AEEE Exam Pattern – The AEEE is conducted for admission to various B.Tech courses in Amrita Schools of Engineering (ASE) at Amritapuri, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Chennai campuses. Amrita Entrance Examination – Engineering 2020 is conducted in two modes. Computer Based Test (CBT), on 5 days with 3 slots on each day. Pen & Paper Test (PPT), conducted only in Tamil Nadu, one slot on one day. So the candidates who are planning to appear for AEEE must be aware of AEEE Exam Pattern & Syllabus . Candidates need to know about the different subjects in the exam, the type of questions asked, the marking scheme, etc. so that they can start the preparation plan accordingly. So in order to know all these facts, candidates must know AEEE 2020 Exam Pattern.
AEEE Marking Scheme
will help candidates to understand the question paper pattern and section-wise distribution of marks and further help aspirants to face the actual exam without any trouble. So in this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information regarding AEEE Exam Pattern that is the number of sections, exam pattern, mode of the exam, medium of the exam, etc. Read on to find out everything about
AEEE Exam Pattern.
AEEE Exam Pattern – Overview
- Name of the Exam/AEEE Full form : Amrita Entrance Examination – Engineering.
- Commonly known as – AEEE
- Exam Category – Pre-UG
- Conducting body : Amrita School of Engineering (ASE)
- Exam Mode : Computer Based Test (CBT) – Online CBT 3 Slots 5 days and Pen Paper Based Test conducted only in Tamil Nadu, one slot on one day.
- Mode of Registration : Online
- Exam Type : National Level
- Courses offered : Engineering (B.Tech)
- AEEE Official Website :
Aspirants who are taking the exam must be aware of AEEE Exam Pattern in order to secure good marks. Knowing the AEEE 2020 Marking Scheme holds comprehensive importance particularly when it comes to improving proper test-taking strategy. The detailed AEEE Exam Pattern is listed below :
- Section 1 : Physics 30 questions with a total weightage of 30 marks
- Section 2 : Chemistry 30 questions with a total weightage of 30 marks
- Section 3 : Mathematics 40 questions with a total weightage of 40 marks
- Total weightage 300 marks for 100 Questions.
Highlights of AEEE 2020 Marking Scheme
- For every correct answer, 3 Marks will be awarded.
- For every incorrect answer, 1 mark will be deducted.
- No response : No marks will be awarded or deducted.
- There will be a total of 3 sections for Engineering (Physics, Chemistry, and Maths)
- Duration of Exam: 150 Minutes or 2 Hours 30 Minutes
- The total marks of the AEEE (300 Marks/100 Questions)
- All the questions will be of objective type or multiple-choice questions .
- The medium of the exam will be English Only.
- The exam will be held in both online mode and Pen Paper Based Offline Mode .
AEEE Maths Syllabus
- Sets, Relations & Functions
- Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equation
- Matrices & Determinants
- Permutation & Combination
- Mathematical Induction
- Binomial Theorem
- Sequencers & Series
- Limit, Continuity & Differentiability
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Coordinate Geometry
- Three Dimensional Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Statistics & Probability
- Trigonometry
- Mathematical Reasoning
AEEE Physics Syllabus
- Physics & Measurement
- Kinematics
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy & Power
- Rotational Motion
- Gravitation
- Properties 0f Solids and Liquids
- Thermodynamics
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Oscillations & Waves
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Optics
- Dual Nature of Nature and Radiation
- Atoms and Nuclei
- Electronic Devices
- Communication System
AEEE Chemistry Syllabus
- Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- States of Matter
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Solution
- Equilibrium
- Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Surface Chemistry
- Classifications of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
- General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals
- Hydrogen
- Block Elements
- Block Elements (Other Groups)
- D- and -f Block Elements
- Coordination Compounds
- Environmental Chemistry
- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
- Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
- Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen
- Organic Compounds Containing Halogens
- Hydrocarbons
- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry in Everyday Life
- Principles Related to Practical Chemistry
AEEE 2020 | Dates |
Online Registration begins | 09 Oct 2019 |
Online Registration ends | Last week of Mar 2020 |
Issue of Admit Card | 2nd week of Apr 2020 |
Exam Date (Computer Based) | 3rd week of Apr 2020 |
Exam Date (Paper Based) | Last week of Apr 2020 |
Result | 1st week of May 2020 |
- Established: 13 January 2003
- Motto : The earnest aspirant gains supreme wisdom
- Institute Type : Private
- Number of Campuses : 5 (Amritapuri, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Kochi, and Mysuru)
- Number of Schools: 14 in disciplines like medicine, biotechnology, engineering, business, arts & sciences, Ayurveda, social work, communication
- Chancellor: Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
- Vice-Chancellor : Venkat Ranga.
- Total Land Area : 900 acres
- Total Built-Up Space: 8 million square feet (Largest among Private Universities in India)
- Total No. of Students : 18000
- Number of Faculty: 1750
- Number of Non-Teaching Staff – 2500
- Number of Faculty Members with Ph.D./DM – 600 (The largest number among private universities)
- Faculty-Student Ratio – 1 : 8 (Greater than prescribed national norms)
- The number of Programs Offered : 195+
- Number of Centres of Excellence: 20 (2 TIFAC Centres in Biotechnology & Cyber Security)
- Research Output by Faculty: 200 books and 3500 publications in reputed international and national journals
- Research Funding: 250 Crores.
ASE Highlights:
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi:
- 1450 bed Super-Speciality hospital with 25 operating theatres, 210 intensive care beds, 60 departments and specialities, digitized radiology department, reference diagnostic clinical laboratory including advanced molecular biology and cytogenetics labs, state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging centre
- Annual patient turnover exceeds 450,000 outpatients and nearly 40,000 inpatients
- Fully computerized and networked Hospital Information System which is being used by Government of Maharashtra for all government hospitals and medical colleges
- Telemedicine services to various remote locations in India and Africa
Indo-US Collaborations:
- Extensive tie-ups with over 20 US universities for research, centres of excellence, crosscontinental projects, distinguished lectures, collaborative programmes, faculty, student and research scholar exchange, internships etc
- Some of the US Universities involved are among the best in the world like Berkeley, Maryland, Princeton, Purdue, Harvard etc
- Over 500 distinguished lectures telecast through EDUSAT to 40 Indian Universities
- Twinning programme with State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo
Indo-European Collaborations:
- Erasmus Mundus exchange programme for Faculty, Research Scholar & Student exchange.100 faculty, researchers and students deputed to various universities in England, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Bulgaria etc.
- Developed India’s first wireless sensor shield for landslide and natural disaster detection as part of EU collaboration
- Twinning programmes with various universities like Vrije University, Amsterdam
- Session I: 9 AM to 11:30 AM
- Session II: 12:30 PM to 3 PM
- Session III: 4 PM to 6:30 PM
Use of Calculator and Communication Aids
Now that you are provided all the necessary information regarding the AEEE exam pattern. Apart from knowing exam pattern, candidates are advised to check the AEEE syllabus completely. JEE Main qualified candidates can also apply for the admission. In such case, candidates will be exempted from appearing in AEEE 2020 examination and can get admission through valid JEE Main score.