11. Give an example to show how hormones can influence visible changes in your body.
12. What is meant by external fertilization ? Give examples.
13. Why should we conserve fossil fuels ?
14. What happens if we remove predators from food web ?
Now, answer the following questions.
a) What is the aim of the above experiment ?
b) State the reason for decrease in water level in the inverted test tube.
c) If we place the whole apparatus in darkness, what would be the result of this experiment ?
d) What apparatus do you require to conduct this experiment ?
16. How does gaseous exchange takes place at blood level ?
17. Distinguish between the following.
a) Excretion – Secretion
b) Propulsion – Retropulsion
18. In the experiment, to show the action of saliva on wheat flour.
a) What happens if we add 2 drops of Iodine to the prepared starch solution ?
b) What change do you find in the sample in which water is added ?
c) Name the enzyme that is responsible for the change in the second test tube.
Group -B
19. In what way Mendel used the word “Traits” Explain with an example.
20. Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of water ?
21. Draw a pyramid of number considering yourself as top level consumer.
22. How can you justify the enteric nervous system as the second brain of the gut ?
23. Draw a neat diagram showing fertilization in plants.
24.Draw a neat and labelled diagram showing the internal structure of kidney.
1. Write the uses of platelets In blood.
1) Blood platelets play an important role in blood clotting.
2) When the blood vessel is injured, the platelets collect at the site of the injury and form a plug.
3) This reduces the loss of blood to some extent.
4) They also release several factors into the blood which help in blood clotting and in the repair and healing of blood vessels.
2.When will you get muscle cramps and why ?
1) We obtain energy by aerobic respiration.
2) But anaerobic respiration can sometimes take place in our muscles.
3) During vigorous exercise oxygen gets used up faster in the muscle cells that can be supplied by the blood.
4) When anaerobic respiration takes place in human muscles, glucose is converted into lactic acid with the release of a small amount of energy.
5) The anaerobic respiration by muscles bring about partial breakdown of glucose to form lactic acid.
6) The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles causes muscular pains or cramps.
3. Imagine what will happen if waste materials are not sent out of our body from time to time.
1) If waste materials are not sent out of the body from time to time they get accumulated in the body.
2) The accumulation of toxic wastes in the body harms an organism.
3) For an organism to lead a normal life, the toxic wastes being produced in its body must be removed from time to time.
4) If all the waste released is not sent out, the waste gets stagnated, produce toxins and poisons which pollute the body. They lead to death of the organism.
4. Write the symptoms of ‘Marasmus’.
This is due to deficiency of both proteins and calories. Generally this disease occurs when there is an immediate second pregnancy or repeated child births. Lean and weak, swelling limbs, less developed muscles, dry skin,diarrhoea, etc., are the symptoms of this disease.
5.What is a “perfect pesticide” ?
The perfect pesticide is one which destroys a particular pest and is completely harmless to every other form of life.
No such pesticide exists or likely to.
6. What is a food web ?
Food web is the elaborate interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem. Many of the food chains in an ecosystem are crosslinked to form food web.
Group – A
7. How are alveoli designed to maximize the exchange of gases ?
The human lungs have been designed to maximise the exchange of gases as follows.
1) There are millions of alveoli in the lungs.
2) The presence of millions of alveoli in the lungs provide a very large area for the exchange of gases.
3) Availability of large surface area maximises the exchange of gases.
8. Write the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.
9. What is your inference about experiments with aphids ?
1) Aphids feed on the plant juices of young stems.
2) Aphid uses its long needle like organ “proboscis” to extract plabt juices from phloem tissue.
3) The juices extracted by aphid contains sugars and amino acids.
4) Aphids absorb so much sugar from the phloem but cannot assimilate all of it and passes out of the body as a sticky syrup called honey dew.
10. How plants manage the waste materials ?
1) Plants can get rid of excess water by a process like transpiration and guttation.
2) Waste products may be stored in leaves, bark and fruits.
3) When these dead leaves, bark and ripe fruits fall off from the tree then waste products in them are get rid of.
4) Some of the plants waste gets stored in the fruits in the form of solid bodies called Raphides. g: Yam.
5) Several plants prepare chemicals and store them in roots, leaves, seeds, etc., for protection against herbivores.
Group -B
11. Give an example to show how hormones can influence visible changes in your body
1) Endocrine glands secrete chemical substances called Hormones directly into blood.
2) Hormones act on the cells of other organs and increase or decrease the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
3) The external features by which the males and females can be distinguished are called secondary sexual characters are responsible by the influence of hormones.
4) For example if a dog is after us, some changes we will observe on our body. When we are afraid, the rate of heart beat increases, the breath rate will be faster, blood pressure increases, the hair on the body becomes erect and we get goose bumps.
All these changes are by the release of adrenalin secreted by adrenal gland to bring back our body into normal.
12. What is meant by external fertilization ? Give examples.
1) If the fusion of sperms and ova occurs outside the body of the animal, it is called external fertilisation.
2) External fertilisation is seen in fish, frog and earthworm.
13. Why should we conserve fossil fuels ?
1) Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources.
2) If once they are used up, they never replanish again or take several thousands of years to replanish.
3) They become integral part of our life, that we cannot live without these.
4) So, we need to conserve fossil fuels so that we don’t run out of them.
14.What happens if we remove predators from food web ?
1) If all the predators (Carnivores) are removed from the earth, the population of herbivores will increase.
2) Large population of herbivores will over graze.
3) As a result all plants will disappear from the earth’s surface and ultimately the earth may become a desert.
4)The biosphere will get disturbed which will lead to the end of life on earth.
Group – A
15.a) What is the aim of the above experiment ?
To prove that oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis.
b) State the reason for decrease in water level in the inverted test tube.
Gas bubbles come from the cut ends of Hydrilla plants. These gas bubbles collected at the testtube displacing water into the beaker. Hence, water level decreases in the test tube.
c)If we place the whole apparatus in darkness, what would be the result of this experiment ?
Photosynthesis does not take place and so there is no scope for release of oxygen. The aim of the experiment won’t be fulfilled.
d) What apparatus do you require to conduct this experiment ?
Hydrilla plant, beaker, test tube, funnel, water, glowing splinter or incense stick.
16. How does gaseoiis exchange takes place at blood level ?
1) Within the alveoli, exchange of gases takes place between the gases inside the alveoli and blood.
2) Blood arriving in the alveoli has a higher C0
concentration which is produced during respiration by the body’s cells.
3) At the same time air in the alveoli has a much lower concentration of C.0
and this allows the diffusion of CO, out of the blood and to alveolar air.
4) Similarly blood arriving in the alveoli has a lower oxygen concentration while air in the alveoli has a higher oxygen concentration.
5) Therefore oxygen moves into the blood by diffusion.
17. a) Differences between Excretion – Secretion :
b) Differences between Propulsion – Retropulsion :
18. a) What happens if we add 2 drops of Iodine to the prepared starch solution ?
The starch solution turns to deep blue colour.
b) What change do you find in the sample in which water is added ?
There would be no change in the colour of the starch solution present in the test tube to which water is added.
c) Name the enzyme that is responsible for the change in the second test tube.
Ptyaline (or) Salivary Amylase.
Group – B
19. In what way Mendel used the word ‘Traits” ? Explain with an example.
1) Trait is a separate variant of an organism.
2) Mendel hypothesized that characters were carried as traits.
3) An organism always carried a pair of factors for a character.
4) He also hypothesized that distinguishing traits of the same character were present in the population of an organism.
5) He assumed that the traits shown by the pea plants must be in the seeds that produce them.
6) The seeds must have obtained these traits from the parent plants.
7) The factors which are responsible for character or trait of an organism, are now named as “genes”.
8) By all these we can assume that Mendel used the word ‘traits’ for indicating the variant of an organism expressed by a pair of factors or genes.
9) For example height is a character of pea plant while the tallness is a trait expressed by a pair of factors either TT or Tt and dwarfness is another trait expressed by a pair of factors tt.
20. Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of water.
1) Wastage of water should be strictly minimised.
2) Washing hands in the plant pots.
3) Rain water should be directed into recharge pits.
4) Care should be taken to prevent leakage of water from pipes and taps.
5) Wash clothes in running water canals if possible.
6) Direct the kitchen water free from soap and detergents to the garden.
7) Use the soap and detergent water for toilet flush or cleaning vehicles.
8) Recycling of water can be done on large scale in towns and cities and can be utilised again.
9) Cooperation between the states through which a river passing is very essential for providing water for all.
10) People should be motivated in such a way that each drop of water is life and should conserve it.
21. Draw a pyramid of number considering yourself as top level consumer.
1) If we consider a food chain in which man feed on fish which feed on animal plankton and the animal plankton in turn feed on plant plankton, the pyramid of number is like the figure given here.
2) In the plant planktons are more in number which are producers, hence at the base forming first tropic level.
3) Animal planktons are primary consumers which feed on plant planktons and are comparatively less in number. Arranged above the plant planktons as second tropic level.
4) Fishes are secondary consumers feed on animal planktons, less in number than animal planktons. This forms third tropic level over the animal planktons.
5) Man being top level consumer (tertiary) feeds on fish, less in number than fishes, so man forms fourth tropic level at the top of the pyramid.
22. How can you justify the enteric nervous system as the second brain of the gut ?
1) Enteric nervous system, the second brain consists of sheaths of neurons embedded in the walls of the long tube of our gut, or alimentary canal.
2) The second brain measures about nine meters end to end from the oesophagus to the anus.
3)The second brain contains some 100 million neurons, more than in either the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system.
4) This multitude of neurons in the enteric nervous system enables us to “feel” the inner world of our gut and its contents.
5) Enteric nervous system contains mass of neural tissue filled with important neurotransmitters.
6) This reveals that it does much more than merely handle digestion or inflict the occasional nervous pang of hunger.
7) Enteric nervous system stimulates and coordinates the breaking down of food, absorbing nutrients and expelling of waste.
8) Thus equipped with its own reflexes and senses, the second brain can control several gut functions often independently of the brain.
9) Several scientists also believe that the enteric nervous system is a way too complicated to have evolved only to make sure things move through and out of our gut smoothly.
10) Hence we can justify that the enteric nervous system as the second brain of the gut.
23. Draw a neat diagram showing fertilization in plants.
24. Draw a neat and labelled diagram showing the internal structure of kidney.
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